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Until Death Do Us Part

Sarah Tintagyl

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After the silence of the prayers the congregation once again turned their heads towards the altar, Sarah turned to the crowd and smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen, foreign leaders and my citizens. I thank you all for coming out here today to honor Larsa and I. We are extremely happy that you took the time to do so. But now with the ceremony over we can truly let the celebration begin." At her words a long line of cooks and servants came out with tables and silverware for a great feast in the garden and at the center of this great display was the wedding cake, that stood above all the other foods. "I hope that you all stay as long as you like, well off until the night actually and let us make this day as memorable as we possibly can, thank you very much all of you for coming."

As the congregation began to break up she turned back to Larsa. "You don't know how happy this makes me Larsa. We've endured through so much, so many heartaches, disasters, troubles, I never thought I'd see the day on the isle." She hugged him again, the glitter beginning to run down her eyes from the tears of joy. "Lady Sarah Solidor, it sounds so nice."

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After the silence of the prayers the congregation once again turned their heads towards the altar, Sarah turned to the crowd and smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen, foreign leaders and my citizens. I thank you all for coming out here today to honor Larsa and I. We are extremely happy that you took the time to do so. But now with the ceremony over we can truly let the celebration begin." At her words a long line of cooks and servants came out with tables and silverware for a great feast in the garden and at the center of this great display was the wedding cake, that stood above all the other foods. "I hope that you all stay as long as you like, well off until the night actually and let us make this day as memorable as we possibly can, thank you very much all of you for coming."

As the congregation began to break up she turned back to Larsa. "You don't know how happy this makes me Larsa. We've endured through so much, so many heartaches, disasters, troubles, I never thought I'd see the day on the isle." She hugged him again, the glitter beginning to run down her eyes from the tears of joy. "Lady Sarah Solidor, it sounds so nice."

Larsa offered a soft smile.

"You have bore the brunt of tragedies more than some bear in a lifetime. You have had your falls, your stumbles, but you have always come out stronger for it. I am glad to have been witness to your growth as a leader and as a fine woman."

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OOC: Thank God for Google :P

OOC: Heh heh, nice...

IC: As the Bishop pronounced them man and wife, and they kissed, Jackson stood up and not only applauded, he whooped with glee. Harlem chuckled at his anitcs as he also stood and applauded, and even their two guards offered smiles and polite applause of their own.

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Just as the ceremony was finishing up, a man walked into the area flanked by two guards. Larsa looked and recognized the man immediately, Ranather Rukia. He looked over at Jackson and chuckled. Not saying anything, Ranather made his way to the garden and sat down on one of the Benches, guards in tow.

He wanted Larsa and Sarah to enjoy the moment and would approach them a bit later. He looked out upon the guests and remembered the exurberance of his own wedding so many years ago, and of his long dead wife. For this grizzled old ex-Emperor, it was a somber day.

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OOC: Wait up for me! :o

OOC: Yeah, I'm afaid the dog would be a dead giveaway. Perhaps they left him with Laurel... ;)

IC: Anthony Harlem leaned sideways to whisper in their ears, just as Larsa took Sarah's hand. "Quit fidgeting. You trying to draw unnecessary attention to yourselves?"

OOC: Hehe, yus, Henry's with Laurel. ;)

IC: Both Jed and Aaron chuckled. "No, of course not. But--" Jed began to whisper, but was interrupted by Aaron. "He started it!" The former Emperor whispered, pointing to his brother. Jed rolled his eyes. "You see why we're such a huge hits at weddings?" He smirked, at Harlem.

"But very well, we'll behave, heh." Jed grinned as Aaron rolled his eyes, trying to deal with his itching moustache.

OOC: Heh heh, nice...

IC: As the Bishop pronounced them man and wife, and they kissed, Jackson stood up and not only applauded, he whooped with glee. Harlem chuckled at his anitcs as he also stood and applauded, and even their two guards offered smiles and polite applause of their own.

Both Jed and Aaron stood up and applauded, Aaron whooping. "You go, bro!" At that, Jed elbowed him on the side.

"Ow! Must you do that?" Aaron whined as Jed shook his head and chuckled.

