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The Communist International


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Our nation does not have a communist government, but several leftist groups have expressed interest in visiting this conference. Perhaps we could send a small party of diplomats and envoys to observe?

Within our democratic system all parties are treated equally, and we want to expose our citizens to as many influences as possible, that they might return home and enrich the nation with news of others ideas and thoughts.

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Our nation does not have a communist government, but several leftist groups have expressed interest in visiting this conference. Perhaps we could send a small party of diplomats and envoys to observe?

Within our democratic system all parties are treated equally, and we want to expose our citizens to as many influences as possible, that they might return home and enrich the nation with news of others ideas and thoughts.

Does your nation have a communist party?

Although we may not have sent an invitation, all communist parties of the world are entitled membership (though a different access level than representatives of nation-members).

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Nicola Ramirez will represent the Procinctian Worker's Party at the Communist International conference. I would like to remind the world Procinctia is not a communist nation, and the Procinctian Worker's Party does not speak for the Procinctian government.

The communists do, however, have representation in the Procinctia Permanent Interim National Transitional Government Council.


Nicola Ramirez, former guerilla

Edited by Generalissimo
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We do not recognize this 'so-called' Communist International. At best, Communism is a social cancer that must be eliminated. If they try to interfere in German and European affairs, be assured that we shall do something about it.

You have made a similar threat already, I beleive your messege is clear.. Yet, irrelivant.

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We do not recognize this 'so-called' Communist International. At best, Communism is a social cancer that must be eliminated. If they try to interfere in German and European affairs, be assured that we shall do something about it.

Sakita muchawe!!

Yells the Premier of the People's Democratic Federation of America (South), after receiving those news in a traditional horse riding event.

The people are entitled to have the form of government (or the absence of it) they desire. If you interfere with the people's self determination, the comintern will respond with its military might.

Don't promise anything you cannot do.

He Claims.


Edited by deSouza
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We do not recognize this 'so-called' Communist International. At best, Communism is a social cancer that must be eliminated. If they try to interfere in German and European affairs, be assured that we shall do something about it.

Sadly it has become a popular method for nations wishing to advance their support, even land (in the case of the USC) to threaten, scold, and deny Communist nations and institutions their deserved recognition.

Edited by General Orlov
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The General Council welcomes its southern neighbors of The Northern Soviet into the Comintern and pledges to uphold this treaty and stand beside its comrades in the Far East against the rapidly moving and hostile forces of those who threaten to disturb the peace we in East Asia have labored upon to ensure. Furthermore, we would like to hold a separate meeting in the city of Ulaanbataar for all East Asian Comintern members to further elaborate upon our mutual interests as socialist formations sharing a common land.

Edited by The Mongol-Swedes
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Foreign Commissioner Ron White was a very busy man. Literally two minutes after sending the Council Republic's reply to the United States of China, he'd been whisked off to the airport for a three-hour flight to New Barcelona. The Foreign Commissioner was a short, thin man with a long, thin face, who blended into crowds in a pinch and had trouble making himself noticed on balconies. Two hours into the flight he'd made up his mind that he'd send Deputy Foreign Commissioner Alf Brandon on jaunts like these; he wasn't made for it. Admiral Kieth Thomas, who had accompanied him on his flight and now sat across from him in the limosine they shared, was a more well-built man, though so pale he had been kept on shore doing staff work his whole career, never having commanded a ship for fear he'd get cancer by age 28. The fact that he was good at staff work was merely incidental. Ron could tell he wasn't finding the direct sunlight of the south or the heat at all to his liking. He kept wiping the back of his neck with his handkerchief and glancing out first one window, then the other.

The motorcade--which Ron felt ostentatious and unnecessary--reached the Comintern headquarters presently and he and Kieth exited the limo and went inside. It wasn't much cooler in here, the marble rendering the air conditioning an order of magnitude feebler than it would have been in an ordinary building, but the comparatively somber coloring meant that the two men didn't have to squint to be able to see anymore. Seeming to recognize them, how they knew not, one of the clerks behind the front desk motioned for them to follow, and follow they did. He led them to a pair of massive oak double doors, which he opened by swiping a card. Inside was a mass of people doing a mass of things, from talking hurriedly among themselves to singing revolutionary songs to attempting and failing to make themselves heard from the lectern.

Ron and Kieth entered the room, which quieted somewhat, enough so that Ron, by shouting, could make himself heard at the front. He removed a piece of paper from his briefcase before speaking.

"I have an invitation to attend this meeting from a Comrade Orlov," he said, brandishing the piece of paper. "He neglected to give me details, so I'd like to spend some time examining the minutes of what's occured, as well as the agenda, if you please. What is the 'constitution' he mentions, and what is the 'pact'? How do they differ?"

