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The Kingdom of Cochin Chronicles

king of cochin

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Col. Vishwanathan is having the time of his life. His dream was only weeks away from fruition. He was now once again going through simulations of his flight mission. All aspects of the mission are now by heart for this aviator. After extensive physical, psychological and neurological tests he was finally certified fit for the mission.

Now was the long wait until the mission started.

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RCDF Training Command Press Release

Training Command announces that 5 of the now decommissioned Mig29 regiments would be modified to be drones for training purposes. These 250 Mig29s would be mated with a special Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Customization Suite so that it can operate as a UAV. It shall be controlled much in the way of a UCAV-F, from ground controllers. This is done to properly simulate aerial combat for training RCAF combat fighter pilots.

The Mig29 drones would have all its flight, telemetry, avionics, weapon systems, electronic warfare systems controlled remotely. It would most probably carry only its gun rounds enabling it to be of optimum use in Air Combat Maneuver scenarios.

It has been stated by Training Command that these customized Mig29s cannot be used for Aerial Warfare purposes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

RCDF Press Briefing

Royal Cochin Navy and the Quarter Master Command announces the successful commissioning of the Jadayu Mk.2 Naval Variant. The JM2N is designed with greater thrust to weight ratio for assisted take off in a STOL mode. The JM2s have already been inducted into the Royal Cochin Air Force, however the Royal Cochin Navy had waited for more extensive testing in naval environment. Prototype JM2Ns had been deployed with active duty Carriers for extended testing in high seas. RCN had successfully tested JM2Ns in places like, Bosaso, Gangothri, South Atlantic Ocean region etc.

The Quarter Master Command has started serial production of the JM2N and the first regiment would be commissioned in 6 months. They would replace the existing regiments of Mig29Ks in RCN Carriers. The Mig29Ks would themselves be used as training platforms in the future. The JM2N production is to be undertaken on a critic priority basis so that after the initial delivery of 50 JM2Ns the complete complement of 300 fighters would be delivered within 18 months.

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RCN Press Briefing

Royal Cochin Navy announced today the existence of underwater minefields to protect the principal naval bases of the Kingdom of Cochin. Mine fields have been laid out at Ratnagiri, Gosree, Bosaso and Gangothri. Royal Cochin Navy confirmed that the mine fields have all been laid within the Cochin EEZ of 50 NM as applied to Bosaso and 300 NM as applied to the other naval bases. Royal Cochin Navy has announced that if any ship wishes to enter into this protective bubble they must secure prior permission from Royal Cochin Navy upon which escort ships or pilot boats would be dispatched to escort the respective ships past the mine fields.

The location and nature of the mine field would of course not be specified, but the Royal Cochin Navy advices international merchant marine and naval fleets to observe a bubble of the said radius centered on the base in question. The Bubble would have a radius of 50NM for Bosaso and 300 NM for Ratnagiri, Gosree and Baloch.

The Kingdom of Cochin would accept no responsibility for any accidents or incidents that may occur with voluntary or involuntary trespass of these EEZ limits.

The Mines deployed are the MNS Anti-Ship Mines which are non metallic in character.

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A note from E.ON to Cochin;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The construction of the fusion power plants and the necessary DT-plants begun a few weeks ago, as you know. Currently, the DT-plants are at roughly 16% completion, with the parts that need to be assembled in Austria being at 63% completion already. Once all are done and transferred to the plant locations, construction will reach 60 % or more.

The fusion plants are at 4% completion each, with necessary components being assembled right now and at approximately 7% completion.

That is all for the time being.


E.ON management

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Cochin to E.ON

The Kingdom of Cochin acknowledges the progress report. Would E.On require assistance in shipping the materials from Austria to Cochin? We could lend some of our mercantile fleet for that purpose.

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Cochin to E.ON

The Kingdom of Cochin acknowledges the progress report. Would E.On require assistance in shipping the materials from Austria to Cochin? We could lend some of our mercantile fleet for that purpose.

Note from E.ON to Cochin;

That would be appreciated. We do have container ships to bring the materials to Cochin, but it would simply go faster if you aid in this, once the parts need to be shipped. Right now, this is not the case, but we will notify you when it is necessary.

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Ministry of Interior Press Briefing

The Ministry of Interior announced the successful completion of the Nuclear Relief Bunkers for all Municipalities of the Kingdom of Cochin. Adequate shelters have been made for all current and future predicted citizens of the Kingdom and two Municipality wide emergency drills each have been conducted successfully with the full cooperation of the Royal Cochin Police Forces and the respective Strategic Command units. Those municipalities where participation has not been optimum would be subjected to additional drills and information campaign by the Ministry of Interior.

The objective is to create a total awareness of what to do in case of a crisis in all citizens of the Kingdom so that panic and anarchy can be avoided.

