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A Bloodless Revolution No One Saw Coming.

Cody Seb

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OOC: You could say I've taken a keener interest in my ancestry. So here goes. At least you can all see my evil dictator go.


Rebuilding of the Union had commenced but was going rather slowly as devastation was widespread. Because of the penetration of the Rebel Army attacks, and the proximity of the Italian War, the Bulgarian and native balkan populations had fled the country in dizzying amounts, creating one of the largest new diasporas.

However, a new influx kept the population almost at the same level. Nordics. From far flung regions, that diaspora had chosen a rather opportune time to recongregate in a land rather foreign to their usual tastes. It made all the sense in the world. High employment opportunities, a climbing economy (it has no where to go but up), and lots of living space as well as moderately advanced infrastructure and technology already waiting.

Of course, this did not happen overnight, but for several months, a steady, high-influx of German immigrants pured into the country, coming from all over the globe to establish another German state, an unspoken goal shared by so many of the German settlers. They would not be foolish about it however. There were times for the shedding of blood, and this was not one of them.

The UESR was forced to hold new regional elections as a number of Advisors and Ministers were killed, the remaining few fleeing the country. All that was left of the former government was the hardcore conservative dictator at its center, Administrator Yordan Nevsky.

Since most of the buildings were in shambles, the new swelling German population began building them back in their own image as well as subverting the government to themselves. They also joined the army seemingly en masse, now outnumbering the native soldiers 3 to 1. Then, it bagan.

Josef Engelhorn, leader of the German Liberation Party, made his move. He commanded the loyalty of the army, even those not of German descent. Tanks, driving straight from the old fronts rolled down into Citadel Square, Engelhorn going out to meet them. Crowds cheered from just outside the parade grounds, waving the flag that would soon dominate the landscape.

Not long after his display of power, Engelhorn contacted Nevsky. With his former empire in ruin, he gave no opposition. This was planned for, and Engelhorn returned to the paradegrounds, still stocked with the new populace, to make his announcement to them and the world.

After a short speech from Nevsky who conceded his office, Engelhorn began.

"Volk! We have reunited at last! Let us join in a glorious celebration, this the day of our joining hand in hand on our new soil. Raise the banner, heil our society, but do not forget, this is not just our country.

Our predecessors in Prussia once held a motto above all other creeds, "To Each His Own." They held it to mean, every man may choose what he wants to do. It is the most honorable creed I could ask for our new land. Well, the second most honorable. *Chuckles* That being, always remember, Gott Mit Uns. With that power, we cannot fail in our goals.

Let everyone remember, this place is free. You may practice your own religion. All ethnic groups are welcome here, although it is no secret that this place is sanctuary for the Germans and is a country based on that heritage and value system. Ideologies will be given a fair chance. However, a long road remains.

Continue in the rebuilding, continue fueling this economy. Like the great eagle adorning our banners, we will rise higher than this land stood before.

From now on, no this place as Kleinsudlichen Reich, the Lesser Southern Empire. Heil Kleinsudlichen Reich!"

With that, the crowd exploded in thunderous applause as the new flag unfurled over the old behind Englehorn.


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The Greater German Reich officially recognizes the Kleinsudlichen Reich. If our fellow people request any help, know your brethren in the North will always be there.

A gracious thanks to the Fatherland. Kleinsudlichen will uphold all treaties which the UESR held, unless the other signatories would wish to back out. In that case, those signatories wishing to withdraw from our treaties will have two weeks (i.e. two RL days) to withdraw without observing the cancellation periods. However, after those two weeks, the treaties will be considered upheld.

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And so the Slavorussian Empire has become the last fortress of the Slavic people's once great culture. In Slavorussia there has been a rebirth of Pan-Slavicism, and citizens have begun pressuring the government to return to the old ways to preserve the Slavic traditions.

Since this is not the government we originally signed the MDoAP with we hereby submit our notice of cancellation. We will consider a treaty with Kleinsudlichen Reich at a later date.

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An interesting twist. We wish the newly established nation luck.

OOC: Where did the Slavs go?

OOC: They went where ever all these Germans are coming from <_<

IC: ADI recognizes this new nation, and hope that they do not echo the policies of their former leaders.

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Arctica recognizes the new regime and is happy to see a move toward progress in the ancestral lands of a good portion of our population.

We are interested in establishing diplomatic relations and are willing to accept Slavic emigrants who may be looking for a new home. Croatians, Bosnians, Serbs...we'll take 'em all.

Following the review of a copy of their criminal records, of course.

Edited by Vedran
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OOC: The world as of lately is filling itself with Commies and Nords, hah.

Shouldn't the name be Kleinsüdliches Reich? Hm...


"Nordheim welcomes another like-minded and culturally related nation to the fray. We look forward to establishing Diplomatic connections with our Brüder."

"As a side note, we'll also state that Nordheim's Zones of Krasnoarmetz and the Slavianski Krai are still and will remain a Slavic Military Bastion like old Arkona."

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OOC: A good portion of the immigrants would go to Slavorussia or the UK's transcaucasian region if they could, but anyone's allowed to RP them entering their country. As for the translation, I just got it off of google translator.


The Southern Reich thanks the others from around the world who have welcomed us. We do remind the world however, that those slavs who chose to stay are in no way persecuted or denied any rights. We do not wish to become hypocrits.

The capital will remain in Sofia, and as a gesture of our good intentions toward our slavic neighbors, the city will be rebuilt in the slavic style.

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