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The Red Guard

Kaiser Indie

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The Red Guard


For a long time, nations of Planet Steve have suffered in silence. Their need for nukes, wars and strawberry jelly with vanilla ice cream has gone unfulfilled. In this new round we have created an alliance that covers all of these needs and many, many more. We are The Red Guard.


Charters are for the weak and non-lazy


The Red Guard has roots in its CN:S parent alliance, The International. We also come from the last TE alliance of The Unrighteous Fist.


We have no official treaty's and are part of no Bloc at this time.


The government of The Red Guard is made up of 6 council members. The Council is the supreme power and all issues must be decided on by a vote. Each council member also has a specific role to fill out in the running of The Red Guard.


If you wish to join The Red Guard, switch your AA to 'The Red Guard' in-game and join up at the TE section of theinternational-cn.com


Kaiser Indie - Council

John Lennon - Council

Sir Pwnage - Council

Ken Adams - Council

Comrade Craig - Council

Kyvers - Council

Edited by Kaiser Indie
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We are up to a good fight, don't get me wrong, but this is what I meant about getting your troops under control:

From: SavyStan Date: 3/4/2009 3:35:33 PM

Subject: Watch Out!!!

Message: Very Soon The Red Guard will begin attacking the Lafayette Escadrille with no mercy, this is just a fairwarning, UR Goin' down fo sho!!!!

So, I guess my question to the leadership of Red Guard is: Is this what you really want?

P.S. You might want to consider spelling lessons. Think about the Children!

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Nice to finally make this announcement :)

Also, The Red Guard's doors are open to foreign Diplomats and Embassy requests. If you have played CNTE the last few rounds you know our community has never flaked on a treaty and never will. Curmbstomps ain't got nothing on friendship. We are in the process of reorganizing our forums, so please feel free to make your requests in the TE: Sign Up Section at the bottom. www.TheInternational-CN.com

In regards to the LE situation, our member had no authorization to raid an aligned nation, but this is obviously a common mistake made by every alliance in CNTE. The member in question will be dealt with, the claims he made are completely false, and TRG would formally like to apologize to LE for any inconvenience caused by this members asshattery. The Red Guard has no desire to enter a war at this time with any alliance and time will prove that statement true.

Edited by seixas
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Hello Seixas,

I appreciate your post, for a moment we at LE thought the round was off to a fast start.

Indeed, unauthorized posts happen all the time, we understand the circumstances from which it came.

No apology necessary sir. We pride ourselves to be ready for battle at all times.

We wish you and the Red Guard alliance the best in your forum reorganization, and in round 4.

Salute Sir!


LE Leader & Black Team Senator

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