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Very Important CNte Polling Question


Very Important CNte Polling Question  

135 members have voted

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To everyone in Cybernation Tournament Edition:

I would like to pose a question of debate for everyone and get people's feedback. This is not about who is right or wrong. This is about your thoughts and ideas about CNte and how you believe the game should be played. I urge everyone who wishes to reply or comment to be truthful and honest. I value everyones opinion. I also ask the everyone refrain from slandering one another. Who knows, maybe out of this will come a great idea for improving CNte game play.

Cybernation TE is a war game that lasts three months. Every new round we all start with a fresh clean slate. Should issues from the prior around or current issues in CNs be carried over into a new round of CNte?


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Um, NO! the whole idea behind CN:TE is that it is free from politics from CN, and you can ACTUALLY fight, rather than being busy with all this crap about "I don't think that that might should can kind of not happen because NPO and friends say so." It's a place to just destroy things. That is all.

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There are 3 votes I know of that are accidentally voted as yes. When I close this poll a few days out I will be sure to adjust the difference.

Edited by thaisport
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issues shouldn't be carried over. grudges just aren't cool. the purpose of new rounds is so everyone can start over. a new name, a new alliance maybe. if you have problems with someone, don't ruin their new start. let them be free in the next round. i think it is the will of almighty Admin that all be forgiven in a new round.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Long story short: no

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Everyone is human and sometimes its hard to let the past go, i don't believe the rounds should be carried over as it is true this is a new start and a new game.

However this game deals with things that can have an effect on people and sometimes you have to make a mistake to actually learn from it!

I don't believe there are bad people playing this game, there are some that take it to far and even a few asshats here and there, but i always believe its better

to make friends than enimies.....Besides theres the old saying to error is human to forgive is devine, plus my favorite....The make up sex is so much better after a fight!,lol!

Yes Sir.

When round 4 starts, I will no longer have an Archnemesis.

However, I'm enjoying one while I have one.

LOL, thats EPIC!

already have several enemies from round 2 as friends in round 3... it's refreshing

Yeah well so is a glass of cold water, but you wouldn't want that thrown in your face would you!, LOL!!!

I can't say that i have any enemies from round 2, and haven't ran into any from this round yet either.

Here's to friends :D

I personally don't even think alliances should be carried over from round to round.

Really? Thats an interesting point of view.....I would eventually run out of ways to put TPF in some sort of sequance to show who i represent,lol!

No, neither should CN:TE events be carried over into normal CN.

Very true.....Although i must admit, the first time i was raided last round i was very tempted to roll over some peeps,lol!

By the way Vulkan, i've been meaning to tell you that i love the AVITAR!!! A mix of sexy with just enough skin, very tasteful!

Of course i'm not saying that i'm not a fan of porn or anything!,lol.

Edited by Burning Glory
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4 out of 5 people think it should be a clean slate...myself included.

I do wonder how many people that voted no have been nuked?

How many people that have voted yes have been been nuked?

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I haven't been nuked, but even if I were to be nuked, I would hold no grudges because it's a game meant for a quick bout, then a quick build-up before another bout.

Voted no. Nuked lots.

The beauty of the game is in its difference to standard.

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