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Aquatic Coalition Front

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The Aquatic Coalition Front


ACF Forums


You will primarily be able to reach us on our forums located above, or on irc.

For those of you familiar we are on #acf at coldfront.

Who Are We?

ACF is an alliance made up of mostly Aqua Nations that happen to share the same interest in growth through Planet Bob within a strong and enjoyable community. We are built around a High Council, which consists of the 3 leading members of ACF, following them involve a Managerial Cabinet and their Officers. All members are expected to show the same respect that they are given on a daily basis, all the while remaining productive members of the alliance. If you are looking for an alliance built for its members, and looking to create an alternate enjoyable atmosphere to CN to give it another flavor, then there is no need to look further. We also highly encourage members to participate in our forums and share some laughs with the other members.

How Do You Join?

All nations are welcome to apply for citizenship within ACF providing they are not on a ZI list or have outstanding debts to other alliances, we also request that you have your wars peaced out upon application. To do so, just visit the link provided and register on the boards, following that the filling out of an application is required.

Upon completing your application will you be requested to attend a few simple classes to get your basics underway, following them you can become a full time member.

What Are We Looking For?

ACF is looking for a variety of people to fill roles within her borders. We understand that not everyone can devote the time to remain active on the forums, and we are ok with that. We are looking for people willing to remain active with their nations, and respond to ingame messages directed there way. This also includes participation in economic deals that are both beneficial for the alliance, and the nations that join us.

Experienced members need not look any further. ACF is an alliance that respects your experience and is willing to help you thrive from it. After performing the few basic application requirements you will have the opportunity to rise the ranks quickly and be capable of enjoying the focus on members capable of providing to ACF rather than simply an all-out mad recruitment spree. We value your experience and we pay it back in turn.

We also have an ever growing community on our forums that would love your participation! So check us out and direct any questions to this guy.


Edited by lonewolfe2015
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