OOC: Tis your cue, Ranather. :awesome:

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OOC: Wait up for me! :o

OOC: Hehe, yus, Henry's with Laurel. ;)

IC: Both Jed and Aaron chuckled. "No, of course not. But--" Jed began to whisper, but was interrupted by Aaron. "He started it!" The former Emperor whispered, pointing to his brother. Jed rolled his eyes. "You see why we're such a huge hits at weddings?" He smirked, at Harlem.

"But very well, we'll behave, heh." Jed grinned as Aaron rolled his eyes, trying to deal with his itching moustache.

Both Jed and Aaron stood up and applauded, Aaron whooping. "You go, bro!" At that, Jed elbowed him on the side.

"Ow! Must you do that?" Aaron whined as Jed shook his head and chuckled.

OOC: Tis your cue, Ranather. :awesome:

Ranather could not help but notice the two odd acting folks. He decided that they looked far too familiar and decided to 'investigate'.

He slowly approached them.

"You boys are having a good time, aren't you? Oh my, where are my manners. I'm Ranather, sort of the world's controversial old goat."

Edited by Ranather
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Ranather could not help but notice the two odd acting folks. He decided that they loked far to familiar and decided to 'investigate'.

He slowly approached them.

"You boys are having a good time, aren't you? Oh my, where are my manners. I'm Ranather, sort of the world's controversial old goat."

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Jed and Aaron turned to the source. Although they already knew Ranather was alive, they couldn't help but be surprised and amazed. It had been a long time since they'd last talked to him...

Jed and Aaron managed to compose themselves, while frantically thinking of any names. "H-hello, Ranather. I'm...Teddy, and he's Heron." Jed introduced himself and Aaron in a fake Bulgarian accent, feeling a bit guilty. He hated lying, especially to an old friend, but he'd have to maintain his identity -- but if Ranather managed to figure it all out, it wouldn't be a problem, actually.

Aaron smiled and nodded. "Yes, we're having quite a blast, heh."

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Upon hearing the familiar voice, Jed and Aaron turned to the source. Although they already knew Ranather was alive, they couldn't help but be surprised and amazed. It had been a long time since they'd last talked to him...

Jed and Aaron managed to compose themselves, while frantically thinking of any names. "H-hello, Ranather. I'm...Teddy, and he's Heron." Jed introduced himself and Aaron in a fake Bulgarian accent, feeling a bit guilty. He hated lying, especially to an old friend, but he'd have to maintain his identity -- but if Ranather managed to figure it all out, it wouldn't be a problem, actually.

Aaron smiled and nodded. "Yes, we're having quite a blast, heh."

Ranather simply nodded and whispered as he walked past.

"Better names and a better accent would help, and ditch the fake hair, makes you look wierd." he whispered with a chuckle as he kept moving, so as not to attract attention to the brothers.

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As the congregation began to break up Sarah left Larsa's side only for a moment as to begin greeting the guests that had so happily bothered to come to see her on her wedding day. Two strange looking men, that reminded her almost of friends she had back in high school, along with a much more serious looking old man was her first stop. "Gentlemen." She bowed. "I don't believe I've seen any of you before, but thank you for coming nevertheless." Then she turned to the older man. "Sir, on the other hand you look quite familiar, but I can't seem to put a name to face if you'll forgive me."

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Ranather simply nodded and whispered as he walked past.

"Better names and a better accent would help, and ditch the fake hair, makes you look wierd." he whispered with a chuckle as he kept moving, so as not to attract attention to the brothers.

Jed's eyes widened. Ranather sure was quick at figuring it out...

Aaron smirked and shook his head. "I knew the names sounded cheesy, I knew it!" Jed rolled his eyes and elbowed Aaron in the stomach. "Shut up."

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Jed's eyes widened. Ranather sure was quick at figuring it out...

Aaron smirked and shook his head. "I knew the names sounded cheesy, I knew it!" Jed rolled his eyes and elbowed Aaron in the stomach. "Shut up."

It was almost spooky, and though Ranather had walked out of sight, they could still hear Ranather laughing, fainter as it grew over the time.

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Alex Chekov claps softly as they two lovebirds become married. Sometime after, He approachs Sarah.

"Ah miss tintagyl...or should I say Solidor? I am extremely happy to see you so happy. I hope you both live long lives together. To be married...ah it has been so long. Dont let Larsa be a jerk ever sarah. Id rather not have to go medieval on his butt." he finishes with a hearty laugh.

