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A Surprise at Berlin

Kaiser Martens

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A man stood in front of a mirror in a public bathroom. He was dressed in an all-black business suit, formally, had long blonde hair and after making sure everything was perfect, he puts his black sunglasses on. He looks down to himself, the boots were clean, then he adjusts the small Odal Pin onto the suit itself, next walking out of the room, receiving a few looks. He exits the restaurant and begins to take a walk through Berlin, smiling, pleased. The weather was good. Things were in order. He starts to walk through the Grosser Platz in an elegant, yet somewhat casual manner, one step after the other, a faint almost imperceptible smile on his face. It was mildly windy. He heads towards the massive Volkshalle, rebuilt from the one he had built himself long ago.

Finally back in home. When he approached the Halle further, he was told to stop by a few soldiers. "HALT!"

He raises an eyebrow. His hands, covered by leather gloves smoothen out his suit, and one rises to adjust his sunglasses.

"I am here to see Visari."

-"You do not have authorization nor clearance, but you may contact him by mailing Mein Kaiser. Entry is forbidden. You must leave now."

"You will let me through."

-"If you do not depart you will be arrested Herr!"

He stood there, one hand in his pocket now, and two Soldiers moved in, taking out cuffs. The man frowns and removes his sunglasses, tucking them into an inner pocket, looking towards the two soldiers menacingly, recognizing one of them.

"HENRIK. Why are you not to let me through" Boldly spoken.

The eyes were red, and now they all had recognized him. Some people were staring from afar, but there was no idea as to what was going on. They finally noticed who it was. They froze, stopping. They gulp and suddenly retreat, saluting.

-"Mein Gott, we, we didn't recognize you Mein Kaiser! I mean...Herr Martens, I mean-"

He grins. "Ja, ja, ja, just go tell Visari I'm here."

The others saluted. Martens continues onwards, entering the large hall. Many still recognized him and dropped their jaws as he just walked back in, they all saluted. Visari would probably at first think his Second in Command or so had arrived. In the end, the Nordlander sits down at a big, comfortable armchair and crosses one leg over the other, leaning back and waiting patiently at the lobby, with a smile on his face. Visari was instantly notified, of course. Word still had not spread outside of the place.

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"Mein Kaiser, You have a visitor.."

"Who would dare disturb me at this time of day?"

"Mein Kaiser, it's Martens."

A smirk instantly appeared on the Kaiser's face, as he sat his book down on the desk beside him. He had read countless stories of Martens. In the eye's of the older generation, he was a hero. Some even took it a step further and labeled him a god. But he had to see it for himself, he was not one to be easily impressed.

"Yes, please escort Martens to my personal chamber."

The Royal Guard kneeled and quickly walked off, in a hurry to summon his other comrades.

Visari didn't feel the need to prepare the massive guest room. No, Martens would be escorted to his personal study. This meeting was to be one on one. A private discussion. A meeting of the gods.

Edited by Malatose
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By the time the Royal Guard arrived, he was speaking with a number of people, shaking hands here and there, pictures being taken, Martens was chatting with some of his old friends there, smiling happily. He hadn't lost his touch. In probably ten minutes it'd be out in the news already...he nods towards the Guard and they start to walk, being escorted to the place. It was just like when he was there last, only it smelled of new.

The Gates are opened, and the Guards salute, both towards the Kaiser, and Martens, then the Gate is closed and the two are left alone. Martens looks him up and down, then nods slightly in approval. Briefly but firmly, he salutes. After a pause of several seconds, he continues, seeking to shake hands.

"...It's good to be back." His voice was quiet, as if not wanting to trigger echo in the whole room.

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Visari shook hands with Martens and made a quick jesture towards one of the leather reclining chairs.

"..Please have a seat."

He then pulled out an expensive bottle of Italian Wine

"Would you like a drink? I'm not too sure if you drink or not."

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"Thank you very much, I do." He heads for the chair and leans back on it, sighing as he relaxes, sitting back. Once that the wine is served, he first takes some moments to capture its scent, and only then, he sips. He leaves it in his mouth for a while, just processing the taste. Finally, he swallows, and is even more relaxed than before.

