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CN Life After TUON.......

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After The Union of Nations(TUON) disbanded I tried to start another alliance called The Confederate States but it did'nt really work out. I was thinking of starting a new nation and starting fresh but then I got a recruitment message from The Federation of Unified Confederate Nations(FUCN). I joined and then started my own FUCN political party called The Confederate Action Party(CAP). I am now running in the upcoming FUCN elections for FUCN Senate. I'm going to stay in FUCN for awhile and try to work my way up in it's goverment and get some more leadership experience and then I want to try to start TUON again but with a completely new and better goverment then before. Now this won't be for a LONG time and i'm not sure if i'll even do it but I want to try to give myself and TUON a better and more respected name within the CN community because right now we both have horrible PR. So to everyone I wish you luck and I hope you do the same for me!



NOTE: There are still a handfull of Nations left in TUON. They have a new goverment and everything but i'm not sure if it will last long but I hope it does and I wish them the best of luck and congratulate them for keeping whats left of TUON alive. I don't think it will last because alot of the Nations left but not all are the nations that never really cared about TUON, they never got on our forums, they never got involved in our wars, and they never paid attention to orders from TUON's goverment. If they do last then I probably won't start a new alliance but if I do I want it to have healthy diplomatic relations with TUON.

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Since when did they change the name of "World Affairs" forum to "Publicly broadcast self-rightious[sp?] spam about yourself and your journeys"?

Danny, just as I did the last TUON if you decide to remake it I will attack it. Well I guess I didn't really have to wait to hit the last TUON considering I made the leader surrender to me. :P I'll do it again Danny. Don't tempt me moreso than I already am.

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Does FUCN know that you plan to milk them until you go back to another alliance that you tried to disband and finally got thrown out of?

Just wondering.

Totally unnecessary in my opinion. I don't see you ragging on people like Airme who have stated in the past that starting their own alliance is in their future plans. He's stated he's not planning on it for a long time, and isn't even sure if he will end up doing it. Right now it seems to me that he's giving FUCN an active and productive member eager to learn from FUCN and contribute to the alliance whilst doing so.

When someone makes mistakes like he did with TUON, then shows how willing he is to try and right these mistakes, learn about the Cyberberse and it's workings, and involve themselves in the planet's politics, then in the first post gets some up themselves $@! jumping down their throat it's no wonder the population is dropping. Being in an alliance that prides themselves on respectful values, dare I suggest you could show a little more respect to other people trying to do things the right way?

Good luck in your endeavours Daniel. I hope FUCN teaches you everything you want to learn :)

Edited by Poyplemonkeys
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While I can respect your desire to learn the finer workings of leading an alliance in CN, I do not think that the end you seek is necessarily the best one to aim for. Instead of looking to win an election so that you can lead on your own later down the line, look to win in order to better yourself and all of FUCN. If you look at your time in FUCN and possibly FUCN gov't as simply a tool for your own use, then you won't really get anything out of it.

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Totally unnecessary in my opinion. I don't see you ragging on people like Airme who have stated in the past that starting their own alliance is in their future plans. He's stated he's not planning on it for a long time, and isn't even sure if he will end up doing it. Right now it seems to me that he's giving FUCN an active and productive member eager to learn from FUCN and contribute to the alliance whilst doing so.

When someone makes mistakes like he did with TUON, then shows how willing he is to try and right these mistakes, learn about the Cyberberse and it's workings, and involve themselves in the planet's politics, then in the first post gets some up themselves $@! jumping down their throat it's no wonder the population is dropping. Being in an alliance that prides themselves on respectful values, dare I suggest you could show a little more respect to other people trying to do things the right way?

Good luck in your endeavours Daniel. I hope FUCN teaches you everything you want to learn :)

Airme is a seasoned veteran who said this once or twice on his own radio show WHEN ASKED specifically. Airme is great at his job and he can go ahead and do as he pleases, from what I can see it seems he's served MK pretty well. King Daniel is the exact opposite. He has attacked people (myself included) for speaking their minds on the forums, he has crashed and burned many times. He is new to CN but instead of joining an alliance and trying to learn, he has publically flamed individuals who disagree with him (myself included) and has jumped directly into making an alliance; ruining the experience and reputation of members of TUON. Poyple I generally agree with you on most points however here I'm afraid I disagree quite a bit. I've had multiple bad experiences with Danny and there isn't a thing he can do to earn my respect back at this point. I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way in CN. From what he says, it looks like he's only in his current alliance to make a name for himself and then just leave them out to dry. Moreover, he's doing it publicly in a topic that seems so pretentious that it's only worth of reading is a laugh at one of the worst characters in digiterra.

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wow...... ummm not sad but just wow........... maybe you shouldnt try to make your own alliance. just work your way up and make FUCN a better place for you and everyone else. It might be a lot easier then starting a fresh new alliance.

Well just my opinion

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Since when did they change the name of "World Affairs" forum to "Publicly broadcast self-rightious[sp?] spam about yourself and your journeys"?

Danny, just as I did the last TUON if you decide to remake it I will attack it. Well I guess I didn't really have to wait to hit the last TUON considering I made the leader surrender to me. :P I'll do it again Danny. Don't tempt me moreso than I already am.

King Daniel if you can show that you will be a better leader then you were before. If you pick the blue sphere we will tarde. ;)

JayOvfEnnay dont be so critical atleast wait and see if he has learned.