Chekov grabs a bottle of vodka off a cart and pops it open. He downs part of it before offering it to Sarah and Larsa.

"To many happy years! May they be many, fun, and full of children!"

(OOC: Yes Red=Russian.)

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Alex Chekov claps softly as they two lovebirds become married. Sometime after, He approachs Sarah.

"Ah miss tintagyl...or should I say Solidor? I am extremely happy to see you so happy. I hope you both live long lives together. To be married...ah it has been so long. Dont let Larsa be a jerk ever sarah. Id rather not have to go medieval on his butt." he finishes with a hearty laugh.

Chekov grabs a bottle of vodka off a cart and pops it open. He downs part of it before offering it to Sarah and Larsa.

"To many happy years! May they be many, fun, and full of children!

Sarah laughed at the old man before taking a small shot from the bottle with him. "No, Larsa would never do such a thing, but I would expect a gentleman of your standards to never have to go medieval." She laughed. "I'm glad you could make it Mr. Chekov, it makes me feel much better seeing someone as over joyed as yourself. I hope you were able to tell the Tsar if you talked to him about the wedding. It would have been nice to see him here."

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"Again with the Tsar! I tell you sarah I am not in the service of Romanov. And from what i hear.." he says trailing off,

"He wants you and all your friends dead."

He backs off, putting a smile on his face.

"Besides, the Tsar is a dour man. No fun!"

(OOC: Chekov is not on Molakian payrolls, citizen list, no Social Security Number, no Drives License....He is not of molakia.)

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"Again with the Tsar! I tell you sarah I am not in the service of Romanov. And from what i hear.." he says trailing off,

"He wants you and all your friends dead."

He backs off, putting a smile on his face.

"Besides, the Tsar is a dour man. No fun!"

(OOC: Chekov is not on Molakian payrolls, citizen list, no Social Security Number, no Drives License....He is not of molakia.)

Larsa found his way over to the pair.

"I like your new friend, he has quite the humorous streak." he said smiling.

Edited by Ranather
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"Again with the Tsar! I tell you sarah I am not in the service of Romanov. And from what i hear.." he says trailing off,

"He wants you and all your friends dead."

He backs off, putting a smile on his face.

"Besides, the Tsar is a dour man. No fun!"

(OOC: Chekov is not on Molakian payrolls, citizen list, no Social Security Number, no Drives License....He is not of molakia.)

OOC: Sorry :P

"He wants you and all your friends dead."

She looked at him and smiled, pretending not to her him say those words. "Of course Mr. Chekov, my apologies." Her thoughts drifted back the night at the airport in Turku, but quickly brushing them aside she turned back to Larsa and the other guests. "Dear, I wanted to talk to you about the idea of maybe putting off our honeymoon until much later, we're dealing with reconstruction situations as well as some other things that I don't want to bore you with. But I was thinking when we get around to it. How do you like the Caribbean?"

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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OOC: Sorry :P

"He wants you and all your friends dead."

She looked at him and smiled, pretending not to her him say those words. "Of course Mr. Chekov, my apologies. Do have fun at the party though." Her thoughts drifted back the night at the airport in Turku, but quickly brushing them aside she turned back to Larsa and the other guests. "Dear, I wanted to talk to you about the idea of maybe putting off our honeymoon until much later, we're dealing with reconstruction situations as well as some other things that I don't want to bore you with. But I was thinking when we get around to it. How do you like the Caribbean?"

Larsa pondered her words for a moment.

"Well, Tahoe controls the northern bits and the Imperium of America the south. The Imperium is an old ally of Ranather, so I'm sure we could pull some strings and get a very nice little spot."

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The ceremony was worth every bit of the effort, although it was the first time Generalissimo had seen Larsa or Sarah in person, but was still extremely moving. Generalissimo had planned on congratulating Larsa and Sarah, but never made it past the food table.

Food honest to god food, the sort of food that didn’t require decontamination tablets.

