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Continuing CNRP

Chancellor Bismarck

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I am excited by this idea, finally some action in CNRP that we can all RP.

A nuclear winter is survivable,

Granted we won't be in great shape at the end,

but those not directly affected by the blasts and fallout will still be around.

Some of the European powers will still be around also,

depending on if they can find realistic solutions to the radioactivity of the area.

And those who survive will hopefully be wiser,

and choose conventional military solutions or heaven forbid,

Diplomactic solutions to their problems.

The nuclear weapons are a weapon of last resort,

and hopefully the survivors will realise that,

and be more reluctant to use them as a "cure all" for all their problems.

This is not the end of the story, just the end of a chapter and how the story progresses is up to all of us.

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I am excited by this idea, finally some action in CNRP that we can all RP.

A nuclear winter is survivable,

Granted we won't be in great shape at the end,

but those not directly affected by the blasts and fallout will still be around.

Some of the European powers will still be around also,

depending on if they can find realistic solutions to the radioactivity of the area.

And those who survive will hopefully be wiser,

and choose conventional military solutions or heaven forbid,

Diplomactic solutions to their problems.

The nuclear weapons are a weapon of last resort,

and hopefully the survivors will realise that,

and be more reluctant to use them as a "cure all" for all their problems.

This is not the end of the story, just the end of a chapter and how the story progresses is up to all of us.

^This^ Come on guys finally not an Utopia

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I am excited by this idea, finally some action in CNRP that we can all RP.

A nuclear winter is survivable,

Granted we won't be in great shape at the end,

but those not directly affected by the blasts and fallout will still be around.

Some of the European powers will still be around also,

depending on if they can find realistic solutions to the radioactivity of the area.

And those who survive will hopefully be wiser,

and choose conventional military solutions or heaven forbid,

Diplomactic solutions to their problems.

The nuclear weapons are a weapon of last resort,

and hopefully the survivors will realise that,

and be more reluctant to use them as a "cure all" for all their problems.

This is not the end of the story, just the end of a chapter and how the story progresses is up to all of us.

I support this move :awesome: Mostly because Dranagg already exists in a place 100 times worse than any cold a nuclear winter could offer. With the exception of extreme radiation at the bomb sites of course :nuke:

Fallout 3 here we come :popcorn:

RV could RP capital wasteland :lol:

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I don't understand this, when I made my cobalt machine, everyone was angry and said "No, I refuse to RP in a radioactive wasteland."

Now we are welcoming it with open arms. :P

Has the community matured or did the people who didn't like my idea leave?

I never had a problem with it, but I think its because EVERYONE just nuked EVERYONE ELSE is why they have to accept it :P There isn't one target to complain about. :lol:

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From what I can tell, the people on the side who launched nukes first don't think it's that bad. They then went and started CNRPR...


Triyun started CNRPR, but he didnt launch nukes first. Your buddy Martens turned the war into a nuclear brawl.

Edit: Nvm I misread what you posted the first time.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Triyun started CNRPR, but he didnt launch nukes first. Your buddy Martens turned the war into a nuclear brawl.

Edit: Nvm I misread what you posted the first time.

I was talking about the Germany-Lavo war. Lavo wasn't defending Gebiv, he was defending HIMSELF. Germany INVADED Lavo's protectorate. Lavo counted with his standard EMP's after failed talks, and got nuked.

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I just wanna point out to all the drama queens out there that there is currently no threat of nuclear winter. For once I actually decided to do some looking around so I would know how to rp during nuclear winter, but there would have to be thousands of nukes dropped on a huge number of major cities in order to cause a nuclear winter. Nuclear winter isn’t caused by just detonating a few bombs or even a few thousand bombs. The cause if the burning of large cities, and the smoke and debris being distributed into the sky.

Since there have been only a handful of nuclear detonations over cities the most damage we can expect right now is widespread nuclear fallout in central Europe. Right now the causes would be, after the initial loss of life at ground zero, heath problems caused by the radiated particles traveling though the sky and being deposited in other areas. Crops and food stocks will be unsafe to eat, famine will hit Europe.

I also maintain my position that North + South America, Central + Southern Africa, Australia and the majority of Asia wont feel any short term effects, The devistation is mainly contained in central Europe and eastern Europe. Most likely maximum fallout will reach as far as Moscow, but even at this point that’s somewhat unlikely.

Now remember I’m not an expert on nuclear weapons, fallout or nuclear winter, but these are the conclusions I’ve drawn from looking around, mostly on wikipedia.


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Triyun started CNRPR, but he didnt launch nukes first. Your buddy Martens turned the war into a nuclear brawl.

Edit: Nvm I misread what you posted the first time.

Precisely if one member of the enemy coalition used nukes, we had an agreement that we would deal a death blow to the enemies main force. That is Lavo not Martens. Its unfortunate that Martens didn't take into account that Ferrous Pacific overrode all other treaties and that my treaties with Dutch Republic and Germany also had overriding clauses. But such is life.

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Well most of europe is burning, there are hints that america got nuked, and we already know new guinea was vaporized. Add to the fact that Austrialia just finished getting burned down and South America is on fire still with zombie warfare.

How much more dust and ash do you want? :awesome:

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Precisely if one member of the enemy coalition used nukes, we had an agreement that we would deal a death blow to the enemies main force. That is Lavo not Martens. Its unfortunate that Martens didn't take into account that Ferrous Pacific overrode all other treaties and that my treaties with Dutch Republic and Germany also had overriding clauses. But such is life.

Last I checked, Lavo wasn't defending Gebiv, he was defending himself from German aggression. Martens acted alone.

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