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The comming to the great winter.

Vasili Markov

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Across Neo Olympia seismographs went off the scale, as nuclear fire rained down on the northern hemisphere.

The world had descended into a nuclear inferno and now it was time to go through the crucible.

The fallout was contained mostly to the northern hemisphere so radioactivity would not be an issue.

But nuclear winter was approaching and it was time to use the plans that had been put in place many months ago.

Acid rain might be a problem for a few months so the hydroponic farms in the shelters were put to full capacity production to cover the shortfall of food over the next few years until the land recovered. These would be expanded since the shelters were not needed after the main acid rain had passed and they would increase productivity. Scientists would be instructed to double and redouble their research into food production, This and the stockpiles of grain and other non perishables would ensure that nobody would really starve.There would be no luxuries for several years but a basic existence could be guaranteed.

The General looked out of his office at from the senate building and shook his head, he had seen this coming it was an inevitable consequence of the political situation in Europe, he had tried to stop it but he did not have the resources. And now it was time to reap the whirlwind. This would be a trial of fire for the world and at the end he hoped he would be around to reforge it into something better and more just.

"Marcus" he said to one of the senate aides "Have you heard from the Australian coalition yet?"

"No sir, nothing yet but I am sure that they will be in contact soon" The aide replied

"Well let them know that we are prepared for this nuclear winter" The general said in a gruff voice "We will help them set up hydroponic farms, and such."

"Right away Sir" The aid said and saluted then went to the communications room to write a message for the general to approve .

It was sent later on in the day.

Edited by Vasili Markov
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## Stratcom Communication to Neo Olympia ##

Antiicpated relative impact of Nuclear Winter on underground Dragonisian civilization anticipated >=10% most areas affected external colonies in India and Antarctica. Food supply expansion efforts underway in underground sections. Multi-Story hydroponics cavern systems plan implemented. We wanted to know if Neo Olympia wanted to invest resources in helping us accelerate this process in exchange for an access to the resources it helps construct delivered by submarine to minimize crew and product exposure.

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The Wanatet Corporation accepts the help in setting up hydroponic farms for the shelters, and is proceeding to set them up in preparation for acid rain.

Winter gear is also being produced in preparation for the winter.

Edited by XRCatD
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To Dragonsia

We shall send you a team of experts in hydroponics to help establish your gardens and some seed stock. We can send some of the more critical components by air to minimise contamination and ensure their rapid use. We can produce additional seed raising beds if you provide the resources and have these sent by air freight as well. They are quite light and made of plastics so air freight is the best option.

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A detachment of soldiers assisted in the loading of the cargo into the sub.

General Markov got on the phone to Maelstrom "We do have cargo planes available and we are sending what we cant fit into the sub by air we will land at your airport and get the seed stock and electronics for the hydroponics bays unloaded in about 3 hours. The actual seed beds are being sent by the submarine you sent since they are bulky".

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OOC: Just so you know, nuclear weapons don't cause acid rain. We would be more affected by massive amounts of radiation, poisoned water supplies, and a pesky nuclear winter.

sulfuric acidic. The smoke fills the clouds, the clouds bring the contents back down. It kills plants, and soil.

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A detachment of soldiers assisted in the loading of the cargo into the sub.

General Markov got on the phone to Maelstrom "We do have cargo planes available and we are sending what we cant fit into the sub by air we will land at your airport and get the seed stock and electronics for the hydroponics bays unloaded in about 3 hours. The actual seed beds are being sent by the submarine you sent since they are bulky".

"Understood. Feel free to send select members of your government if you like. We are setting up "remote governance systems" here. Our entire civilization is under this earth. It will not see the same darkness the world is about to see."

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