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The New Northern Empire


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Adopting the philosophy of Canada, Rational Communism, a mixture of Communism, Socialism, and Ubersteinism., The philosophies and policies that shape this new government will not be concentrated around one view, but for the betterment of the people, these views will clash so that legislature and laws are more flexible. This setting is not for impoverished and uneducated, but the population of the Northern Empire is 99.9% literate. More than 60% of citizens are in the working class, another 30% are higher class. It is the perfect setting for rational communism to spread.

The Northern Empire will become a socialist government, with a pure democracy. The power of unlimited voting will be put to the people, the workers, where the power belongs. To them, we give them the power to elect any individual to office who holds a rank in society, or has a petition of 1% of the population. All working class, educated citizens can become the leader of the country, so long as the other educated working citizens vote for them. The government will be broken up into three branches: electoral, legislature, and judicial.

Instead of an Emperor who uses his OWN views to shape the country, we have a Chairman, along side a Board of Council who are elected for life by the people. Of course they can be unelected by the people at a given time. They shall monitor the safety and security of the nation by use of the army, navy, marine, and airforce. the legislative branch, represented at the national level by the unicameral People's Great Hural (the national assembly); and the judicial branch, with a Supreme Court presiding over a system of law administered by courts and by an Office of the Procurator of the Republic.

All men are created equal and the wealthy, powerful, or those born into a position should not be the people to lead the country. Elections will have a money cut off and spending money on a campaign will be limited. Everyone should have the same voting power, and all politions should serve the people, not their investors.

The power to command is not limited, and a figurehead is only needed to serve the millions of citizens, this is how the government will serve the people. Let it be known that the people control this government, not the man in charge, for he serves the people.

The Empire shall remain an empire, by decision of the people, not the leader.

The Northern Empire's Red Army

The New Northern Empire Declares War on Fokker Aeroplanbau


The New Northern Empire Declares War on The Beijing Corporation

Things to come in the new Empire:

1. The names of the provinces of Russia and Greenland

2. More information on the military and structure.

Leaders of The Northern Socialist Party:

Chairman: Gage Musou

Head Council Member Fredrik Trolic

Leader of the National Assembly: Kristine Nomma

Edited by mykep
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The Election process will be in party format. The Socialist Coalition dissolved after having the open forum to discuss the charter and laws regarding the new Empire

The Communist Party: Will do everything and anything to improve the economic stances of the lowest and underpriveleged in the nation. They will also work more closely with other communist nations to spread the view of communism to other nations. Will educated the population to a greater level.

The New Worker's Party: Peaceful, Powerful, and looking to become more powerful. The party looks to making the Empire a better through economic and peaceful means. Internal policies will be more focused on. Started the revolution and watched it grow peacefully. Will continue peaceful means in making rational communism the policy of the future.

The Northern Socialist Party: Behind New Worker's Party in supporters. Will make the Empire the greatest in anyway possible. WIll expand the influence the power of Communism and Socialism in Russia and Asia. Strengthen the military and technology. Allies will become stronger allies and enemies will become....protectorate regions. (Has ties with the Dark Hand, Red Fist, and an unnamed American terrorist organization)

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We congratulate the Northern Empire on adopting Canadian ideals, apparently quite well.

If it will work and not devolve into anarchy will be seen eventually, but we are optimistic.

OOC: Fun Fact: There's no such thing as "parties" in my country. Only single people. Complicated the election process, but parties are just silly.

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We hope that this means the Northern Empire will regain stability and will recognize this new government soon as there is no signs of major discontent or instability. We wish your nation well in its endeavors.

Secretary of State,

Colon Powers

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We congratulate the Northern Empire on adopting Canadian ideals, apparently quite well.

If it will work and not devolve into anarchy will be seen eventually, but we are optimistic.

OOC: Fun Fact: There's no such thing as "parties" in my country. Only single people. Complicated the election process, but parties are just silly.

***Classified to Saboria***

With this new development, our ships will return home. We thank you for allowing them to stay in your ports.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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We congratulate the Northern Empire on adopting Canadian ideals, apparently quite well.

If it will work and not devolve into anarchy will be seen eventually, but we are optimistic.

OOC: Fun Fact: There's no such thing as "parties" in my country. Only single people. Complicated the election process, but parties are just silly.

OOC: Going to RP going into that. Using a "Socialist Coalition" to break into parties was the best way to RP rather than single individuals, but if you look at my OP, it states how it will be going into single people.


We thank our Canadian brothers and hope to see the Northern Hemisphere stay red for abit. We'd actually like to discuss a military plan for technology...Some of our equipment is a bit outdated:

The Northern Empire's Red Army (TNERA)

Main Battle Tanks:

Black Eagle MBT (Modified w/ DROZD Active Protection System.

T-80U-M1 Bars

Other Tanks:



Standard Issue Arms:

-7.62m A-91 Assault Rifle/40mm grenade launcher

-12.7mm OSV-96 LR Rifle

-9a-91 assault rifle

-AEK-971 assault rifle

Multiple Rocket Launchers:

6G-30 hand held six shot




GSh-6-30K gun

Air Defense Systems:


MIM-104 Patriot


Attack Helicopters:

KA-52 Alligator


Radar systems:

67N6E GAMMA-DE Radar Station

Su-30MKI assigned with Bars radar weapon control system


Armored Personnel Carriers(APCs):



The Northern Empire's Missile Systems:

Ballistic Missiles:

Short Range:

SS-1 Scud-17 Range: 500-900km

SS-23 Spider / OTR-23 Range: 600km

Medium Range:

Shahab 3 Range: 1900km

Soviet R-5 Pobeda: 1200km

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile:

SS-13 Savage / RT-2 Range: 9,000km

V-39 Archangel (Based on the SS-25 Sickle) Range: 10,500km

The Northern Empire Missile Defense Systems

-Strategic Defense Initiative

-S-300 air defense missile system

-RUSSIAN missile Defense System

Surface to Air missiles

SS-N-17 Snipe / RSM-45 Range: 4000km

The Northern Empire Air Force

Fighter Aircraft:




Bomber Aircraft:

Tu-160 (Black Jack addition)


Additional Aircraft:

A-40 amphibious aircraft

Yak-28 Brewer

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***Classified to Saboria***

With this new development, our ships will return home. We thank you for allowing them to stay in your ports.

*Classified response*

Not a problem. It's been a pleasure.

OOC: Going to RP going into that. Using a "Socialist Coalition" to break into parties was the best way to RP rather than single individuals, but if you look at my OP, it states how it will be going into single people.


We thank our Canadian brothers and hope to see the Northern Hemisphere stay red for abit. We'd actually like to discuss a military plan for technology...Some of our equipment is a bit outdated.

OOC: Yay!


That can be arranged, without problems.

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OOC: I knew keeping Megan Fox as my sextary too long was bad. I think its time to get Jessica Alba now or Promote Keira Knightley :P

OOC: Go with Keira Knightley. Jessica Alba's taken by JEDCJT, I believe. :D

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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