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Yulduz Köl


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"Hm. Not what we expected. But very well. At least you are not trying to kill us. I assume you want us to join?" The man folds his arms behind his back and steps down from the ship, walking somewhat closer.

"If this Nation you speak of is Nordlandic our Council will surely approve it, as long as they're loyal to Germany and Martens, we will be loyal to you."

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"Yes, the nation I speak of is Nordic, although it does have a sizable Celtic and Asian population. Nevertheless, it holds strongly to the traditions of the Fatherland just as we, the Volga Germans, continue to be loyal to our blood."

Lütjens was relieved that he didn't turn this man away. Now, if things go smoothly, all of Northwestern Pacific will be under control.

Under the de facto control of Altin Urda, that is.

Edited by Sumeragi
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ooc: I don't hate Sumer. I only occasionally hate her actions. She should be satisfied with Inner Mongolia instead of trying to rebuild the old Empire her new government should icly have no real affection for. Additionally, manufacturing navies overseas? I am sorry, I must join the rest of the more realistic and grounded world in saying this is way beyond a stretch.. Rubber Band man wouldn't stretch this far.

I see no reason why this action should be recognized by anyone icly because it is so far outside the bounds of realism. Under CNRP rules, I think this qualifies as science fiction.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: I don't hate Sumer. I only occasionally hate her actions. She should be satisfied with Inner Mongolia instead of trying to rebuild the old Empire her new government should icly have no real affection for. Additionally, manufacturing navies overseas? I am sorry, I must join the rest of the more realistic and grounded world in saying this is way beyond a stretch.. Rubber Band man wouldn't stretch this far.

I see no reason why this action should be recognized by anyone icly because it is so far outside the bounds of realism. Under CNRP rules, I think this qualifies as science fiction.

OOC: Does it? Some people purchased their navies from other players, which is ultimately what this amounts to.

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OOC: I believe I don't even have to say what's wrong with Mael's post. After all, the one saying it is "guilty" of bigger offenses.

IC: Sometime later, Altin Urda

"What's the current status of Yulduz Köl?"

"All are going according to plan, mein Großmarschall. The Nordics in Micronesia are on the verge of accepting Hansa's rule."

"Prepare for the next step, then."


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OOC: I believe I don't even have to say what's wrong with Mael's post. After all, the one saying it is "guilty" of bigger offenses.

OOC: Now that's going a bit far, Sumer. I think you're both good RP'ers--but in the past, you have to admit you've pulled a few fast ones yourself.

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Wake Island

Günther Lütjens had reached his final destination. WIth the claiming of Wake for Hansa, he had visited all the empty islands of geographical Micronesia, putting it under the flag of the Hanseatic Commonwealth.

It was time to head home, and guard this new possession.

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ooc: I don't hate Sumer. I only occasionally hate her actions. She should be satisfied with Inner Mongolia instead of trying to rebuild the old Empire her new government should icly have no real affection for. Additionally, manufacturing navies overseas? I am sorry, I must join the rest of the more realistic and grounded world in saying this is way beyond a stretch.. Rubber Band man wouldn't stretch this far.

I see no reason why this action should be recognized by anyone icly because it is so far outside the bounds of realism. Under CNRP rules, I think this qualifies as science fiction.

OOC: Navy IG= Navy IC I think thats been cleared. So it is possible for her navy to be built elsewhere.

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