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Peace or War... You Decide.


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Peace Offer to TPF and Allies:

I will not offer any apologies for my actions nor do I expect one in return. Should you agree to put this to rest, I will make nothing more of this issue and put it to rest. Both sides have gone through enough in what has been a very public battle. Battle scars are nothing compared to scars left by personal attacks. This is not what CNs or CNte should be.

We both believe we are doing what is right for our alliances.

To that end, I ask you now BG, will you allow this to end? No winners, No losers. Just looking towards the brighter future. I am willing to put it all to rest. Hopefully you can too.

Orders of Judgment Reborn:

If peace is not reached by tonight, all Judgment Reborn members are authorized to commence with new rounds of attacks. I am holding out hope that there is a resolution in sight.


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Thai, your efforts to gain peace from superior attackers are feeble. However, if you send me some lemon cheesecake topped with strawberry drizzle sauce and cherries I may consider it.

We send our love and cm's, Your faithful unrighteous attackers


p.s. extra :wub:

Edited by Kaiser Indie
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Thai, your efforts to gain peace from superior attackers are feeble. However, if you send me some lemon cheesecake topped with strawberry drizzle sauce and cherries I may consider it.

We send our love and cm's, Your faithful unrighteous attackers


p.s. extra :wub:

lol :D Classic NY Cheesecake is better with the strawberry drizzle sauce. Damn... I just made me hungry. Anyway I don't expect peace as no one really seems to want it. You guys are fun to fight and the round is going to end in 16 days anyway.


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Considering it's the end of the round...and only a little over 2 weeks remains. (!6 days) I doubt anyone is truly considering peace at this point. Then again, I could be wrong. That all being said, I sincerely hope when the new round starts...we actually start fresh and the same old drama and petty bickering and personal attacks cease from this war old round cease.

Otherwise...I'm going to throw a !@#$%*fit harder then your wife who just caught you on CN at update after she said to go to bed.

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Come on man, seriously? there are 16 days left, we want to have as much fun as we can, gosh. Stop begging for peace already! We know you guys have lost but come on, take the beating like men. It is TE after all.

LoL.... if loosing 300k + of NS in 2 weeks versus 76k is considered winning... well you can have the trophy then :P

No hard feelings on this end... we'll fight until you guys want out.

To fun for the remainder of the round and no hard feelings. BTW

That all being said, I sincerely hope when the new round starts...we actually start fresh and the same old drama and petty bickering and personal attacks cease from this war old round cease.

I agree with you Owned-You.

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Peace Offer to TPF and Allies:

I will not offer any apologies for my actions nor do I expect one in return. Should you agree to put this to rest, I will make nothing more of this issue and put it to rest. Both sides have gone through enough in what has been a very public battle. Battle scars are nothing compared to scars left by personal attacks. This is not what CNs or CNte should be.

We both believe we are doing what is right for our alliances.

To that end, I ask you now BG, will you allow this to end? No winners, No losers. Just looking towards the brighter future. I am willing to put it all to rest. Hopefully you can too.

Orders of Judgment Reborn:

If peace is not reached by tonight, all Judgment Reborn members are authorized to commence with new rounds of attacks. I am holding out hope that there is a resolution in sight.


Well i guess you have the answer from my friends, I do however think its funny that now after 12,13 days of fighting and curb stomping you want peace.

In all honesty Thai I never wanted this war or thought you would turn on your friends at TPF, nor do i ever think you will apologize for it and admit you were wrong.

My actions have been in a defense to my AA, my friends, and myself. The actions have only followed up attacks of those against us......However I will say that i am sorry for any line crossing or personal attacks on you or any member of you bloc. That is not my nature or my personality, and i think you and most all of TE knows this.

I guess when your backed to the wall, you fight with all you have and i hope you never find yourself in this position.

All joking aside, There is no winners to this war!! No matter the outcome I lose.....I lost members of my AA, I lost the ability to keep other AA's from raiding my friends,

and worst of all I lost who i thought to be best friends in this game.

I won't tell you that you lost honor or anything else, you will have to do some soul searching to see what you have lost.

But i will tell you that you lost someone who believed in you as a person, a friend, and a leader.

