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Casus Belli - The Phoenix Federation

King Death II

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A join Casus Belli and The Phoenix Federation Announcement

I am proud to announce that The Phoenix Federation and Casus Belli are merging! This has been a long time coming and it is really awesome that we have merged. Our new forum is at: http://www.tpfte.22web.net/ so check it out and hit us up as diplomats! All members under the Casus Belli AA are under TPF's protection until we decide to end it. We will be keeping the name The Phoenix Federation and our new government is:

Overlord: Burning Glory

Underlord: Bionic Redhead

Phoenix of Foreign Affairs: King Death II

Phoenix of Internal Affairs: JonBoy and Pendragon

General of Defense: BEazy

Now for our BRAND NEW CHARTER!!!!

The Phoenix Federation Charter

The Phoenix Federation Government

The government shall consist of 5 official positions.



Phoenix of Foreign Affairs

Phoenixe of Internal Affairs

General of Defense

The Overlord of The Phoenix Federation is the highest in command of the alliance.

The Underlord of The Phoenix Federation is second in command of the alliance and can carry out all the duties of the Overlord to keep The Phoenix Federation safe when the Overlord is not present.

Phoenix of Foreign Affairs is in charge of helping the Overlord with TPF’s diplomatic relations, treaties and diplomats. The PoFA shall maintain the forum and all embassies in the forum and shall be the official spokesperson of The Phoenix Federation. The PoFA can also appoint a deputy.

Phoenix of Internal Affairs is in charge of helping the Overlord with TPF’s recruitment, members and the sending of messages to the members. There will be two PoIA’s and is allowed to appoint deputies, and internal affairs staff.

General of Defense is in charge of helping the Overlord with TPF’s military structure, and (s)he is allowed to approve targets for war and espionage. The GoD is allowed to appoint military staff to assist in organizing the military.

Rules of the Phoenix Federation

1. The members of The Phoenix Federation can raid any alliance that TPF is not allied with.

a. Rules for raiding:

i. Members must only do two ground attacks

ii. Immediately following the ground attacks, members must offer peace.

2. All members of The Phoenix Federation shall keep their Alliance Affiliation as The Phoenix Federation

3. Nuclear Strike Policy: If The Phoenix Federation gets attacked, and then all members are authorized to use nuclear retaliation. If The Phoenix Federation attacks another alliance offensively then nukes ARE NOT allowed to be used in the first attacks.

4. No member of The Phoenix Federation shall be part of any other alliance while they retain membership in The Phoenix Federation.

5. No member of The Phoenix Federation shall spy on any alliance or pass classified information to any alliance or third party.

6. All members of The Phoenix Federation shall follow Cybernations rules in game and in CN forums. Members failing to do this will be removed from The Phoenix Federation.

7. Have fun. This is only a game.

Edited by King Death II
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lol sure you will


Also soon we will announce our treaty list.

a 40-50 nation boost for TPF. Aint much mainly cause UN recruits new people every day, we're still on a growing rampage rather than having to offer mergers to alliances. We'll catch you again cause your like 0.20 points in front at the moment.

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a 40-50 nation boost for TPF. Aint much mainly cause UN recruits new people every day, we're still on a growing rampage rather than having to offer mergers to alliances. We'll catch you again cause your like 0.20 points in front at the moment.

EE, get over you growing rampage......We are simply join friendship instead of having all the treaties. Also We don't go around offering NooBs to join our AA

or a bunch of NONE nations strictly for numbers. This leaves your AA in a defenseless manner and is the reason out of all the AA's in the top 12 your AA has the

lowest AVG NS and the second lowest AA strength, and thats only because you have 54 nations more than the lowest.


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To be fair though, UN has been growing steadily for some time now.

Anyway, trolling aside, farewell Casus belli, we hardly knew ye.

yeah, wasn't UN once a protectorate of UW or something? now you guys are 3 spots higher in alliance standing. i thought the UN would always be a tiny alliance back when you were posting all those stats about finally hitting 50k strength and whatnot haha

well nonetheless, i congratulate you guys... i'd suggest raising the avg NS in the future though... it doesnt look that great compared to the # of nations

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I guess I should have made this clear in the post:

All of CB's treaties become TPF's treaties. We are working on a list (lolTPF has a lot of treaties) and it will be announced soon.

Can't just say that and it becomes true. Have to get permission from former allies.

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