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Elle est L'etat

Sarah Tintagyl

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OOC: But violence is always so much more entertaining...

The strange man said" Violence is the only way to get people to listen to a minority. If you manage to get your side to be the majority violence is then not needed"

Evans had to respond to that.

"Fool. Violence begets more violence. Lady Tintagyl is beloved by most. I wish I could say all, but the recent attempt on her life proves otherwise. Violence is not the solution here, nor will it ever be. This is above all a legal matter."

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"Start small, you go big with no momentum and the fall will be that much harder. That referendum, a demand for longer terms, coupled with immense public and international support is a good place to start."

"You here that Franz, that's how we can do it." The bartender smiled. "Call this the Oath of the Tavern from this point. But that's agreed Lord Rukia, I think that we're just the people to begin writing down our ideas and get supportive politicians with us. We could draft it and we'd be well on our way. Of course I think someone with a degree should write this out. Richard?"

"I could, if you wanted me too."

"Anyone is more welcome to put any input." The bartender filled up another mug. "And Lord Rukia, I believe this is yours." Turning to the man in the corner. "No more talk of bloodshed, apparently you don't know Lady Sarah well if you are advocating bloodshed."

He then filled up another mug to the New Cyrmeag man who had just come in.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"Then let us be done with that, then. What can you offer to this fool's crusade?"
"Fool. Violence begets more violence. Lady Tintagyl is beloved by most. I wish I could say all, but the recent attempt on her life proves otherwise. Violence is not the solution here, nor will it ever be. This is above all a legal matter."

"Everyone here is a fool. We cannot win without violence, yet we cannot win with it. We must use violence in moderation! We cannot win playing by our Queen's rules, so we must set our own. We use violence only to prevent violence, nothing more, but we cannot be pacifists."

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" Well, I seem to have offended my daily quota of people for today, now to seriousness. We need to organise people who support us into regions and place people in charge of those regions to stage protests/rallies when and where they will have the maximum impact."

"My god man, are you quite sane? Have you heard the saying that if two people know something, it's not a secret."

Evans stood, and limped his way across to the bar, leaning on a crutch. His foot was entirely missing.

"As you can see, I know of violence, of death, of suffering. Do you really want a good woman's acsension to the throne to be marred by, and associated with, a violent rebellion?"

Edited by Silhouette
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"My god man, are you quite sane? Have you heard the saying that if two people know something, it's not a secret."

Evans stood, and limped his way across to the bar, leaning on a crutch. His foot was entirely missing.

Why does it have to be a secret?

"As you can see, I know of violence, of death, of suffering. Do you really want a good woman's acsension to the throne to be marred by, and associated with, a violent rebellion?"

OOC: this part makes no sense, unless you were talking to sargun.

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: I just want to let you guys know...that no one in the Hansa will turn violent for Sarah. So the violent way isn't going to work...lol. Sorry for being limiting, but its just not to the people's character.

OOC: I never said the people turn violent. :v: Just us.

IC: "I never said violent rebellion. I said to use it to prevent violence, you deaf fool." Xenu sighed.

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Evans looked towards Xenu.

"My friend, perhaps it is not me you should be calling deaf." He glanced towards the unnamed man. "I don't believe I said anything about a coup, but this is still treason against the state."

"You are correct. Remember what I said about violence to prevent violence?"

Xenu smiled and pulled out a pistol - the bar had no freaking security - and shot the man who came from the corner three times. (ooc: that's your dude, freakwars)

"Now, who wants to really talk about serving the Queen?"


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"You are correct. Remember what I said about violence to prevent violence?"

Xenu smiled and pulled out a pistol - the bar had no freaking security - and shot the man who came from the corner three times. (ooc: that's your dude, freakwars)

"Now, who wants to really talk about serving the Queen?"


"Barman, get him a drink on my tab. At least someone here has some huevos."

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"You are correct. Remember what I said about violence to prevent violence?"

Xenu smiled and pulled out a pistol - the bar had no freaking security - and shot the man who came from the corner three times. (ooc: that's your dude, freakwars)

"Now, who wants to really talk about serving the Queen?"


