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Declaration of Existence

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Well it seems the colony has been scraped. it was just a plan for two of the goverment officials to leave and set up their own alliance but I screwed it up when I joined.

So you screwed up the colony you founded by joining?

Well, that must have been awkward.

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Also everyone keeps saying I was going to make the exact same alliance as TUON. I just drafted the TUON Charter and made some changes untill we seceded then I was going to make a new one. I wanted a whole new Charter and Goverment. The one TUON has isnt working.

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@Cowman- The fact that you were in CoMA could put you just under the mark already ;).

@Jason Salovsky- Well I would qualify attempting to ZI nations for their opinions as pretty "bad." I never got to attack his alliance earlier because it was so damn small and now that I'm down around the NS I figure it'd time to lock and load. Most people don't give the chance for the person to stop posting and thus not get rogued on. ;)

@Danny- Well you see here, the fact that you screwed up your new alliance in less than a day, simply by joining and hadn't thought this through in the slightest is worth one attack. See you around update or sometime soon depending on my patience level. Also the fact that you've called me an A-Hole is unpleasent, to say the least.

EDIT- It looks as though you've pumped the only two guys who were in my range up enough to put them out. But hey, Ryan still hates you. :) So I'm sure he'd be glad to hit the guy who's just above my range to knock it in. You'd make a great training run wouldn't you?

Edited by Jofna
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Oh, look, a message from King Danny, let's see what it says:

Message: One more threat publically against me, anyone in TUON, or anyone that was in CoMA and I will throw the duel deal out the window and attack you without mercy one random day.

After lol'ing heartily for a good 2-3 minutes straight, I looked down at the keyboard to type something that would inevitably infuriate little old Daniel. It was two simple sentences, one long, one short, that meant different things for different people. For Jofna, amusement. For Daniel, anger. The two sentences that I typed?

"In that case consider this your public threat to all of TUON's nations and I await your attack, I should have some new warslots open around update so don't disappoint. In the words of E_S, bring it."

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Oh, look, a message from King Danny, let's see what it says:

After lol'ing heartily for a good 2-3 minutes straight, I looked down at the keyboard to type something that would inevitably infuriate little old Daniel. It was two simple sentences, one long, one short, that meant different things for different people. For Jofna, amusement. For Daniel, anger. The two sentences that I typed?

"In that case consider this your public threat to all of TUON's nations and I await your attack, I should have some new warslots open around update so don't disappoint. In the words of E_S, bring it."

You so crazay.

Edited by Galapagos
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"Caused a lot of damage"?

You lost 4 out of 4 battle attacks and attacked mid evening directly after some NPO'er who also lost his or her battles.

The small amount of infra damage you've done through cruise missiles has been repaired and rebought. The tech that was destroyed was stolen from you in my offensive battles. My warchest severely outclasses you, as each time I stole around 11k in cash, and that was going aggressive.

Don't overplay your hand, Danny.

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