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TOPIC: The next Batch -> Triple

TO: Codeman999**@GadgetEmail.com, <Select members of the Imperium, email classified>

FROM: <Unknown/Classified>

Code: 98830

>File 40

>This batch is only for the DFF-MK3, tested in <classified>, & was very effective. TO IoA: please send specifications for better design back to us, and comment on our progress on our heavy tank.

>Result bank:

-Reactive armor sucessful & ready. No mismaps. Tank can hold up more than other tanks.

-Bottom barrels succesful. No overheating found, fired at predicted speed.

-Top barrel testing succesful. Same results as bottom.

-Ammunition storage is acceptable.

-Inside the tank is very nice. Almost comfy inside cabin, internal heating & cooling is outstanding.

-Speed is very slow. Consider a third tread at the middle.

>New prototype being made. Rest of prototypes still being worked on. New vehicle code-named ACSFA - 11.

>Last batch results attached, along with picture of DFF-MK3.



RE: Batch 3 Results

DFF-MK2 : Prototype Testing in the Imperium mostly successful. Reason? Top cannon of the three 125mm cannons could not function; all other systems fine.

"Dragon" MAW-MK3 : Prototype Testing in Europe War successful.

AST/PC-MK3 : Prototype Testing in Diberia unsuccessful. Reason? Engine/suspension promblems; sniper gun 3 & 4 misaligned.



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**To the CEO of GTI**

Since we have talked about setting factories inside the Hanseatic League, I just have a few minor questions. Just when construction will start and when it will finish? I hope that I'm not bothering you, but with the conclusion of our revolution and the creation of a republican government we want to begin a series of building projects that our Congress has outline.

Thank you for your consideration in the manner,

Sarah Tintagyl

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GTI has confirmed that it is committing 60,000 additional troops to the Diberian GTI Front, with 450 DFT-MK1's and support vehicles.


TOPIC: Gaseous Batch 41

TO: Codeman999**@GadgetEmail.com, <Select members of Boomtown, email classified>

FROM: <Protector0fMankind@GadgetEmail.com>

Code: 98830

>File 41

>Batch 41 --> Large-scale Zombie Killer (LZK) research batch. Please comment, Boomtown recievers.

>See Result bank, aka International Ghost Drive "R:\".


-Test 084

-LZK-Disease 1 Unsuccessful. Reason? Could not move from personzombie-to-zombie.

-LZK-D2 Unsuccessful. Reason? Affected subjects, but did not harm.

-LZK-D3 successful, only about 3% showed immunity*, elephambies are the same. Subjects were affected, transmitted in near-contact of 10 meters, and disease moved through the body untill reaching the brain, then ate the brain cells & replaced with their own. Can it affect us? No, disease will not activate untill coming into contact with tissue with the Diberian Zombie strain.

-LZK-D4 lost. What? SECURITY BREACH. Investigation under way.

-LZK-D5 still under testing.

* = The disease, upon entering the brain, instead mutated the brain, regaining some intelligence & in 14 hours increases muscle mass by 40%. Still killable, but harder. We hope that no elepambies have immunity, or they will be instoppable.

<<End of Ghose Drive File>>

>When will it be ready for military use? About 7 days, then an additional 11 days to get to front lines in dart form/canister/whatever is used.

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Do you have a payment installment plan, or are you willing to negotiate for something of approximately equal value? The latter option would be preferable.

(OOC: I'm RP'ing a slow drain of my national reserves from supporting the refugees from Sumeragi's old nation...it's not a severe crisis, but we are looking for ways to save money)

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OOC: Remind me of what a payment installment plan is...

Also, for RL factories, sometimes they get "anonymous" donations (Ex: from a company/nation that will buy that factory's products), the company pays for some of it, etc.

OOC: Basically, a payment installment plan is where it's not all payed at once, but rather a portion of it is payed at regular intervals, often with a moderate amount of interest for not paying it all at once.

As for the price negotiations, I was thinking more along the lines that GTI takes a portion of the profits made from the factory's products.

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The Andgov corporation has recently realeased the new "Briares" class battle ship. The level of firepower displayed by this ship is unprecedented and likely to change the balance of world affairs for years to come. We are willing to sell the designs for this battle ship to GTI for the right price, also recently released was the "Bellatoris" infantry armor suit. The "Ariadne" rifle has a data hook up that allows computerized targeting for increased accuracy. These plans are not for sale, however you may buy them in amounts of 10,000 or more from Andgov Corp.

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: Bub, hate to break this to you but you don't have the tech to make any battleship which can even compete with First-Class navies of this day-and-age. Plus, any armored suit you care to come up with will either be unbelievably slow, plagued with maintenance problems, offer next-to-no protection, or have extreme power storage issues.


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TOPIC: The next Batch -> Triple

TO: Codeman999**@GadgetEmail.com, <Select members of the Imperium, email classified>

FROM: <Unknown/Classified>

Code: 98830

>File 40

>This batch is only for the DFF-MK3, tested in <classified>, & was very effective. TO IoA: please send specifications for better design back to us, and comment on our progress on our heavy tank.