OOC: that was really random, My guy was probably the one who would have supported your agenda the most

A metal plate dropped out from under his cloak, and with one swift motion he threw a knife at Xenu's head while simultaneously jumping out an open window.

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Over in another booth, another man had been quietly nursing a drink.

Finally, he spoke up, though he didn't face away from the wall. "I really don;t see how you can say you're all talking treason. This is a democratic country with the ideals of free speech. You aren't planning to overthrow someone, you aren't plotting to kill anyone, or to betray State secrets. heck, I'd be surprised if many of you have any information an enemy of the State would be willing to acquire..."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Over in another booth, another man had been quietly nursing a drink.

Finally, he spoke up, though he didn't face away from the wall. "I really don;t see how you're all talking treason. This is a democratic country with the ideals of free speech. You aren't planning to overthrow someone, you aren't plotting to kill anyone, or to betray State secrets. heck, I'd be surprised if many of you have any information an enemy of the State would be willing to acquire..."

"You, sir, are full of what young kids these day call 'lulz'," Xenu said, but did not elaborate. "I would tell you all my stories, but they'd be dismissed as the drunken ramblings of an ex-spy." Smiling, he tossed his empty glass at the man who spoke up. "We're not talking treason, but we are talking possibly illegal stuff, as in.. I don't know, but I had to shoot that man there to prevent murder, I suppose now we've fixed the treason." He nodded to the dead, bleeding body on the floor.

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"You, sir, are full of what young kids these day call 'lulz'," Xenu said, but did not elaborate. "I would tell you all my stories, but they'd be dismissed as the drunken ramblings of an ex-spy." Smiling, he tossed his empty glass at the man who spoke up. "We're not talking treason, but we are talking possibly illegal stuff, as in.. I don't know, but I had to shoot that man there to prevent murder, I suppose now we've fixed the treason." He nodded to the dead, bleeding body on the floor.

He shrugged. "Whatever you say, my friend. Just so you know, you have my support to ammend the constitution in whatever way you think will be most likely to succede."

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"You, sir, are full of what young kids these day call 'lulz'," Xenu said, but did not elaborate. "I would tell you all my stories, but they'd be dismissed as the drunken ramblings of an ex-spy." Smiling, he tossed his empty glass at the man who spoke up. "We're not talking treason, but we are talking possibly illegal stuff, as in.. I don't know, but I had to shoot that man there to prevent murder, I suppose now we've fixed the treason." He nodded to the dead, bleeding body on the floor.

I didn't hear anything murderous about what he said in the last few minutes" said a young woman sitting in one of the booths.

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He shrugged. "Whatever you say, my friend. Just so you know, you have my support to ammend the constitution in whatever way you think will be most likely to succede."

"The constitution be damned."

I didn't hear anything murderous about what he said in the last few minutes" said a young woman sitting in one of the booths.

"You must be forgetting the part where he called for violence. Killing somebody and planning it beforehand? Sounds like homicide to me."

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Rorg noticed the talking was becoming, not so good...

"Guys, look. Using violence of any sort is going to harm us. If the police decides to unleash their dogs on us, we have to stay peaceful. That way, the entire world will know how desperate and determined we are, and it will embarrass the government. If we were to use violence, guess what? That gives an excuse for the government to unleash more violence on us and the entire world will ignore us because we used violence. We are not going to kill other people just because they support the government, we are going to kill the ideas of supporting the government in the people's heads."

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Rorg noticed the talking was becoming, not so good...

"Guys, look. Using violence of any sort is going to harm us. If the police decides to unleash their dogs on us, we have to stay peaceful. That way, the entire world will know how desperate and determined we are, and it will embarrass the government. If we were to use violence, guess what? That gives an excuse for the government to unleash more violence on us and the entire world will ignore us because we used violence. We are not going to kill other people just because they support the government, we are going to kill the ideas of supporting the government in the people's heads."

" You seem to be mistaking this for a coup."

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