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Lafayette Escadrille going to war


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Good Morning folks,

To add some excitement into TE, our Alliance will go to war within the next 10 days. LE, is currently ranked # 13, and to promote good sportsmanship we will declare only on an Alliance ranked above us. At this time, I haven't considered which alliance we should war with. I know about 4 people in this game, so please don't take our 'war' personally as the only reason for this upcoming 'war' will simply be for 'fun'.

If your Alliance is ranked # 1 - 12, and do not wish to be declared upon please let me know.

The war will last for five days. No surrender/peace terms need to be dealt with. Last war with NAAW, this process took way too long. I have a wife, children, and a life I would prefer to be with rather than hanging out on IRC going round and round. I suspect many of y'all would rather go out on dates, drink cheap beer, and be away from the computer as well. At the end of 5 days we will simply send peace. Anyone that doesn't accept peace, we can just assume they want to continue the war.

I understand that many of the top alliances have a complex web of treaties and any act of war may certainly trigger other Alliances to step in. While obviously, I can't control other Alliances from stepping in, you can see that I have tried to make this as 'fair' as possible. By attacking a larger alliance I certainly feel that we are not 'gaining' any unfair advantages. If other Alliances wish to join in and counter attack LE, we can accommodate them as well. Our only real asset against fighting significant odds 'if' Alliance after Alliance is called in 'per treaty', is our nuclear arsenal. I'll ask the LE members to only use nukes if they get nuked first by the main alliance we declare upon, and/or any alliance(s) that enter the war to skew the balance. This seems fair to me as the only way to keep the war somewhat competitive for all sides.

Edited by daddyAGW
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Can someone let me know what the 'proper' amount of time before the war starts to declare it publicly?

Also, is there someplace I can go to see the current treaties that Alliances have? How do y'all track which alliance has a treaty with who?

Edited by daddyAGW
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NAAW does not wish to be in this.

For the flamer that is somewhere out there: No, it's not because we can't handle having a war or are trying to hold hands with any alliance. We just have other ideas and things to take care of in our alliance [like our boards being down] ;)

thank you,


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I was just wondering, what are you gonna do if all of the alliances that meet your criteria says that they do not wish to participate in this?

Well as the popular saying goes this is TE!

I for one think this is very honorable of DaddyAGW (was going to just say Daddy for short, but some how that just didn't sound right,lol!) :D

How many other AA's in TE would of done this, i mean really done this not just say they would....I can only think of a few ;)


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I got no idea fox. I must be going about this war business the wrong way.

Well, if I were you, I would build up until the last 7 days of TE then just attack any random alliance, as long as they meet your other criteria, even if they dont wish to participate in the war, but thats just how I would have done it.

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Exellent Jefferson, I'm hoping we can have a play date. Is Arcane the leader of FARK?

Danke, CaptianBear:)

Arcane is one of Fark's Triumvirate this round, he's on vacation right now.

Our second Triumvir, this round, is Akealon, he's got a new bebbeh right now, so you'll have trouble finding him.

I am our third Triumvir this round, and I support this message!

The play date would have to be sometime next week, so Arcane doesn't miss it.

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Gentlemen and gals,

I regret that the premise of my above mentioned post did not attain a favorable solution. I am still somewhat new and trying to understand the dynamics of how and when to wage war.

Thus, please note this announcement, as at this time I must take back the offer to not wage war on alliances who feel otherwise and wish not to be confronted. As I understand it, TE is about waging war and improving your alliance.

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OOC: TE is about winning/improving your alliance. Thus, if you are behind, you should wage war. If you are ahead, you should wage war on those who might wage war against you, or on those who have a chance of catching up. Or if you have a nice position, sit tidy and wait.

If you don't have a shot at winning, you should ally with someone who does, so that you can claim partial credit. Then you help manipulate occurences so that those alliances fight in such a way as to improve your alliance (destroy each other?), and if that is not possible, help your ally win so that you can claim some credit.

If you don't have these motives in TE, then you can just have fun on your own: training, waging war against anyone and not caring if they want it or not, or staying in peace and trying to get your individual members within the top ten of nations. Or be a pawn, or spy and for a coven-like secret society, or...

IC: Just attack someone, preferably someone who doesn't want to be attacked ;).

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