"Today on cooking with Generalissimo we will turn a contaminated can of contaminated cola, a package of powered milk, and a vitamin supplement into, into, into, into something barely edible. Who am I kidding? This isn’t food, but the scavenging was a little unsuccessful today. Don’t worry kids, I’m Generalissimo, I’ll be fine, right? On second thought I think we’ll hold off on cooking with Generalissimo until I find actual food."
With a plate of more then his share of the wedding cake, Generalissimo could not help crying after his first bite, in the past year he had almost forgotten the taste of real food.
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The ceremony was worth every bit of the effort, although it was the first time Generalissimo had seen Larsa or Sarah in person, but was still extremely moving. Generalissimo had planned on congratulating Larsa and Sarah, but never made it past the food table.

Food honest to god food, the sort of food that didn’t require decontamination tablets. With a plate of more then his share of the wedding cake, Generalissimo could not help crying after his first bite, in the past year he had almost forgotten the taste of real food.

As Sarah continued to walk around the ground she saw another man that she had never seen before and walked towards one of the tables. He was a grizzled man, in full military uniform devouring the food in front of him like a ravenous animal. "Sir." Said the bride in a soft voice. "I don't believe we've met before, how do I know you?"

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Who am I? I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia” articulated loudly with great confidence and arrogance, but only after realizing who he talking to (after looking up from his meal) did he adopt a more conversational tone “Lady Tintagyl... errr… Solidor? I don’t believe we’ve met personally, but you might know me from Procinctian radio transmissions and statements.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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A small detachment of four men with shining blades, led by Lewis De Luit, arrived in the hall. Seeking the newly wedded pair, he dropped to his knee before the Tintagyl.

"My lady, we are yours forever. The remaining Camburic's have gathered here, in this new place, and we have sworn our fealty to your House forever. Those you Kept in times of heart-ache and suffering serve you now, my lady...and shall serve you ever. Accept, I beg of you, Our Oath: To guard the line of Tintagyl, to guide the good and encourage the wayward in their charge, to pledge our hearts, our blood, and our sacred honor to the preservation and sustained of the Tintagyl family, as well as the Hansa. Will you accept our Oath, m'lady?"

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Who am I? I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia” articulated loudly with great confidence and arrogance, but only after realizing who he talking to (after looking up from his meal) did he adopt a more conversational tone “Lady Tintagyl... errr… Solidor? I don’t believe we’ve met personally, but you might know me from Procinctian radio transmissions and statements.”

"Generalissimo." She bowed and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "My greatest defender. I was and am still of a fan of your broadcasts, you have always been one of the Hansa's greatest supporters. Indeed challenging the Dutch attack on Andonia and declaring Helsinki the true center for diplomatic progress in Europe and the world. I am eternally in your debt Your Excellency for such compliments, but even more so, you who gave me so much strength to continue on with my reforms and strives to create a philosophy of pacifism that can be echoed across the world. For that I am extremely thankful. Also I understand that Procinctia is suffering greatly from war weariness. I would love for the opportunity to visit your country and if there is anyway to truly help your people again thrive I will find a way."

A small detachment of four men with shining blades, led by Lewis De Luit, arrived in the hall. Seeking the newly wedded pair, he dropped to his knee before the Tintagyl.

"My lady, we are yours forever. The remaining Camburic's have gathered here, in this new place, and we have sworn our fealty to your House forever. Those you Kept in times of heart-ache and suffering serve you now, my lady...and shall serve you ever. Accept, I beg of you, Our Oath: To guard the line of Tintagyl, to guide the good and encourage the wayward in their charge, to pledge our hearts, our blood, and our sacred honor to the preservation and sustained of the Tintagyl family, as well as the Hansa. Will you accept our Oath, m'lady?"

Though still talking to Generalissimo, Sarah was extremely pleased and honored seeing what had become her own honor guard show up to the ceremony. After pledging his oath to her, Sarah laid to hands on De Luit's shoulders. "Of course I accept Keeper De Luit. But I would ask that you extend that oath to protect my husband as well and the family that we will eventually build. You have shown such loyalty to my petite being Lewis and for that I am extremely thankful." She beckoned him to rise. "I have named Larsa as Marshal of the Hanseatic military, however you are equality deserving of promotion due to your unwavering loyalty towards my person and the Hansa in general. We are in the process of building a navy and it would honor me to see you take the challenge of managing it for me. What do you think Admiral?"

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