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Il Terra Di Agea

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"...And that's how you evaporate a PT cruiser with normal household materials! G'Night all!"

Before the show's credits began to roll, a calm, monotone voice hummed out, "This show was brought to you by:"

With that, the screen slowly faded from black, to show Baggs sitting in his study, flanked by cherry bookshelves, holding a pipe in one hand, a grass of Brandy over the small table to his left, and wearing a light green sweater-vest.

"Hello," He said in a suave voice, "As some of you know, my name is Baggs Q. Headington, esq. I am here today to talk about life in these chaotic times. Times when infrastructure can crumble at a moment's notice, a car can be your lifeblood, or a luxury. Times like these, the stuff of life, from lawyers to defend you, to the food on your plate can be at risk, which is where I come in."

Baggs slowly stood up, and faced the bookshelves.

"Now, some of you may be saying 'What does this help me?' And I'm here to say that that's a ridiculous question, you have everything to gain from..."

Baggs paused for a moment as he spun around, flinging the brandy and pipe into opposite walls, and tearing the sweater-vest from his torso,, to reveal a perfectly pressed suit. As he raised his arms into the air, the bookshelves raised into the ceiling to reveal a warehouse full of men and women, in identical suits, and masks covering their entire face.

"These are the people who will help you. They are everything you need in one easy to transport package. These, are the armed diplomats, but at the same time, they are much more. They are trained as soldiers, Lawyers, doctors, staff for any number of jobs, and many of them are also chefs. For a small price, they do what you need, when you need it, and they do it right. For enough money, they'll rain hot lead or rose petals wherever you want!"

"Now, I would assume you may think that they are out of your price range, or over qualified, well, the answer to that is damn straight. For all of you who need a master of a single profession, we have someone for you too."

With a loud crack, the floor beneath the armed diplomats shot into the ceiling, and another floor, filled with hundreds of men and women, dressed in labcoats, suits and construction equipment rose up.

"These are our lower price support staff. Thousands of good men and women willing to give you help with what you need now. They get the job done with dedication to the one who hires them, like a puppy... with a law degree."

"As all of you know, radiation has been an increasing problem in Europe, and hundreds have been left homeless, without food, water, or anything else. We have two remedies for that. One, we have legions of planes set to drop supplies for those displaced by the war. Everything from food, to water treatment tools, to materials to build shelters, it's all going down. The second you ask, come on up, we have jobs with steady income, health-care, food, free housing, and a gamut of everything you need!"

The next morning, many newspapers began to air ADI advertisements, not intended as much to explain ADI's cause, as they were to spread the name around, and make people interested.





The massive advertising campaign also took advantage of some cheaper newspapers to post full page ads filled in entirely black, except a small white circle containing the ADI logo. With that, many travel agencies began to receive brochures advertising Southport, a city build entirely by ADI to start a tourist flow. Te main appeal of Southport being its climate, far warmer that much of Europe, due to a rush of warm air being pushed out by the massive nuclear winter related high pressure system. Of course, it also was radiation free, and full of theater, a stadium, two universities, and it's two 18 hole golfcourses.


OOC: Hire them, later on, they will be selling cars, military goods, and everything under the sun (Yes, that does include caskets). They will always get the job done, although, often in very unorthodox ways :awesome:

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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For enough money, they'll rain hot lead or rose petals wherever you want!"
OOC: Would Baggs be interested into working for the Ministry of Propaganda Education in Byzantium? :awesome:

OOC: That should cover it, though Baggs, and a few others, will only go on the seriously sensitive, dangerous, or awesome stuff :awesome:

Which reminds me, I need to PM you about something...

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While the press in the Federacion Iberiana is free to sell advertising to any who wish to buy it, the government has issued a statement strongly discouraging the contract work of this... organization until more information is released to the public, and should ADI seek to set up an office within the Federacion, they will be required to submit a full accounting of all business done within Iberian territory or involving Iberian citizens.

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Generalissimo has always been a firm believer in synergy, and warrior diplomats are an excellent idea combining the best of both fields into something superior to either.

Kiska Atka, my former Minister of Foreign Affairs was also Attorney General, Minister of the environment, Minister of Education and Technology, Secretary of the Treasury, Minister of Commerce, Secretary of Labour, Development Secretary and even Deputy Director of Intelligence.

It’s not about how many people you have, but how much you can get your one person to do. How could I not support such innovation?

Edited by Generalissimo
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While the press in the Federacion Iberiana is free to sell advertising to any who wish to buy it, the government has issued a statement strongly discouraging the contract work of this... organization until more information is released to the public, and should ADI seek to set up an office within the Federacion, they will be required to submit a full accounting of all business done within Iberian territory or involving Iberian citizens.

At a time whence we wish to open up offices within your nation, we are happy to conform to any of your laws, and do what we can to keep the government comfortable, whether that be ceasing all military activities through that headquarters, or giving government personnel sponge baths and caramel apples.

Generalissimo has always been a firm believer in synergy, and warrior diplomats are an excellent idea combining the best of both fields into something superior to either.

Kiska Atka, my former Minister of Foreign Affairs was also Attorney General, Minister of the environment, Minister of Education and Technology, Secretary of the Treasury, Minister of Commerce, Secretary of Labour, Development Secretary and even Deputy Director of Intelligence.

It’s not about how many people you have, but how much you can get your one person to do. How could I not support such innovation?

We that you for these kind, wise words.

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Should ADI seek to open an office in Saboria, we'll gladly supply them with one in the Nakheel tower, the tallest building in the world.

It's got suites for living in it, too. The only thing is, of course, not breaking our laws, but that's a given.

*In the Chairman's office*

"Mhmm...Caramel apples."

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Should ADI seek to open an office in Saboria, we'll gladly supply them with one in the Nakheel tower, the tallest building in the world.

It's got suites for living in it, too. The only thing is, of course, not breaking our laws, but that's a given.

OOC: Hehe...I'm planning to build a taller building in the near-future. >:-3


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