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RCDF Press Briefing

The Royal Cochin Navy and Gosree Aeronautics Limited announces the existence of a research to develop a Vertical Short Take Off and Landing aircraft based on the JM2 configuration. GAL announced the progress in developing the VSTOL engine for this JM3 fighter bomber which would most likely be deployed with the Marine Divisions. Currently there is a requirement for 60 such V/STOL aircrafts in the Royal Cochin Navy. The project is expected to be completed within 2 years.

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xx Classified / Secret xx


Gen. Mahesh Varma ( Commander, RCDF) - C

Lt. Gen. Shankar Iyer ( Chief of Army Staff) - A

Vice Adm. KP Marakkar ( Chief of Naval Staff) - N

AVM Praveen Kumar ( Chief of Flight Staff) - F

Lt. Gen. Pankaj Seth ( Border Guards) - B

Maj. Gen. Sandeep Zachariah ( Quarter Master Command) - Q

Maj. Gen. Gokul Varma ( RCSF) - Z

Maj. Gen. Vijay Kerala Varma ( Strategic Command) - S

Lt. Gen. Mahesh B Iyer ( NIA) - I

C: Gentlemen, as you may have noted Progressive Directorate of China has gone into the communist side and would soon be allied to our regional threats, the People's Republic of China and Furon. This is a potentially distressing situation. We have to shore up our defenses in our borders with both PRC and PDC.

B: I would suggest that we do not increase any regular army deployments in these borders, but certainly my Border Guards Brigades could be beefed up. We could also start setting up a passive defense network of Hedgehogs and Caltrops over the whole border terrain to deter a land assault.

Q: We shall immediately send the necessary supplies to your units, General Seth.

C: We should also prepare an immediate priority Special National Intelligence Estimate for all three nations, PRC, PDC and Furon. Lt. Gen. Iyer, I suppose your agency have sufficient information about the PDC aka Southern Tang forces?

I: Yes Sir, while they were encamped here during Brasstacks we have monitored them quite thoroughly while also keeping a check on whatever they have noted regarding our forces.

F: The Royal Cochin Air Force has certainly changed its doctrines regarding certain aspects of combat so tactical surprise could still be retained in some sectors.

C: I also want increased satellite monitoring of the enemy deployments and strategic units. With special attention towards Furon naval bases and air bases. Maj. Gen. Vijay, I want more electronic intelligence satellite coverage over Furon.

S: Yes Sir. We shall launch it from the next Pushpak launch.

N: Sir, our deployments in Makanrushi may not be sufficient to deter a full on naval attack if Imperial Union were also to join in the war.

C: You will have to manage with what you have as the priority mandate for Royal Cochin Navy is the defense of home territories and any such war in East Asia would be a welcome opportunity for our other enemies to attack our territories in Africa and Asia.

N: In that case I want the carrier in Makanrushi to have the JM2N as soon as possible.

C: Maj. Gen. Zachariah, JM2N production shall be accelerated to war footing. RCN must be provided those assets.

Q: Yes Sir.

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Palace Press Briefing

The Kingdom of Cochin announces the release of the latest set of territorial maps depicting all present territories of the Kingdom of Cochin including the Ratnagiri lease.

The territorial maps can be viewed here.

Ministry of Interior shall soon release the updated provincial maps.

Edited by king of cochin
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CSRO Press Briefing

Cochin Space Research Organization announces the 5th successful Pushpak space shuttle flight. The 5th launch which happened yesterday saw the Pushpak flying till Geo synchronous orbit to launch a satellite for the Strategic Command. CSRO announced that the work in development for a Cochin Space Station is proceeding at satisfactory pace. The second Pushpak space shuttle, PS-2 is to be launched for the sixth Pushpak flight.

CSRO also announces that the Tesla project is also nearing completion with the successful orbital launch of the 10th TSF satellite. The Tesla TSF constellation would consist of 20 TSF 6GW solar power satellites. Once completed the Tesla Project would contribute a total power of 184 GW to Cochin Power Grid.

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Another note from E.ON to Cochin;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The construction of the fusion power plants and the necessary DT-plants is going quite well. Currently, the DT-plants are at roughly 25% completion, with the parts that need to be assembled in Austria being at 87% completion. We would ask that Varuna Mercantile Limited sends six ships, three of which will be utilized immediately after arrival, while the other three will need to anchor for four to seven days until the other parts are finished and ready for transport.

The fusion plants are at 9% completion each, with necessary components being assembled right now and at approximately 19% completion. Once 50% are completed, we would request four ships to aid our merchant fleet in the transport of the components.

That is all for the time being.


E.ON management

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CSRO Press Briefing

CSRO announces the successful first flight of PS-2 Pushpak Space Shuttle which flew to Geosynchronous orbit to launch the 11th and 12th TSF Tesla SPS satellites. The PS-2 shall also dock with the FGB of Project Trisanku to test the docking protocol on its return flight to earth.

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CSRO Press Briefing

Cochin Space Research Organization announces that it shall attempt a manned mission to moon in the very near future. The flight shall be aboard the PS-2 Space Shuttle launched by a YAMA-2 Heavy Lift Carrier Rocket. This mission shall involve orbiting of moon to conduct various researches and launching of a retrievable module to the surface of the moon which would transport three crew members of the flight.