"So then. The Reich is still in one piece. All those years of re-education were worth it. Separatism is no more. No Germans, no Austrians, no Swiss, no Prussians, no Polish, no Czech, no Danes, no Dutch, no Scandinavians, no Left, no Right. Just Nordlanders and Greater Germany..."

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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"I agree. That is one good that came out of the old Germany. A unified people, with one language and one culture. A Magnificent thing. Although, I do believe we still have a long ways to go. I plan to guide us there and, of course, we will succeed."

Visar nodded and sipped his wine

"But, the one question that is on my mind. Why did you come back?"

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He nods. "A path. A way. You ought to tell me some of that. I can always be useful. Well, mostly always."

Another grin, and he sips, taking his time, pondering his question.

"Herr Visari. I am a warrior. I am a warrior of Germany, and also the rest of Nordland. All of the enemies we ever had short of someone you're familiar with, are gone. But there will always be more. I have returned, because I can return. I fight, because I can fight. The purpose of my entire life and existance is to help the Fatherland and our People. And sometimes, to stand up for the oppressed." He says, reminiscing.

"I cannot do no other thing than to dedicate myself to my people. The right moment has come to return. Hence, I am here. Also, Berlin is just so pretty this time of the year, don't you agree?"

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"A warrior. We need more men like you in Europe. Some leaders, of the present, don't show the same patriotic zeal, as leaders of the past. It's a truly disturbing trend, that I hope ends soon."

He sipped this wine and stood up, pointing at a massive cut-out of Germany.

"The fatherland. A country that has been oppressed countless of times. We were oppressed after the Great War, We were opressed by communist, and Francoist. My goal is to end all that. I have become a warrior, just like you in the pass, for our people. I have rebuilt this nation into something, militarily and economically. I have fought for nations all over Europe, as well. Although, unfortunately, they didn't share my same opinions. I guess you cannot help those, who wish to be oppressed, eh?"

Visari slowly sat back down, pouring himself another glass of wine.

"Two warriors of freedom cannot co-exist in the same place, don't you think?"

Visari snickered

"Wouldn't it be better to spread ourselves around? Us in the same place? Hah, that would be a waste of resources."

Visari smiled and sipped his wine.

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"That may be correct. Though our brothers at Nordheim may argue that one can simply never, ever have such a thing as too many warriors in one Nation!" He chuckles. So far, he liked what he heard. "The world is sometimes naive. They appear not to have realized that for all practical purposes, not only Greater Nordland is back, but is probably over three as powerful as before, even without all of its land. I say good for us. Yet it surprises me."

The wine he drinks again.

"I think I'll be dropping by Prussia after this. Afterwards...I do not know. Maybe I'll be a Field Marshal in any nation that may feel like dealing with me across Nordland. If you want I'll work here in the Reichswehr, if not I'll simply go to any of our other Forces which are many and all well managed either way."

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When the news of Martens return becomes available:

In probably ten minutes it'd be out in the news already...

Generalissimo eyes narrowed into slits and threw his transmitter into a nearby wall.

“No, this can’t be happening, no he’s dead, #@$% Kaiser Martens is supposed to be dead.” Generalissimo paused a moment and regained his composure. This development wasn’t entirely unexpected, Generalissimo had already counterfeited his death and return several times, and had prepared accordingly.

“Kiska, Operation Connect Four is now in effect, tonight Martens dies. . . er Kiska?” *Sigh* He was alone. Generalissimo briefly considered implementing Operation Connect Four himself, but casually ordering the termination of a returning enemy just wasn’t the same without Kiska.

On second thought outright assassination isn’t often appreciated by the international community these days, but something would still have to be done about Martens.

Flipping through his rolodex of Kaiser Martens’ enemies from the old ideological wars, “Comrade Norris -Deceased, Marshall Tito -Deceased, Solidus -Deceased, Ninara – MIA, Mastab__ wait didn’t Mastab recently attempt to an insurrection in Sicily?” Generalissimo realized his rolodex of Kaiser Martens’ ideological enemies was entirely outdated, and set out to update it accordingly.

