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Foreign aid requests

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Would anyone be prepared to provide some foreign aid (possibly on an ongoing basis) to a newly established and independent African nation abiding by the principles of Nelson Mandela?

Is this playing the online race card? It actually reads as being a bit racist... Give me aid because my nation is based on Africa? :huh:

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Nation name: Pyromenia

Ruler name: Ewyndon

$250,000. Not much, but it would help me get going to a good start, and help me in my war.

Not hundred percent sure how this is supposed to work, but can you say no to this :awesome: ?

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Nation Name: Bloodvale Empire

Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=325829

I could really use either 50tech or 2million. I'll be happy to pay it back (If tech, pay back 1,750,000, if money 2,250,000). I need it to get a good tech deal started. It's a tech-first deal but it pays 3mil per 50 tech instead of 1.5

Please and thank you.

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my economy is dying and I have no where else to turn, Please support my nation with 50k, Thank you. This is just to get me back on my feet.

Nation name: Zonia

Username: Zonia

Edited by Zonia
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I'm a new nation and new to this Cyber Nations thing and just trying to learn the ropes I would be really happy if i could get 1 million that would be enough to keep things going while I figure this thing out

<a href="http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=170216" target="_blank">http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=170216</a>

Would like to borrow 3 million in foriegn. Preferably from an easy going loan shark.

Nation name is Omik1

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I have fought, anarchied, and defeated six Pacifican nations, but last night I anarchied a Pacifican who has just recieved 3 million dollars from LEN.

My war (he is also attacking Polaris, so I am guessing he's a rogue state): http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...;search=zlender

LEN aid to NPO: http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp...&Extended=1

My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=322992

I am asking for 3 million dollars in aid to counter this from anyone who sympathizes with our cause, so that I can survive and continue to fight for Karma in ending Pacifica's hegemony over Cybernations. If I am still alive after the war I will look at this as a loan and pay you back in interest.

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Dear People,

I am Chancellor of the Futuran Republic. I have had hard budgetary time recently. I talked to people but no one will help my starving people. They are currently happy, but when the government is in trouble the people will follow. I want to stop the suffering before it starts. I am requesting 2.5 million. I need it this week.



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Dear Cybernations,

Getting !@#$%*^ by unprovoked attacker. I require financial assistance to fend him off so I can continue to produce my terrible and hazardous resources for you. I'm not part of any alliance that could give me aid because I hate the petty bickering.

Long live the great nation of Nauru

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