This would be Cochin's fourth visit to the moon after the earlier successful launches of the Lunar Probe, Lunar Orbiter and the Lunar Rover

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The Royal Cochin Defense Forces announces its program to upgrade all existing T150s with the new Thunder cannon system. The Thunder has been developed by Quarter Master Command's Research and Testing Directorate and uses Electrothermal chemical technology for its 135mm Main gun. The Thunder uses a Flashboard large area emitter technology for plasma initiation. The Thunder system has a consistent power of 11 MJ of kinetic energy at the time of propulsion of war head and has been found to have better range and firepower than the current 135mm Main Guns.

The refitting of the current forces would entail the complete replacement of turrets. Refitting of one tank would take 12 hours of work and these would be carried out the QMC facility in Urumqi. Currently refitting is being done to the T150s currently part of the National Defense Reserves and equipments would be released on a per regiment basis. Army units currently not deployed on PRC front would be issued the new equipment first, Armored Cavalry Regiments before Shock Army Divisions and Mechanized Divisions. It is expected that all the fighting units of Royal Cochin Army would be issued with the Thunder cannon systems within six months. Quarter Master Command is already developing Thunder systems for possible refitting of the Sea Dragon MBTs in service with the Marine Divisions. It is also expected that the entire inventory of 155mm Field Guns and Self Propelled Guns would also be configured with Thunder ECT Cannon Systems within one year.

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Yet another note from E.ON to Cochin;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The construction of the plants has been halted due to the recent war in Europe.

It will continue as soon as the war ends. Do note that one of the DT-plants is finished, the other being at roughly 95% of completion. The fusion plants are at 18 and 21%, respectively.


E.ON management

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From Kingdom of Cochin to E.ON

We understand your predicament and sympathize with it. We hope that the war concludes soon enough so that the construction could be resumed. We hope you would convey our regards and well wishes to the Kingdom of Austria. We wish them best of luck in defending their allies and securing peace in Europe.

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From Kingdom of Cochin to E.ON

We understand your predicament and sympathize with it. We hope that the war concludes soon enough so that the construction could be resumed. We hope you would convey our regards and well wishes to the Kingdom of Austria. We wish them best of luck in defending their allies and securing peace in Europe.

Reply from E.ON to Cochin;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Most certainly will we convey your regards to the government (which is the Holy Roman Empire by now, though Austria is part of it, similar to a federal state).

Thank you for your wishes of luck, as well.


E.ON management

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The Royal Cochin Defense Forces announces that the Kingdom of Cochin has successfully tested its first Rail Gun. The technology for this weapon has been developed as a joint effort of Quarter Master Command, MetalStorm Industries and Varma Institute for Fundamental Research. The first field testing of the prototype has given an energy yield of 12MJ for 50MJ of energy supplied, propelling a 4kg Tungsten rod to a velocity of 6100 m/s to strike a target at a range of 450 km at a Circular Error Probability of 5 meters.

The weapon is not weaponised yet but is expected to boost up the offensive capabilities of Royal Cochin Navy and Royal Cochin Army. Weaponised rail guns would be installed in all Cruisers, Destroyers and Frigates of Royal Cochin Navy and artillery versions would be made for induction into Royal Cochin Army.

The Railgun systems are expected to be inducted into RCDF as weaponized platforms in 1 year.

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OOC: I see what you did thar... :psyduck:


*** Classified ***

"Zargathia is interested to hear of Cochin developing a Railgun system. We too have been in the process of developing such weapons independently, though there are some coolant issues preventing weaponization. From a professional point of view, how did you manage to prevent the friction induced heat from deforming the barrels at maximum rate of fire, similar to what would happen in combat scenarios where the weapons cannot be given a few minutes to cool properly?"

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OOC: I see what you did thar... :psyduck:


*** Classified ***

"Zargathia is interested to hear of Cochin developing a Railgun system. We too have been in the process of developing such weapons independently, though there are some coolant issues preventing weaponization. From a professional point of view, how did you manage to prevent the friction induced heat from deforming the barrels at maximum rate of fire, similar to what would happen in combat scenarios where the weapons cannot be given a few minutes to cool properly?"

xxx Classified xxx

We have used Carbon composite superconducting metal rods as the principal power conductors. We have also devised a hydraulic cooling system using super cooled liquid helium which through quantum hydrodynamics have been engineered to act as a heat dispenser for the conducting rods. We have been conducting several researches on super conductivity and cryogenic engineering at our facilities in Antarctica . We are also suspending the tungsten armament in a super conducting gel which is made of graphite particles which through superlubricity immensely reduces the frictional force as exists between the armament and energizing conductors. On firing, negligible particles of the gel would stick on to the rod which has found to have negligible effects on the performance of the system as a whole.

We have not yet conducted a full weaponized test for the design which would be actually used for combat applications but research towards that end is well underway.

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