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The Democratic Socialist Republic of Outer Mongolia declares independence from Vaule

Kaiser Martens

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OOC: In case that it isn't obvious, this is *not* Nordheim related.


The Territories are the same as the ones from the former Outer Mongolian "Autonomous" Region.


And, the new flag.


"Free Nations of the Planet,

This is a message from the Interim Emergency Government of the Outer Mongolian DSR. We henceforth declare our complete independence from the nation known as Vaule.

Many may be unaware of our condition so far. We the Mongols have been long oppressed by the Vaulians, and we have tried Diplomatic means to achieve better conditions of life, as well but not necessarily our freedom. But the Vaulian oppression continued, in the form of extremely harsh punishment, uncalled for use of police as a tool for violence, discrimination, and impunity for Vaulian Ethnic Citizens against law in Outer Mongolia, even in issues such as murder or $%&@. After having exhausted all peaceful paths, finding them blocked by Vaulian Government, we faced three different choices..."

"We could leave for greener pastures, as the Vaulian Government hoped us to do..so they may have this land finally forever as theirs."

"We could die away as an ethnicity or nation, giving in to Vaulification of our Culture until the Outer Mongolians would become what the Etruscans became to the Romans or the Neanderthals to the Cromagnid Man."

"We could fight."

"The logic of war is simple. As long as a belligerent can fight, he will fight. We are in a position to do so, we started our struggle and have managed several minor victories against the Valuans, even though we are aware that our army of Peasants and Farmers can only hold on for so long against the enemy forces. But our history compells us to battle on until we achieve victory or death, and under the banner of Temujin, Lenin and Marx we struggle. We have throughout the duration of the conflict asked many times for their government to stop this, but they keep claiming us not to be democratic, and they keep claiming us to be terrorists, although we do not hit Civilians. As we speak we're fighting at Novaya Ulanbataar, where the Vaulian Air Force is bombing their own city, condemning all of their own citizens to death as they have panicked being unable to handle our armies."

"Vaule has the power to stop this by declaring a White Peace between us. Yet they claim that we will somehow remain a threat to them. I tell them now, if we had such peace and big enough allies to secure our independence, we would hardly keep much of a standing army. But as I said, at this point after their refusal, we can fight and die, or we can just die. Even if we capitulated status quo would return, which means our people would be victims either way."

"We ask for other Nations of the World to get involved with this, and not to allow Value's genocidal policies to continue. Value's struggle is a struggle against our very ethnic entity and way of life, we have everything to lose. We want to believe that somewhere out there in the world will be corageous enough to stand for what is correct. We want to believe that we are not alone in our fight for independence. We want to believe in our strength as Mongolians to rise against all odds and be finally a sovereign nation. As long as we have bullets, we will fire them, as long as we have explosives, they shall be detonated. For the honor of our Fathers, for the sanctity of our Land, for the future of our Children, we will defend our loved ones even if our own chests must be their armor."

"Vaule, Stop this massacre!"

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The rebel propaganda falls on deaf ears. Vaule’s government has given the Outer Mongolian region free rule, only to have it thrown back in their face. The law abiding people in Outer Mongolia are having the wool pulled over their eyes by these rebel leaders. Hopefully they realize that and put an end to this rebellion before it’s too late.

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“This declaration is absolutely illegal. The MLA has decided that since they are unable to win a democratic vote, they have decided to act unilaterally. Not everyone in Outer Mongolia backs this illegal declaration, and we will not permit those who are against this declaration to be trapped in the region by those who seek independence.

This matter was put to a referendum, which failed to be approved by the populace. The referendum resulted in an overwhelming NO. The MLA must understand that NO means NO. In light of this new brazen act of secession, the government of Vaule has done the following:

-All Vaulian currency in the region (via their serial numbers) has been voided. Any currency within the serial numbers selected will have no value whatsoever. All assets held by banks and businesses in the area are frozen.

-The government will impose an economic blockade against this rogue province. We will not permit anything to enter or leave the region. The province’s international borders, still under the control of the Vaule Border Corps will be sealed without exception

-The military of Vaule will continue action against this rogue state until the terrorists are no longer capable of taking military action against the government."

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“This declaration is absolutely illegal. The MLA has decided that since they are unable to win a democratic vote, they have decided to act unilaterally. Not everyone in Outer Mongolia backs this illegal declaration, and we will not permit those who are against this declaration to be trapped in the region by those who seek independence.