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Totally unnecessary in my opinion. I don't see you ragging on people like Airme who have stated in the past that starting their own alliance is in their future plans. He's stated he's not planning on it for a long time, and isn't even sure if he will end up doing it. Right now it seems to me that he's giving FUCN an active and productive member eager to learn from FUCN and contribute to the alliance whilst doing so.

When someone makes mistakes like he did with TUON, then shows how willing he is to try and right these mistakes, learn about the Cyberberse and it's workings, and involve themselves in the planet's politics, then in the first post gets some up themselves $@! jumping down their throat it's no wonder the population is dropping. Being in an alliance that prides themselves on respectful values, dare I suggest you could show a little more respect to other people trying to do things the right way?

I'd make a longer response but Jofna pretty much explained my feelings on KDt1. The point is that he's not really a noob, he's been around long enough to know better then do the things he does but that's never stopped him before, and by all indications his tomfoolery isn't over. I make a point of reserving judgment on new people, especially the younger ones. But when someone has been around for a year and gets tossed from the alliance he created for continually embarrassing them, you're wasting your efforts defending them.

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I'd make a longer response but Jofna pretty much explained my feelings on KDt1. The point is that he's not really a noob, he's been around long enough to know better then do the things he does but that's never stopped him before, and by all indications his tomfoolery isn't over. I make a point of reserving judgment on new people, especially the younger ones. But when someone has been around for a year and gets tossed from the alliance he created for continually embarrassing them, you're wasting your efforts defending them.

There are two things that are 100% true You grow up and you die and if KDT1st can show he has grown up then lets give him another chance.

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There are two things that are 100% true You grow up and you die and if KDT1st can show he has grown up then lets give him another chance.

But he CAN'T show that he's grown up, is what I'm trying to say. He has proven with every step that he hasn't and won't change. Even with this topic he proves it further. With everything he does he proves this and now I simply choose to stop giving him chances. Like I mentioned, I really doubt I'm the only one.

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But he CAN'T show that he's grown up, is what I'm trying to say. He has proven with every step that he hasn't and won't change. Even with this topic he proves it further. With everything he does he proves this and now I simply choose to stop giving him chances. Like I mentioned, I really doubt I'm the only one.

Maybe he is just "testing the waters" to see how the PR is atm?

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Maybe he is just "testing the waters" to see how the PR is atm?

Heh, he knows fully well that the PR has stayed stagnantly against him. If that was the real point he would have made the topic about that to begin with.

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Totally unnecessary in my opinion. I don't see you ragging on people like Airme who have stated in the past that starting their own alliance is in their future plans. He's stated he's not planning on it for a long time, and isn't even sure if he will end up doing it. Right now it seems to me that he's giving FUCN an active and productive member eager to learn from FUCN and contribute to the alliance whilst doing so.

When someone makes mistakes like he did with TUON, then shows how willing he is to try and right these mistakes, learn about the Cyberberse and it's workings, and involve themselves in the planet's politics, then in the first post gets some up themselves $@! jumping down their throat it's no wonder the population is dropping. Being in an alliance that prides themselves on respectful values, dare I suggest you could show a little more respect to other people trying to do things the right way?

Good luck in your endeavours Daniel. I hope FUCN teaches you everything you want to learn :)

Thank you sir and good luck to you to. Im not trying to milk FUCN or anything like that like ppl are saying. I was told many times I should have left TUON to join a bigger alliance and then try to start a alliance that might have been successful but I didnt listen. And why is it EVERY post I make, ppl up here maul me to death. This is the post that I didnt say something stupid, I didnt condridict myself, or make myself seem like a idiot! PLEASE FOR ONCE GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!

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But he CAN'T show that he's grown up, is what I'm trying to say. He has proven with every step that he hasn't and won't change. Even with this topic he proves it further. With everything he does he proves this and now I simply choose to stop giving him chances. Like I mentioned, I really doubt I'm the only one.

Dude Jofna(I know its you) give me a break. Im already changing. I know I did some idiotic stuff in TUON and want to redeem myself whether its in FUCN or if its in a new TUON im determined to make things right with the CN community because I know ALOT of ppl dont like me.

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Does FUCN know that you plan to milk them until you go back to another alliance that you tried to disband and finally got thrown out of?

Just wondering.

Dude you dont know what your talking about. The whole goverment left and a few of the members, not just me. I didnt get "Thown out" of it. I could still be Admin of TUON now if I wanted but I thought it best to move on and maybe in the future try again when ive got more experience.

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Airme is a seasoned veteran who said this once or twice on his own radio show WHEN ASKED specifically. Airme is great at his job and he can go ahead and do as he pleases, from what I can see it seems he's served MK pretty well. King Daniel is the exact opposite. He has attacked people (myself included) for speaking their minds on the forums, he has crashed and burned many times. He is new to CN but instead of joining an alliance and trying to learn, he has publically flamed individuals who disagree with him (myself included) and has jumped directly into making an alliance; ruining the experience and reputation of members of TUON. Poyple I generally agree with you on most points however here I'm afraid I disagree quite a bit. I've had multiple bad experiences with Danny and there isn't a thing he can do to earn my respect back at this point. I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way in CN. From what he says, it looks like he's only in his current alliance to make a name for himself and then just leave them out to dry. Moreover, he's doing it publicly in a topic that seems so pretentious that it's only worth of reading is a laugh at one of the worst characters in digiterra.

Dude every single post I make im flamed HORRIBLY! I also said I might not even restart TUON! I might stay in FUCN and keep working my way up.

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