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The Northern Empire reaches out to the survivors


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In light of the recent events happening in Europe, the continent is in need of help and repair. the Northern Empire steps up to help the nations in need by helping them rebuild, repair, establish law, reestablish government figures and present a unifed European front to all those in need of its survives. For the time being any nation who wills it, will have the Northern Empires protection, services, and help readily available.

"We shall support our fellow man by helping those that we have never come in contact before. Some recently established nations have just went into a nuclear holocaust and have come out destroyed. We are going in not for our sake, but for thiers. We look to make friends and establish lasting relationships with the nations along the way.We will work with national, regional, and local government as a whole to provide support for all on the continent. That is, those in need of our services. We ash all those in RUSSIA to help us aid our fellow man and provide a unifed Europe once more with the safety it deserves as well as the help it needs."

-Emperor Mykep the Younger

Loads of supplies are now finding thier way from the Northern docks towards the Scandinavian waters. Once they find an HQ and dock to stay at, soldiers will be moved in to provide order and stability to the region.

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Molakia offer the Port of Kotka, the capital city, aswell as Molakian Coast Guard Station Kotka as ports to enter the region. We have yet to consider your offer of aid however. We just would rather you not sit in the Baltic for a few weeks.

Your hospitality is noted and we understand your concern for your region. Rest assure, that we are here for your benefit and will not reap the spoils of war. We have only good intentions and hope to create a lasting peace in Europe as well as a rebuilt Europe, hopefully one that stands more proudly than the last.

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Norsvea will accept ships into Trøndheim and Bergen, as the Oslo Harbor is beginning the rebuilding process.

Once the Harbor is fully repaired, we shall dock. Until then, we will be in Kotka. Our helicopters will provide medic services as well as provide supplies.

The recent wars have cut off trade and our industries have made an abundance of everything. We will be delivering it to the nations of Europe than have them rot in a space saver till they can be used.

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The Hansa congratulates the Northern Empire in attempting to establish a peaceful and stable Europe once again, though we are far across the world now our heart will always go out to Europe, it was our homeland and the people there are our brothers and sisters for eternity. If it is possible, we wish to send aid through your nation to help rebuilt Europe for as much as we can send. I hope that our modest aid will alleviate some of the pain being felt, as the pain for our people in declaring war in the first place still hits hard. Through aid, it is the only way we feel the Hansa can redeem itself. Please accept our humble offer.

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It's too early to scout the wastelands and reach the survivors, if there is any, entering those areas will cause death in few minutes, the cities are on fire and flames will take weeks to fade, you can't do nothing about it.

There is always something to do. The places hit arent the only places effected. anarchy erupts elsewhere. debree falls and kills people. The nukes arent the only things launched. Reorganization, planning, developing, establishing and transfering. All of that has to be done before any real work is done, and I plan to carry it out fully within my limits to help the suffering nations of Europe.

I hope to establish a committee of European nation to make a joint effort out of this, tackling one nation at a time and fixing the problem. Starting off in the lesser damaged areas of Scandinavia, to Turkey, then to Prussia and Italy. Hopefully all helping hands will be ready soon.

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The Hansa congratulates the Northern Empire in attempting to establish a peaceful and stable Europe once again, though we are far across the world now our heart will always go out to Europe, it was our homeland and the people there are our brothers and sisters for eternity. If it is possible, we wish to send aid through your nation to help rebuilt Europe for as much as we can send. I hope that our modest aid will alleviate some of the pain being felt, as the pain for our people in declaring war in the first place still hits hard. Through aid, it is the only way we feel the Hansa can redeem itself. Please accept our humble offer.

Your aid will help those who have suffered. It may not rebuild Europe, but it is surely a step towards it. Thank you for the support and we shall attempt this and hopefully through aid from others we shall succeed. Every willing nation looking for our assistance will recieve it.

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If only there was an emergancy signal operating to coordinate efforts and find survivors... wait I’m already operating one, feel free to lend a hand.