Above all, someone that had your back many times and would have your back no matter the reason, no matter the outcome.

But maybe you think you have that with your current friends, maybe you haven't lost anything at all.

As far as putting it behind me, I really don't know if thats possible. I will say the trust will never be there again

As far as a brighter future, well lets just say i welcome next round.


Edited by Burning Glory
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BG, I sincerely hope that last post was IC, if not then I really don't know what to say. TE is not something to build grudges over, that is the nature of TE, to do stuff you can't in SE with the knowledge that in a few months, you start with a clean slate. The reason TE is becoming such a run down and muddy cesspool is because people are holding grudges! What the hell for? alliances requesting disbandment as terms for cessation of hostilities, to what end? I ask

Ubercon wanted to join in on this war, but due to treaty conflicts, we decided to stay neutral, upholding treaties was only part of the reason, the other was, because if you picked a side, that's it, the other side blacklists you as a traitor and next round, you get stomped for it.

I'm not saying TE should be a free-for-all, I find TE to be more of a testbed, you can try things with no risk of permanent repercussions, put people in charge and see how they do, if the screw up and totally suck, whatever wait month and try someone else; be a total jerk and see what happens, either you control the round, or you get beaten down; be a tree hugger and farm infra, WHATEVER.

However, once you start bringing all this drama into the equation, you ruin a lot of people's fun, not to mention it then instigates even MORE drama. Everyone give it a rest, if UC ends up fighting for either side in this war, it's for nothing more than to have some fun.

Stop with these stupid "we've lost friends" and "you need to do soul searching". Again, if that message was in character and I've misread this whole thing, disregard this wall of text, as I am going on over 30 hours of no sleep and it is very likely I misinterpreted it. Otherwise, everyone please loosen up.

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Peace Offer to TPF and Allies:

I will not offer any apologies for my actions nor do I expect one in return. Should you agree to put this to rest, I will make nothing more of this issue and put it to rest. Both sides have gone through enough in what has been a very public battle. Battle scars are nothing compared to scars left by personal attacks. This is not what CNs or CNte should be.

We both believe we are doing what is right for our alliances.

To that end, I ask you now BG, will you allow this to end? No winners, No losers. Just looking towards the brighter future. I am willing to put it all to rest. Hopefully you can too.

Orders of Judgment Reborn:

If peace is not reached by tonight, all Judgment Reborn members are authorized to commence with new rounds of attacks. I am holding out hope that there is a resolution in sight.


I already told you, we're more than willing to accept your unconditional surrender, all you've got to do is ask.

balls in your court, check mate, we win, you lose, i find your sweaty palms disturbing, etc. etc. etc.

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I already told you, we're more than willing to accept your unconditional surrender, all you've got to do is ask.

balls in your court, check mate, we win, you lose, i find your sweaty palms disturbing, etc. etc. etc.

Gotta Love Elb :wub: )):

I find your comments a little disturbing... balls, check mate, sweaty palms :P

Last I checked I had a king, queen, and 2 rooks on the board and you only had a king and a pawn.

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Considering it's the end of the round...and only a little over 2 weeks remains. (!6 days) I doubt anyone is truly considering peace at this point. Then again, I could be wrong. That all being said, I sincerely hope when the new round starts...we actually start fresh and the same old drama and petty bickering and personal attacks cease from this war old round cease.

Otherwise...I'm going to throw a !@#$%*fit harder then your wife who just caught you on CN at update after she said to go to bed.

Agreed. I really hope that the next round is more about blowing !@#$ up and having fun. I am not here to win a prize. Just war. Equal sides, beat the hell out of one another until one wants out... :P

And Owned-You... How did you find out? Did your Spaiz visit my house? ... My wife SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO does that :P

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Agreed. I really hope that the next round is more about blowing !@#$ up and having fun. I am not here to win a prize. Just war. Equal sides, beat the hell out of one another until one wants out... :P

And Owned-You... How did you find out? Did your Spaiz visit my house? ... My wife SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO does that :P

Heh, I think that scenario has occurred to anyone married on CN. Luckily...I'm 16 so...I can go to update safely without making a 12 step plan, and various "Escape" scenarios. :D

Hahaha :P

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