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Ísland: The New Outpost

Kaiser Martens

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For the last fifty years, Iceland had been populated almost exclusively by Celts. But in the last years, the settlements had withdrawn over to Mainlands, leaving the zone a ghost town, literally, a ghost town in a desert of snow.

The Nordheimer Longboat moved over to one of the abandoned ports there, and started to disembark. The place had been no man's land. They walked over to the Cathedral, which was the tallest building in the city, and moved up. They removed the Cross, and instead planted Nordheim's flag there. The image was relayed through Nordheim News. This was a practical solution for the later high population density across Nordheim, and an access to more resources. The declaration would also cause immigration of Icelandics who had generations ago left Iceland after the Celtic Invasions, many would finally be able to return.

"The Aesir Althing of Nordheim has decided to claim Iceland and work on a reconstruction and repopulation program. As always, our standard immigration policies apply, but in this case we will provide a further bonus for Nordlandic and Icelandic settlers, since many descended from people who had once lived there, but had been forced out. This is a great day for our people and we are glad to cause this massive Ghost Town to finally have Human Beings to make good use of it...in short...

We are back."

It was simple. After some little fun, proper efforts began, and settlers started to pour in together with heavy machinery, machine tools and more, to get the Land ready. Expansionism at its best - its best, being the pacific non-violent kind.

OOC: I must thank the Welsh for their permission. : D

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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OOC: *A glass whizzes through the air and hits Marten on the head*

IC: Though slightly confused as to the reasons, we congratulate Nordheim on their expansion.

OOC: I however, am not very happy, as I asked Welsh before you made the thread *grumble*

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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The Norden Kingdom is cautious about Nordheim's seizure of Iceland. It appears to have caused some unrest amongst other nations in Scandinavia and we are glad we did not pursue it. Regardless, we wish our neighbors well and hope no violence comes from this.

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