It's too early to scout the wastelands and reach the survivors, if there is any, entering those areas will cause death in few minutes, the cities are on fire and flames will take weeks to fade, you can't do nothing about it.
We could at least try to find remaining survivors and airdrop them supplies, a few flyovers wouldn’t hurt anyone. Edited by Generalissimo
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We must deal with those lightly effect and the areas lightly poluted to establish civilized order in an area for the remianing survivors to be aided. It will be a slow, and steady operation, but we will do it right. It will take alot of effort to help Europe out now.

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Nations of Europe, we offer our help, and shall begin immediately after the signing of the proper documents. We realize Europe is not our place, so we set restrictions on our legislature and ask for the governments of the nations who seek our help to sign the following documents. If you seek our help in helping only the survivors, please sign only The Cleanup Commission Act. If you wish to seek our help even further and reestablish order and unite the country under your control, please sign the The Intervention Bill.

This will limit our involvement to what you wish for us to do. It will also provide the first step to us becoming new friends with involvement on both sides.

The Cleanup Commission Act.

- Individual protection of all survivors is most important The Northern Empire as well as the nation's government shall issue all of the listed items to members of areas effectd by fallout:


  • Beds (bunks or folding)
  • Bedding
  • Toilet
  • Polyethylene bags for toilet
  • Table (folding or other)
  • Stools (folding)
  • Cups and plates (disposable)
  • Knives, forks, spoons
  • Can opener
  • Cooking utensils
  • Kerosene cooker (Do not use a pressurized stove in the confines of your shelter.)
  • Kerosene lamp
  • Kerosene (sufficient for 14 days)
  • Candles
  • Safety matches
  • Hand basin
  • Calendar
  • Paper towels
  • Garbage can (two if no waste water runoff is possible)
  • Garbage bags
  • Shovel
  • Broom
  • Battery radio and spare batteries
  • Electric lamp and spare bulbs
  • Clock
  • Flashlight and spare batteries
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Hand tools
  • Pocket knife
  • Axe
  • String
  • Light rope

- Treatment of Radiation Sickness is also important. As the amount of people infected reaches the point where hospitals can not help, individual families will be given a booklet on how to help:

A portion of the booklet:

Treatment includes rest, the provision of whatever nutritional food and drink is available and personal encouragement to get well. Swab the mouth gently with mild, warm salt and water if it becomes sore. As these patients are susceptible to infection, keep wounds clean and covered with a sterile dressing. Separate these patients from persons with colds, rash or fever.

- Fresh prepared water on the national level is needed. The water from the arctic ocean should be clean and safe enough to not cause any harm to the people. Purification methods and Utilities in Northern Europe will be needed. If the Nations allow it, they will be turned to Northern Empire experts so that the men and women do not have to work in thier families time of need.

- All goernment should issue an order to prevent the spreading of radioactive dusts. Safety Areas about 50 miles away from Nuyclear Explosions should be created and maintained. Issuing protective gear, removal of clothing, cleaned fruits and vegetables, and other possible needs to help any survivors in an area. These SAs should be spread throughout the country and the continent.

- EMP blasts will shatter all modern communication systems so these need to be reestablished. Governments should work from large cities that were not hit, to SAs and all areas inbetween.

- Rebuilding will occur once these requirements are done.


For the Northern Empire,

Mykep the Younger

The Intervention Bill

- If the government wishes, The TNE will handle most, if not all affairs related to the fallout to prevent any confusion. The government must reestablish themselves as the breakdown of civil society occurs. Police forces must be put back on duty and the military will have to step in.

- TNE will not interfere with affairs outside of the fallout, and will not take control of areas outside of helping the nations through this crisis. However, TNE officials will be given legal documentation to assert authority over assets that will be necessary to help in the reestablishment of the nation.

- TNE offers its military to all those who need it. They will be under the nation in question's uniform, and under the control of the nations military leaders. This will affirm the government and military's control in this crisis.

- TNE will work together with the economic branches of government to provide aid where it is needed. This will be dealt with by the joint effort and will also be looked at by the head(s) of state.


For the Northern Empire,

Mykep the Younger

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