OOC: here's the "note"

I invite you to join the Comintern (Communist International)...if you wish to join simply sign the constitution. We look forward to possibly having you join our pact.
Edited by Sovyet Gelibolu
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Yuktobania wishes to be a part of the Comintern. We have recently overthrown the democratically led state and are trying to establish a socialist, militaristic state.

Congratulations. But first you must agree to and then sign the Cominterns constitution. If you decide to sign we will extend an invitation to you to the Conference of the Comintern.

Conference of the Comintern

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A lot of our political class happen to also be philosophical scholars and are fascinated with the writings of postmodernists and anti-statists (as well as leftists). As they themselves benefit from the power they have they clearly do not act upon the philosophies but find the concepts to be of intellectual interest. Some of these individuals have requested that they be allowed to attend one of your functions. While they are not interested in signing your pact they are interested in gaining a better understanding of communism as it is an interest of their personal studies. Despite the disputes in Asia as well as our disagreements ideologically the Imperium wonders if the International would allow these individuals to attend as we all have a mutual interest in theory as well as the expansion of intellectual thought. If allowed they will be there as individual scholars not agents of the Imperium or voices of state ideology and politics. Perhaps their unique perspective may even allow them to contribute to the meeting.

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A lot of our political class happen to also be philosophical scholars and are fascinated with the writings of postmodernists and anti-statists (as well as leftists). As they themselves benefit from the power they have they clearly do not act upon the philosophies but find the concepts to be of intellectual interest. Some of these individuals have requested that they be allowed to attend one of your functions. While they are not interested in signing your pact they are interested in gaining a better understanding of communism as it is an interest of their personal studies. Despite the disputes in Asia as well as our disagreements ideologically the Imperium wonders if the International would allow these individuals to attend as we all have a mutual interest in theory as well as the expansion of intellectual thought. If allowed they will be there as individual scholars not agents of the Imperium or voices of state ideology and politics. Perhaps their unique perspective may even allow them to contribute to the meeting.

The Bolshevik Federation would be honored to meet with these scholars, and hopes that this may open doors to more dialogue and cooperation between our nations some day, despite idiological differences. While we may not speak for all of the Comintern we urge our allies to strongly consider this request.

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Representative Carlisle waved a hand at the crowds, instructing them to allow her to speak. She cleared her throat, which had become soar after hours of debating and singing, and addressed the delegates from the Great Lakes Council Republic. "It is good to see that you have made it in time, our summit was just drawing to a close. The building you stand in now is the headquarters of the Communist International, and we are representatives from the many nations and organizations that constitute it. The Communist International is an alliance of like-minded people; we have united to promote peace, freedom, democracy, and the betterment of the lives of the common people across the world. We seek to promote these values and priorities through peaceful and democratic methods - we are, after all, a defensive alliance. We encourage solidarity amongst those who wish to improve the world and need defense against those who would want to crush our movement, which is why you have been invited by Comrade Orlov.

Our constitution is our founding document - the first draft is not yet ratified. It is here, at the front of the room." The audience cleared to the side of the hallway leading from the entrance to the podium so that the visitors from the Great Lakes Council Republic could approach. "I would like for you to inspect it and contribute your thoughts on how it could be improved. If you find our union's goals to be similar to those of your nation, I would be honored to have you be the final signatory to our great alliance."

Edited by mastab
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"Just looking over this quickly," said Ron, "it seems to me that the Comintern is confused as to what it is. Is it a military alliance or a confederation? Understand that the Grand Littoral Council has authorized me to sign up for either one, but I would feel much more comfortable if I knew just what I was signing up for."

"I'm concerned about the defense aspects too," added Kieth. "I don't doubt the will of the member nations to defend each other, but my background's naval, and I can tell you right off that as the GLCR doesn't share a land border with another signatory, it's gonna be damn hard for us to fulfill our obligations, or for others to fulfill their obligations to us. The strait leading into Hudson Bay is easily blockaded from Greenland, and the Northwest Passage is only open a few months out of the year. My comrade here forgot to mention that he's only authorized to sign if I give the okay, and I don't think that's gonna happen unless the Comintern backs our claims to Resolution, Akpatok, and Mansfield Islands, as well as the islands in the Hudson Strait."

Edited by Sovyet Gelibolu
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Yuktobania wishes to be a part of the Comintern. We have recently overthrown the democratically led state and are trying to establish a socialist, militaristic state.

OOC: Does Yuktobania exist in CNRP-R? I know in CNRP it does. I wasn't aware you signed up for RP-R.

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