>Result bank:

-Reactive armor sucessful & ready. No mismaps. Tank can hold up more than other tanks.

-Bottom barrels succesful. No overheating found, fired at predicted speed.

-Top barrel testing succesful. Same results as bottom.

-Ammunition storage is acceptable.

-Inside the tank is very nice. Almost comfy inside cabin, internal heating & cooling is outstanding.

-Speed is very slow. Consider a third tread at the middle.

>New prototype being made. Rest of prototypes still being worked on. New vehicle code-named ACSFA - 11.

>Last batch results attached, along with picture of DFF-MK3.



RE: Batch 3 Results

DFF-MK2 : Prototype Testing in the Imperium mostly successful. Reason? Top cannon of the three 125mm cannons could not function; all other systems fine.

"Dragon" MAW-MK3 : Prototype Testing in Europe War successful.

AST/PC-MK3 : Prototype Testing in Diberia unsuccessful. Reason? Engine/suspension promblems; sniper gun 3 & 4 misaligned.




TOPIC: Re: The next Batch -> Triple

TO: <Unknown/Classified>

FROM:<Select members of the Imperium, email classified>

Project is on schedule for our predictions. We have utmost confidence in the proficiency of GTI engineers.

A few Points:

> Operators need to stay away from urban areas.

> Reactive Armor could be improved. Connect with <Classified> for more information.

> Imperial scientists have been researching improved propellant methods. See <Classified> to link projects.

> Solving suspension problems may keep the sniper guns from rocking out of their carriages.

> Third tread recommendation is seconded.

Production sites code-named VALOR, HONOR, and INTEGRITY have begun kitting up for production. We await your response.

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TOPIC: Re: The next Batch -> Triple

TO: <Unknown/Classified>

FROM:<Select members of the Imperium, email classified>

Project is on schedule for our predictions. We have utmost confidence in the proficiency of GTI engineers.

A few Points:

> Operators need to stay away from urban areas.

> Reactive Armor could be improved. Connect with <Classified> for more information.

> Imperial scientists have been researching improved propellant methods. See <Classified> to link projects.

> Solving suspension problems may keep the sniper guns from rocking out of their carriages.

> Third tread recommendation is seconded.

Production sites code-named VALOR, HONOR, and INTEGRITY have begun kitting up for production. We await your response.


>Redirected Line to 603...<final 3 digits calssified>; completly secure line unbroken from GTI HQ Island to <Classified, comm is compermised>


TO: Imperium Team(OOC: dunno your email(s) to sent to :P Just post it when you next reply)

FROM: SciFiGadget_99M\@GTI_Class0078.com

>No need for classified on this secure line, as long as reply's are sent through this line. Code for entry into this line is as follows: *Enter GTI site then enter this code in. Delete cookies after finishing, or we may need to switch lines.


>Next batch will be a refresher/update on current designs. Some of the vehicles have changed much since Batch 37, the first batch to be sent to the Imperium.

- Operators need to stay away from urban areas.

> Good advice; most of our designs are treaded.

- Reactive Armor could be improved. Connect with <Classified> for more information.

> Connecting.....

- Imperial scientists have been researching improved propellant methods. See <Classified> to link projects.

> Team 2 is now linking.

- Solving suspension problems may keep the sniper guns from rocking out of their carriages.

> A suspension problem there was indeed. We didn't think about that, thanks!

- Third tread recommendation is seconded.

> Applying to tank, next prototype of DFF will include this.


Attachments: RE: Gaseous batch 41


OOC: See above fro the batch.

In the mystery, out-of-nowhere batch 37, here are the tanks:

DFT-MK2 - Same as MK1, but turret rotates.

DFF-MK3 - Destructive Filtration Fortress, largest tank in GTI military.

MAW-MK3 - Mobile Artillery Weapon, a treaded vehicle that has a long-range cannon on top. Called "Dragon" MAW b/c its the "fire" of a dragon. :P

AST/PC-MK3 - This will go to MK4 before coming out. Armored Sniper Tank/Personel Carrier. Basicly an APC with a turret ontop with 4 sniper's. THe sniper himself is in the vehicle, in a rotatable chair with switches and panels (weather conditions, temperature, etc. and nobs to change things like rifle angle).

And the use of a international "ghost" drive is useful. :awesome:

Edited by JerreyRough
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**Private to Jerrey Rough**


I wish to enter into negotiations with GTI for the purpose of creating a leasehold out of Western Diberia for the development of an extensive agricultural project. Boomtown commits to providing funds, personnel, and residents to create what we hope will be an agricultural utopia out of the lands cleared by the United Military Command of Boomtown in Western Diberia.

We do ask for the following:

1) A 99 year lease on the land.

2) Complete judicial, government, and fiscal control over the land.