This matter was put to a referendum, which failed to be approved by the populace. The referendum resulted in an overwhelming NO. The MLA must understand that NO means NO. In light of this new brazen act of secession, the government of Vaule has done the following:

-All Vaulian currency in the region (via their serial numbers) has been voided. Any currency within the serial numbers selected will have no value whatsoever. All assets held by banks and businesses in the area are frozen.

-The government will impose an economic blockade against this rogue province. We will not permit anything to enter or leave the region. The province’s international borders, still under the control of the Vaule Border Corps will be sealed without exception

-The military of Vaule will continue action against this rogue state until the terrorists are no longer capable of taking military action against the government."

The UK supports and backs Vaule on this. We, however, hope the situation will be resolved peacefully and without much strife.

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...we do not hit Civilians. As we speak we're fighting at Novaya Ulanbataar, where the Vaulian Air Force is bombing their own city, condemning all of their own citizens to death as they have panicked being unable to handle our armies."

If you wish citizens to avoid being killed...do not take them hostage, either by actions like those taken in the school, or by hiding among the civilians in your region.

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"Why would we not complain? It is an entirely avoidable situation. Either way Vaule has proven that it does not mind killing 10 of their sympathizers to kill just one of our own, not to mention the cash costs associated. If they do not feel for their own people, imagine the hatred or indiference they must have for our National Tragedy."

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"Why would we not complain? It is an entirely avoidable situation. Either way Vaule has proven that it does not mind killing 10 of their sympathizers to kill just one of our own, not to mention the cash costs associated. If they do not feel for their own people, imagine the hatred or indiference they must have for our National Tragedy."

"Is it so avoidable when you yourselves admit to hiding among them? Collateral damage is a fact of life for any battlefield--whether both sides seek to avoid their deaths or not, they will happen. Separate yourselves from them entirely if you do not wish them killed."

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How can civilians allow rebels to hide among them for the purpose of disrupting Vaulean control over the region, but at the same time be loyal to the government of Vaule? The MLA has contradicted itself, and therefore revealed themselves to be liars.

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How can civilians allow rebels to hide among them for the purpose of disrupting Vaulean control over the region, but at the same time be loyal to the government of Vaule? The MLA has contradicted itself, and therefore revealed themselves to be liars.

That is no contradiction. The ones we normally hide among are the Mongolians. They are loyal to us. That is what I replied to at first, then in the second part it appeared that they referred to Novaya Ulanbataar. Either way, at the end of the day, Vaule drops bombs on Valuan Citizens, which is something we do not do. And you, Sir, are full of yourself.

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OOC: Why is the Map so old? >.> (Sorry. Just paranoid when I saw Vera'Kis not there and other countries in it's place)

The Empire of Vera'Kis remains neutral in this movement, though secretly supporting Vaule. Nothing is supplied, of course, because Vera'Kis cannot afford to at the moment, but the hope that Vaule would win is expressed (secretly of course).

OOC: Sorry about supporting Vaule, Kaiser, but I kinda have to love the guy that gave me his protectorate.

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Whether I’m full of myself or not isn’t up for discussion here, the fact is and will remain you lied. Your contradiction is a plain and open faced lie and you're trying to cover it up with more lies will only make things worse. You say they are loyal, or at least sympathizers of the Vaule government. Whether they're Mongolian or now, why do they allow lowlife rebels to hide among them?

I think the rebels are using the Outer Mongolian citizens without their approval to bait Vaule's military into attacking military populations so that they can gain sympathy for their cause.

I may be full of myself, but at least im not fooling myself.

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"Your argument is flawed, them being bombed gains no sympathy whatsoever for us. You know, just because certain Valuans dislike their Government, it doesn't mean that they support or endorse us in any way. This is a Mongolian Army, and we aim not to make changes in Valuan Mentality. We do not rely on sympathy to recruit, we rely on victories that prove to our population that we are able to actually achieve something, we rely on victory, not on defeat, to win."

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"Your argument is flawed, them being bombed gains no sympathy whatsoever for us. You know, just because certain Valuans dislike their Government, it doesn't mean that they support or endorse us in any way. This is a Mongolian Army, and we aim not to make changes in Valuan Mentality. We do not rely on sympathy to recruit, we rely on victories that prove to our population that we are able to actually achieve something, we rely on victory, not on defeat, to win."

Again, you continue to contradict yourselves. You say you hide only among those who are willing to hide you...and then you say not all the civilians in your region support you.

And where were their voices when you decided to secede from Vaule?

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