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6 months of SNAFUs and look where it leaves us!

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The clock strikes 2000 and televisions across width and breadth of SNAFU click on (Thanks to a short in the electrical grid that somehow only affects TV’s each day at this time) the powerful image of the SNAFU comes on the screen causing everyone to pause before they click the power button…


The image fades to reveal a haggard visage of a middle aged man wearing a cowboy hat, pulled down low as he snubs out a Marlboro cigarette and drinks down a swallow of Diet Pepsi while shuffling papers arrayed across the desk…

“Drall!” He exclaims…”what is the point of this press conference?”

His second in command comes sulking into the room. “We’re announcing our various treaties? Our protectorate with Carpe Diem…no, we announced that months ago, our PIAT with Tempest…no, they announced that.” “Oh, it must be the oDoAP with The Phoenix Federation…shoot, they announced that one, I’ve got it, it’s the PIAT with Meritokrati!”

“No, they announced that one too,” Stetson says to his second. “There must be something else.”

Pulling out a piece of paper from the bottom of the pile “Ah, here it is! We’ve appointed a new Director of Alliance Relations. Speaking of that, who let President S O go off to Australia when we knew there was going to be a press conference tonight. What if we get inquiries from our foreign brethren.” ”And who let him have the silly title, everyone knows he should be the Minister of Foreign Affairs,” Stetson thinks to himself. ”Oh well, when we founded this alliance, they gave me Grand FUBAR as a sign of respect, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.”

Interrupting the conversation between Drall and Stetson the Director of Illicit Affairs, Madam CaVi comes running in… “You’re on the air,” she attempts to inform Stetson without causing too much of a ruckus.

“What,” Stetson gasps…”but the clock says 1930!”

“Oh, funny thing about that,” says Silver Star as he walks into the room. “In my Department of Making Nations Rich, we turned all the clocks back so that government employees start work earlier. It’s easier to ask them to stay late than to come in early and the enormous number of tech deals we’ve been doing has caused a ton of overtime.”

“Did you inform Heheurfunny about this change so that our military exercises go off on schedule,” Drall asks Silver?

“Where is that idiot Silver Star,” Heheurfunny, the Director of Damage Control, yells as he storms into the office! “We were an hour early to the exercise! We overshot the target by an hours drive time and leveled that ghost town out on route 151!”

“That’s true,” Silver said, “but we’ve just saved millions on the demolition we had planned for next week so we can put in that new shopping mall.”

“That’s just great everyone, thanks for ruining my press conference,” Stetson sighs. Then a thought strikes him. “We passed 500,000 total nation strength!”

Drall whispers in Stetson’s ear, “Sir, we broke that milestone over a month ago. Haven’t we announced it yet?”

“No, our census people mistakenly counted our visitors out at the Econo Lodge when they stopped by before forming the Open Source Alliance. Remember, that's why we established the SNAFU Radar Blip's so we could keep better count,” Stetson says as he smiles and turns back towards the camera pushing his hat up so his face can be fully seen by the audience.

“My fellow members of the great alliance SNAFU…”

The image of the Grand FUBAR fades away mid-sentence and cuts off after quickly flashing the following graphic.


As the red light clicks off the camera, Stetson hangs his head and lights another cigarette. “Typical situation, all fouled up,” he sighs. But then he brightens, ”hey, it could be worse, I could be out of smokes and soda,” he thinks smiling and taking another sip. "I know let's all head over to #SNAFU, the drinks are on me," he says to his loyal Directors.

tl:dr Recap of SNAFU’s last 6 months worth of announcements and our official celebration of 500,000 NS.

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Sorry about the double post, but I wanted to make a clear distinction from, what I hope, was an entertaining OP and this more OOCish statement.

I just want to take moment to thank our members who have made building this alliance an enjoyable undertaking. Our achievements both in time and total NS might be modest compared to some, but our pride in our success is undiminished by that fact. We started 6 months ago as an alliance of 10 members with a total NS of 170k, approximately 110k of which were wrapped up in our top 4 members. Since then SNAFU has not had a nation join who was over 8k, we’ve reached this goal through strong recruiting and nation building. This effort is a testimonial to the effort our new players have put into learning to grow their nations efficiently and our larger nations being generous with their money and time.

Nation growth is honestly a small part of what make SNAFU a place I love to call home. Few of us knew each other prior to joining CN and yet we’ve been lucky enough to become a close, tight knit community. We may never be among the elite alliances in terms of our stats, we will always be a place for our members to enjoy this game to its fullest, both as a social exercise as well as a place for them to thrive on Planet Bob.

Of course we couldn’t have done any of this without our friends, Carpe Diem, Tempest, TPF, Meritokrati and all of the other signatories of the PEACE treaty who’ve made purple a wonderful place for us to reside.

On that note…


Hail her members!

Hail our friends for the next 6 months and beyond!

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Congrats! You've worked hard for the last six months and you're clearly reaping the rewards. SNAFU has been a great friend to Meri thus far, and I look forward to what the next six moths hold for our friendship, and our alliances.


o/ Stetson

o/ Cowboy hats and soda!

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