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Locks in Suggestion Box


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Is there any possibility that someone can start locking threads which are simply bad ideas or are not going to be implemented be locked so that those suggestions which actually have merit can remain, and actually be discussed?

I would say I am one of the more avid suggestion box posters/readers and it saddens me to see how many good suggestions get knocked off the first or even second page by really poor suggestions.

Can someone start locking those poor suggestions to prevent further discussion on them? It would be really appreciated, thanks!

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Firstly, this is a suggestion :P wrong place? (moderation might be the correct place for this).

Also, who is to say what is good and what is bad. I think a quality of the OP's proposal should be appraised, but not the quality of the idea. If someone presents a well-thought-out suggestion it deserves discussion whether or not it is realistic or a "good" idea. If it's a 2liner with no details and it isn't anything that draws enough interest to get details quickly, then lock it. Don't knock on something for being dumb though.

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there is moderator review before posting, "bad" is just an opinion really and they filter what they see as that. What would be better is just locking all the old ones, and allowing 5 or 10 to be active at a time and addressing them before new ones get posted in. I'm not a board manager though

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I've seen several suggestions being approved to discuss which imo either aren't realistic or have already been discussed and declined in the past for good reason. Less of this, as well as what alden said would give a cleaner suggestion box.

I'm close to taking a break from reading the suggestion box because of the clutter. But there's also the issue of very long threads with 90%+ vocal support just lingering there and being pushed down (because of new topics and because there's not much left to say on them). A determination by admin from the mods on whether he'll pursue this would be good, once the thread reached the proper length. Then a close on the thread.

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When the rule change came in that gravedigging was permitted in the suggestion box (providing the gravedig contains content and is not spam) it changed the way we lock topics in there. The idea being that a thread could fall out of favour but then be revived later with an excellent tweak (rather than starting yet another thread on the same topic). As a result threads only get locked when they are firmly rejected.

Also just because a thread has been knocked off the first page does not mean its being ignored. I have said previously if there is a particular suggestion you are following and would like to know its progress feel free to message a suggestion box mod about it (ie myself, Philotheos, Kyle McDavern or Allan a Dale). By the same extension if you see one that is getting a lot of negative responses its not likely to get implemented, so if we haven't spotted it you can pm us again. Appreciate you want it all done instantly, but we can't be there all the time.

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We try to stay on top of things here, but I will be honest, I don't have the time to read each thread in this box and normally try to hit those getting alot of responses, or none at all. If there are pressing issues, I check these boards multiple times a day (when RL isn't interfering) and I echo Evenstars comments above. The mod team will be more than happy to communicate with you and give you the status on this or any issues you have.

Please feel free to PM me anytime (unless your Philo and want to give me work to do) :P

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there is moderator review before posting, "bad" is just an opinion really and they filter what they see as that. What would be better is just locking all the old ones, and allowing 5 or 10 to be active at a time and addressing them before new ones get posted in. I'm not a board manager though

Here's the deal - I've read and posted more in the suggestion box than likely anyone else, save perhaps a few, and there are suggestions that are bad.

There are also suggestions that no matter how good are 100% not likely to be added to the game, regardless of quality, due to difficulty in coding.

The problem as I see it is that the suggestion box gets so cluttered it becomes unuseable from the perspective of anyone trying to actually implement suggestions. This means a lot of suggestions fall through the cracks in my opinion, when they are really easy to do and also painless on the part of admin.

I'd really like to see two subforums in the suggestion box - one called "Pending Admin Review" and the other "Rejected."

When threads are to the point where they simply need admin's opinion on (as in the community has developed the suggestion as much as is realistically possible, agrees on it, and just are awaiting admin's answer) they really need to be put into a separate forum so as to keep them in the realm of consideration. There are many suggestions that really have been overwhelmingly supported that have not been implemented, and one can only bump those threads so often before there simply is nothing else to say. If this is a possibility moderation is willing to consider let me know - I can give you a whole list of threads that should go into this forum. Having a "Pending Admin Review" forum would solve a lot of the clutter issues as well as make life WAY easier for admin to add suggestions - instead of having an entire forum of stuff to wade through there would be a single forum with suggestions that the community & mod team both agree are worth adding.

Also, there are suggestions that are simply cluttering it up that will not be implemented due to historical precedence, poor idea quality, etc. I'd like to see these clearly said "no" to instead of this false hope people have for ideas. Evenstar's locking of the Alliance Cash suggestion is a perfect example - that suggestion was simply a bad suggestion, and should not be discussed until drastically changed; there are a lot of them in the suggestion box that simply have a non-existent feasibility for implementation.

Either of those subforums would be greatly appreciated, as it's really frustrating for players to see so many simple and good suggestions just fall away, doomed to the archive of the suggestion box :(

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