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World-News Special Report


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The Chancellor of Chan Khong received a disturbing phone call this morning from their fresh water trade partner. The chancellors office qouted the call: "Ha, ha, ha! No more freshwater for CK! I'm your daddy! Your mom loves me!"

The chancellors office claims there is no reason for the cut off other than just trying to prove to CK that they still heavly influence the economy. This comes after CK's alleged upgrade of their self defense army. Reports from AP report that CK has recently purchased arms from unknown sources.

"No more fresh water? That's okay." says a local spice farmer. "I can always draw water from the the extremely toxic Wang Chhu River. I was getting tired of making large profit, and hiring locals to help harvest my crops. Since the water will most likely kill my entire crop, I'll be looking forward for a nice long vacation til rain season." He went on saying as he loaded a his .36mm revolver he borrowed from a police man, "Since my house will foreclose and I'll probably loose the farm, you can bet that the vacation will be a long camping trip, the kids will enjoy that. All this will allow them an oppurtunity to get to know their mother more."

Even faced with serious challenges, the people of CK always look for the positive and never dwell on the negative.

Mark Shawan Reporting

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While we think the fresh water problem in Chan Kong is slightly impossible because of the Irrawady river, but we shall supply you with a large amount of fresh water if you wish. Also for the time being, Chan Kong Farmers have access to a part of the Brahmaputra river for water if they wish.

-Megan Fox

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We would like to point out to Chan Kong that either Forvenge or Raccoonia recently reported their intention to increase exporting fresh water supplies, so perhaps getting in contact with their governments would be of use to you? If you lack funds then I am sure Prussia could arrange something to help, and perhaps others. :)

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While we think the fresh water problem in Chan Kong is slightly impossible because of the Irrawady river, but we shall supply you with a large amount of fresh water if you wish. Also for the time being, Chan Kong Farmers have access to a part of the Brahmaputra river for water if they wish.

-Megan Fox

ooc: Don't think too much into it. Someone merely cutoff their trade item to ck which was fresh water.

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