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Stealing Members


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Simply put, find your own members without poaching. Poachers will be shot.

How is it poaching if each round starts with a fresh slate? This means no one is in an AA for a few hours and they are free to go where ever they may go when the time comes.

On a side note. TE rules and not the same as SE rules. Please do not get the games rules intertwined.

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So .... what your sayin is I'm not the only one who's nation is strong?

I actually think we're gonna have a BW member join the IDIOT's next round. The message moved him.

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How is it poaching if each round starts with a fresh slate? This means no one is in an AA for a few hours and they are free to go where ever they may go when the time comes.

On a side note. TE rules and not the same as SE rules. Please do not get the games rules intertwined.

So recruit them during those hours. Once you've chosen a side its tactless to go and say "switch to me, I offer pudding" no matter what CN version you are playing.

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I was not aware that this happened, and Jim even though you are a good friend of mine this is very disappointing to me that you would

try to take members of mine.

I would have to agree this is not a good start for IDIOT and the fact that you are starting round five while still in round 4 and going about it the wrong way makes it very difficult for the AA's you have recruited from to not carry this to round 5.

None the less GL in round 5!


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I'm actually surprised that people are taking this as a serious offence... pathetic.

TE is a game to be played, play it the way you want to; no way is wrong.

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Everyone in this thread who has moaned about poaching members or whatever, please go away and don't play TE. This is what the game is about - if you don't like it then attack them.. :/

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So does IDIOT get the opportunity of a clean slate at the beginning of the round like everyone else? I think people are taking TE a bit too serious. I had fun this round but I'm not bringing grudges into Round 5.

We would have been happy not begrudge IDIOT for Round #5, but you nullified that option by your attempts to poach for Round #5 in Round #4! You can't have all the cake and eat it too! You're asking for all the perks, no repercussions and no retribution....Sorry!

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Indeed. And while we are at it, stop trying to recruit TF members please before I start to take it personally. The fact that they are reporting it to me should be indicative enough that it will bare no fruit.

Edited by NeoGandalf
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When we War a nation and they offer an outstanding fight, we sometimes proffer an invite. We damn sure don't spam invites, though.

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Everyone in this thread who has moaned about poaching members or whatever, please go away and don't play TE. This is what the game is about - if you don't like it then attack them.. :/

I also think TE should be held to a looser standard than SE. You are right, TE should be more about having fun and less about rules. That being said I have backed off in regards to sending out messages to allied nations.

Indeed. And while we are at it, stop trying to recruit TF members please before I start to take it personally. The fact that they are reporting it to me should be indicative enough that it will bare no fruit.

I only sent out one batch of messages. If they are just now reporting it to you they are just late reading their mail. All future recruitment messages from IDIOT will not be sent to members of sanctioned alliances.

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So recruit them during those hours. Once you've chosen a side its tactless to go and say "switch to me, I offer pudding" no matter what CN version you are playing.

Wait....he was offering pudding?

I'm in!!

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I also think TE should be held to a looser standard than SE. You are right, TE should be more about having fun and less about rules. That being said I have backed off in regards to sending out messages to allied nations.

I only sent out one batch of messages. If they are just now reporting it to you they are just late reading their mail. All future recruitment messages from IDIOT will not be sent to members of sanctioned alliances.

Poor show.

Every nation you recruit, is a nation saved. If you do not recruit, nations will continue to fall into eternal darkness. You sir, are the one chance we all have to survive and prosper, do not leave us to die alone.

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