3) Joint citizenship for all citizens of Boomtown born in the Agricultural Lease.

4) The right for joint citizens of the lease to choose to stay with full ownership rights of their property once the lease expires.

We will give the following:

1) A permanent police and security force tasked with protecting the Agricultural Lease.

2) A commitment for ongoing operations to clear the rest of Diberia of the Zombie menace.

3) A pledge of neutrality in all affairs involving GTI and other countries. We simply will not get involved unless we are attacked.

4) A jointly held company between GTI and Boomtown with 70% of the profits to go to GTI for the purpose of construction and development of the Agricultural Lease.

We do insist on this one stipulation:

Should GTI dissolve that the lease be liquidated and the property will be transferred to the Government of Boomtown.

Does this meet with your satisfaction?

President Song Lee

Edited by Firestorm
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OOC: Basically, a payment installment plan is where it's not all payed at once, but rather a portion of it is payed at regular intervals, often with a moderate amount of interest for not paying it all at once.

As for the price negotiations, I was thinking more along the lines that GTI takes a portion of the profits made from the factory's products.

OOC: Ehem.

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OOC @ freakwars: You arn't really part of CN rp anyways... If you announced joining RP somewhere else then I could reconize you. But if you don't have the tech to do it, then you can't.

IC: GTI has never heard of this "Andgov Corporation", but discerns that it's designs are merly a mony-trap, taking our money and giving nothing useful. We do not accept.

OOC: Basically, a payment installment plan is where it's not all payed at once, but rather a portion of it is payed at regular intervals, often with a moderate amount of interest for not paying it all at once.

As for the price negotiations, I was thinking more along the lines that GTI takes a portion of the profits made from the factory's products.

OOC: Give acouple hours; I'm a busy person. :(

**Private to Jerrey Rough**


I wish to enter into negotiations with GTI for the purpose of creating a leasehold out of Western Diberia for the development of an extensive agricultural project. Boomtown commits to providing funds, personnel, and residents to create what we hope will be an agricultural utopia out of the lands cleared by the United Military Command of Boomtown in Western Diberia.

We do ask for the following:

1) A 99 year lease on the land.

2) Complete judicial, government, and fiscal control over the land.

3) Joint citizenship for all citizens of Boomtown born in the Agricultural Lease.

4) The right for joint citizens of the lease to choose to stay with full ownership rights of their property once the lease expires.

We will give the following:

1) A permanent police and security force tasked with protecting the Agricultural Lease.

2) A commitment for ongoing operations to clear the rest of Diberia of the Zombie menace.

3) A pledge of neutrality in all affairs involving GTI and other countries. We simply will not get involved unless we are attacked.

4) A jointly held company between GTI and Boomtown with 70% of the profits to go to GTI for the purpose of construction and development of the Agricultural Lease.

We do insist on this one stipulation:

Should GTI dissolve that the lease be liquidated and the property will be transferred to the Government of Boomtown.

Does this meet with your satisfaction?

President Song Lee

***Classified to President Song Lee***

Yes, this is acceptable. We'll comply to this.

OOC: Will be more later.

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Do you have a payment installment plan, or are you willing to negotiate for something of approximately equal value? The latter option would be preferable.

(OOC: I'm RP'ing a slow drain of my national reserves from supporting the refugees from Sumeragi's old nation...it's not a severe crisis, but we are looking for ways to save money)

Well, we were about to initiate a 4.8% profit charge on all items created in our factorys[1]. We could fund or help fund the factories in return for the 4.8% charge on sold items.

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Well, we were about to initiate a 4.8% profit charge on all items created in our factorys[1]. We could fund or help fund the factories in return for the 4.8% charge on sold items.

In that case, we'll take three factories please, with the possibility of more later on, if you can provide half the funds needed for each. We'll provide the rest.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: Bub, hate to break this to you but you don't have the tech to make any battleship which can even compete with First-Class navies of this day-and-age. Plus, any armored suit you care to come up with will either be unbelievably slow, plagued with maintenance problems, offer next-to-no protection, or have extreme power storage issues.


the purpose of the bellatoris suit is to provide light protection, increase reaction time, increase the field of view of a soldier, and increase targeting accuracy,which is whay it is paired with the Ariadne rifle. It is in the prototype stage right now and will most likely not be fully freed of bugs for a long time.l The battle ship is plan, not a reality. I acknoledge that Andonia dosen't have the production or technology capability to build a good battleship, which is why I am selling the plans, not an actual ship.

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: I didn't see you on the map. Sorry, :(

also when i get bored i write random things on forums, hence the reason i am writing about stuff that i dont have the tech for

Ok. Random = awesome! :D Just be sure it falls appart or something... :P

In that case, we'll take three factories please, with the possibility of more later on, if you can provide half the funds needed for each. We'll provide the rest.

Alright! We will sign the papers and sent them to you! Our men are on the way. Have a nice day!

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