Out of Character Conversation:

Generalissimo is very much Martens’ unknown rival (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnknownRival). No matter how hard Generalissimo tries to battle Martenism, Kaiser Martens has never acknowledged Generalissimo’s existence (not once).

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"You? work here?"

He sipped his wine again, this time taking a larger gulp.

"I'm sorry, my friend, but I must decline your offer."

He then pointed to various pictures on the wall of German Armaments.

"The German Armed Forces are in good shape. I have looked over the development process myself. Under my watchful eye, I have developed the Military into a force capable of projecting power around the globe. Technologically, we are unmatched in Europe, and we match, either match of surpass those around the globe. We can respond to all threats, be it conventional or nuclear. Heh, I fear for any nation that takes on the German Military head-on."

Visari laughed

"However, I do invite you to attend a German Military parade, at the Avenue of Victory. You could see how things are for yourself. You could also meet some of our fine military leaders."

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OOC: Well, though expected, this goes beyond the offered smilies of the forum for awsome.

Hence: AwesomeSpy-1.png

OOC: Oooh, me like!

"Herr Visari. I am a warrior. I am a warrior of Germany, and also the rest of Nordland. All of the enemies we ever had short of someone you're familiar with, are gone. But there will always be more. I have returned, because I can return. I fight, because I can fight. The purpose of my entire life and existance is to help the Fatherland and our People. And sometimes, to stand up for the oppressed." He says, reminiscing.

OOC: Who? And why am I not surprised Martens is back...? :rolleyes:

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Encoded message to Martens

Well well! It seems death cannot stop you old friend! Ive heard from Molakian Intelligence you returned...news like this travels fast! I hope to meet you again someday, thou not in Molakia....the goverment does not agree with me anymore!

-Antonev Frolov

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Martens receives the Encoded transmission, and smiles.

"Looks like the world already knows I am here. Heh. Herr Visari, I must be very careful about what I am next going to say, but you know that people like you and me always do find a way to express their thoughts and feelings one way or the other..."

"At least thirty percent of the people who fell in the Italian War were Nordlandic, and often Germans. Gebiv had been historically our closest allies...and Mannelig, he was loyal to Germany. You made a terrible mistake. They would today be our closest allies, or even I myself could be ruling that region assisting you. It was a massacre. Please do not let it happen again. I will never mention this subject again because I respect your capacity to lead and authority, but you understand that at least once I had to say it..."

"I've checked statistics on my way here. You're indeed running the nation more than successfully. But I'm slightly concerned about your new educational program. If you make the people too obedient, remember that there will be a chance for foreign leaders, or leaders outside of your political line, to exploit this. The people here have always been loyal because they've always been well educated. Nordland has always been a land of geniality, freedom, and order...seeking further order where 99% of the people are already inconditionally loyal may be counter productive. I apologize if it seems as if I was telling you what to do. I'm always overly protective of those in my "extended family"...either way I trust that you will do the right thing..."

"Always remember that if you or your people need anything you can count on me. Save from your very self and your Citizens, I aim to be your best ally and always of service for the Land."

He sighs.

"Those Molakians don't seem to do so well. Have you heard?"

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As Martens spoke, Visari clinched his fist.

"I understand, my friend. However, Gebiv had acted very..hostile to us. As you know, they even crossed our borders and participated in a number of skirmishes against our forces. I am a man of action, and I had to act. At the time, the Reich was seen as a weak and broken nation. I had to show the world we couldn't be pushed around anymore.

He shook his head, slowly

"While I do regret the launch of nuclear weapons, I do not regret launching the war, itself. And Manneling? nothing more than a traitor to the Fatherland and his people. He ordered the launch of nuclear weapons against the Reich and her brave soldiers. My only regret is not killing him myself."

He sat down, visibly angry.

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When hearing that Kaiser Martens had come back into the public eye, Niklas had sent this encoded message to him in old norse...

"Mein Kaiser, my nation is your nation, you may come to Grønnheim at any time. Oslo and Stockholm are both intact for you."

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Upon hearing of the possible re-emergence of Kaiser Martens, the government was unsure what to do, other than release a relatively neutral statement.

***Public Statement***

Well, well...there seems to be a plethora of leaders thought dead emerging once again from wherever they went.

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