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Order Restored


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With the annexation of what was known as Naboo, before falling to anarchy, the Fascist Republic of Carthage is now working tirelessly to put in place a strong central government. The Nabooin coast has been added to Fascist Carthaginian claims while the rest of Carethage controlled Naboo will remain occupied while the people of the region, rather than being forced to Fascism, are asked to vote on a govenrment type, while it is reported that Carthaginian Fascism is gaining popularity as the people search to find a new national identity. Television has been slightly restored to the region sharing the same programs as Fascist Carthage. Aid and supplies are dropped in towns, villages, and cities in former Naboo to replenish the starved population who squandered most of their goods during rapid looting and burning of Nabooin stores. While the Carthaginian military acts largely as a policing force aside from combating armed anarchists. Polling stations are being set up, while simple voting will begin soon. President Cutlass stated, "We are a nation of strong order, and as an enemy of order, anarchy must be eliminated and replaced by a stable, orderly system. Such a system must be created by the governed people under it, just as ours was created by no others but us."


Aid supplies being carried from southern Fascist Carthage to occupied Naboo.

Edited by Cabal
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Prince Acahuana Chavez, God of Building and Creation and Crown Prince of the New Inca Empire, names himself an ally of the Fascist Republic of Carthage and a candidate for the leadership of former Naboo.

OOC: Something I've noticed, Cabal, your nation is nowhere near Carthage. :P

OOC: Whats your point? :P

IC: Prince Acahuana Chavez, as a friend of Fascist Carthage, will be placed on the ballot. The first people line the streets of larger towns to begin voting. One man said, "I'm writing in Cutlass, he is a strong leader who saved first, his own country and now ours from anarchy." Another man replied ,"No, Cutlass has helped us a great deal but now he must step back as we choose one of our own." A woman turned to the reporter and told him, "Prince Acahuana is ready to guide our people, and he seems more capable than any of the regional leaders here to lead us." An oldman agreed with the womans statement. Now the elections begin, in much of the country, while the rest of the voting stations are being set up in the rest of the region.


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As proof of his right to rule, the price has his entire wealth transferred from banks in the New Inca Empire to local banks. With some of these funds, he forms the Central African Bank and sets up work camps where propaganda of pro-Carthaginian slant and supporting of Prince Acahuana's claim to divinity are spread and where free food and board are offered in return for work. The prince also takes advantage of his status as Crown Prince to bypass trade and military laws, made easier by his father's sizer of absolute power, and has 6 cargo ships fully loaded up with military hardware and sent to Naboo. Once delivered, the ships' cargo will be used to create the Provisional Army of Naboo.

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We would rather see a regional leader than a leader from another continent. Find an African suitable for the job.

Modern Africa, especially, North and Northwest Africa, is a much more diverse place than it once was. The people have been given the right to choose whomever they wish, African or not.

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A diverse place? You just "annexed" it. This also isnt an area that would be "open." Naboo was a vewry secure place.

OOC: Not trying to ruin it, just trying to make sense of it.

Naboo under anarchy a secure place? We believe our eastern African neighbors are mistaken. It is a diverse place in regards to culture, language, even race.

It been 48 hours since we entered Naboo, remember that there is no standing military, but armed and uncoordinated anarchists.

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Glorious Aotearoan reiterates its statement. You shall stop this pretense of "elections" and remove your military, and renounce any claim to this land.

Or else.

New England echoes the words of Glorious Aotearoa. We urge Carthage to withdraw its forces from Naboo as soon as possible, before it's too late.

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The Federation will support any Glorious Aotearoan action taken against the invading Carthaginian troops in Naboo.

OOC: Seriously, you should get out before Shan sees this.

Edited by Arkantos
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Naboo has fallen to anarchy and we beleive it is within everyone interest if we restore order.

Hm, really?

The Federation will support any Glorious Aotearoan action taken against the invading Carthaginian troops in Naboo.

OOC: Seriously, you should get out before Shan sees this.

OOC: Hurry, someone tell Shan about this. :awesome:

Kidding. :P

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Infringing upon the sovereignty of another nation (which Carthage has done in this case) is in no way a smart or wise move and will not be tolerated by other nations. We echo the statements made by Glorious Aotearoa and the New England Republic for the withdrawal of Carthaginian forces within Naboo.

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The Federation will support any Glorious Aotearoan action taken against the invading Carthaginian troops in Naboo.

OOC: Seriously, you should get out before Shan sees this.

OOC: Cough

I've been hearing that my island has been up for deletion for activity.

I've been really busy lately with rl and sickness but was planning on starting back up today or yesterday. Unfortunately !@#$ happens and wont have time to do so for at best the next week or two.

If you want to delete me that's fine. My african land can become white or go to iamthey if he still plays.

I believe the rock of gibralter is now owned by hawk11 solely.

As for my island, I built it with the ability to submerge and go isolationist. So basically I'm atlantis. If I manage to find time again, it'll resurface.

Thanks and sorry.

It's been a blast.

He has essentially quit, so something tells me he wouldn't mind

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Naboo has fallen to anarchy and we beleive it is within everyone interest if we restore order.

Glorious Aotearoa will not let you attack the great nation of Naboo. You have one final statement left. If it is not a renouncement of claims to the area, along with orders to withdraw, Glorious Aotearoa will be forced to enact a state of war on your ***.

Any other interference (that includes GA) is not needed.

As possibly the longest, closest and strongest ally of Naboo, the state of IW would not let this happen. The nation my have changed, but I, LeVentNoir still rule, and friendship means more than words on paper. We will remove this scum, and do not see why we should not. The land will be handed back to Naboo at the conclusion of the purge.


Preparation for movement of a ten division task force have begun. Naval action is likely to be limited, so only one carrier and her fleet are being primed. These ships along with transports are being moved to a position south of Australia, with CAP, AWACS and ASW planes overhead.

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Naboo no longer has any ruling over the land. Unless you intend to claim it for yourself - then you will be violating African lands - you should not be doing anything. Naboo voluntarily gave up the land - why would you, his friend, force it back onto him against his will?

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We believe Carthage has not violated the rights of any nation since Naboo has in fact fallen to anarchy.

Naboo has not fallen into anarchy. They voluntarily gave up the land for reasons their own - and it will stay given up. They did not give it to anyone, they did not make it conquerable, they wanted it left alone.

OOC: LVN, shan left his African land open. i'm going with the 'he voluntarily gave it up' and so i'm protecting it. Naboo still exists as their island.

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Seeing as the nation of Naboo has ceased to exist on the world stage, it's island sinking into isolation and no longer interested in controling their lands, we see no reason for GA to interfere in the restoration of order in a troubled area. We hereby call on them to cease their unwarrented aggresive actions.

OOC: Shan made known what he wanted done with the land. unless iamthey has anything to say about it, I dont see any reason this cant continue.

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