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An annoucement from IDC

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The previous IDC merged into Capax Legio, and thus, by reforming IDC, your treaties would have been nullified, so what you have pretty much done, is bandwagoning on an alliance you have literally no ties to.

technically, it was a reform, not a merger, as there were no other alliances involved.

also, hai franz :blush:

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Matthew Conrad...why do you care so much about this thread? Are you worried about Sparta being rolled by IDC? They didn't even declare against you.

Just let it go man.

It's the principle of the matter. I'm sorry that people are angry that I didn't think everything he does now is awesome because of the sideshow and brought up a matter of concern for me. I don't speak for my alliance in any way so don't take this as some sort of message from Sparta. Maybe I was getting a little too aggressive so I'll apologize for that, but my concerns were legitimate any way you look at it.

Anyways, have fun with your alliance.

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The previous IDC merged into Capax Legio, and thus, by reforming IDC, your treaties would have been nullified, so what you have pretty much done, is bandwagoning on an alliance you have literally no ties to.

CP4 hit the nail on the head.

It's the principle of the matter. I'm sorry that people are angry that I didn't think everything he does now is awesome because of the sideshow and brought up a matter of concern for me. I don't speak for my alliance in any way so don't take this as some sort of message from Sparta. Maybe I was getting a little too aggressive so I'll apologize for that, but my concerns were legitimate any way you look at it.

Anyways, have fun with your alliance.

No grudges here; and thank you.

Well I lol'd

I look forward to part 2 when the surrenders start coming in

:blink: I have to make a part 2? <_<

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