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Looking for new small alliance


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There are too many small alliances out there to go through so i thought i would see what happens if i make a thread like this. Im looking for an alliance with around 20-50 members. I want the possibilty to earn a position of power in the alliance at some point. I dont want to change colors, im white now. An active forum is a big plus for me. I have a 11K nation and have started an alliance before so i have experiance. Oh and no alliance that has a protectorate agreement with some huge alliance. Lets see what you got. Please provide a link for your stats and tell a little about your government

Edited by Caesar833
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Well, the Order of Feudalistic Security is a nation of 30-40 members, and we currently have a small leadership void... we'd be glad to have you. Some of our key features are:

--We're purely merit-based; any member can earn a seat on the High Council through recruiting, and activity is the key to success always.

--We're divided into a House system: members belong to one of three houses, to help build and maintain community, as well as make things easier to keep track of.

--While we recently surrendered, and so are beholden to some surrender terms, this also means that we don't have any treaties, let alone a protectorate agreement. ^_^


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Brand new. 12 members, 200k NS. League of Extraordinary Nations is for you. LEN Forums

The LEN Government and Charter are still being written, you would get to have a voice in the charter itself!

All of our members come from an alliance that fell apart 2 days ago. Currently establishing diplomatic relations with otehr allainces, and looking for a protectorate. Most of our members know each other well. The founding principles of LEN are that the membership makes the decisions. All issues not requiring an immediate response are put to a membership vote, where everyone has equal say, no matter their NS. Government positions are by volunteering, or by elections. Some of each.

Edited by the_great_one
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Hey Caesar833!

Out on the market! I thought you were settled were you were.

In any event you know us, and you are welcome amongst us. We are 21 now.

And yes, unfortunately, we are a protectorate of Norden Verein... dont let that scare you away.

In any event, nice to hear from you.


Protectorate of Curland

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I made my own alliance a few days ago. Its called the IDF and we currently have 2 members myself included. We need help finalizing the charter/forum/organizations.. Almost every seat is open and their are MANY seats of command.

Thank you,


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There are too many small alliances out there to go through so i thought i would see what happens if i make a thread like this. Im looking for an alliance with around 20-50 members. I want the possibilty to earn a position of power in the alliance at some point. I dont want to change colors, im white now. An active forum is a big plus for me. I have a 11K nation and have started an alliance before so i have experiance. Oh and no alliance that has a protectorate agreement with some huge alliance. Lets see what you got

The Swarm is a new alliance (two weeks old), quickly growing(our membership has increased by 500% and our total NS by 300%) since our inception, has available leadership positions, no color requirements and no protectorate agreements. New members get 500k, and we currently have 6,000,000 available to somone who contributes the most to the alliance by the end of the month.

Edited by mastab
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Hey Caesar833!

Out on the market! I thought you were settled were you were.

In any event you know us, and you are welcome amongst us. We are 21 now.

And yes, unfortunately, we are a protectorate of Norden Verein... dont let that scare you away.

In any event, nice to hear from you.


Protectorate of Curland

How did i know you would show up here? Nice to see you still around. I was already cnsidering talking to you guys before this post

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I sent you a PM ingame, but I'll post here anyway:

The Turquoise Alliance of Awesome currently has 17 members and 77k NS. Our government can be described as a meritocracy, and we currently have a job open which I would be glad to give to you if you were to join.

You may remember us from the Offspring.

Link to Forum: http://taa-alliance.6te.net

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Well, The Osirian Compact isn't exactly new. We've been around since about three months before vietFAN (and fought in it). We are small, and we're hopefully about to start growing and becoming more active. We're now a protectorate of TPF, and we're working on some treaties with other TPF protectorates. If you wanna stop by, our site is osiriancompact.uni.cc

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Ragnarok is cool.

But R.O.C.K. is also cool. Here's our recruitment thread so you can read our policies in a nutshell. We won't require you to change color and we might very well need some fresh blood into our government in the future. And don't worry, your low NS doesn't matter :P It's all about your attitude - R.O.C.K. is not a bus stop, it's for life.

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What is your government like?

We have a well defined chain of command so that alliance-wide decisions can be made on the spot if need be. Our first cabinet has a 90 day term that ends in December at which point there will be an open election for our government positions.

Edit: Thanks Zealous! ( :wub: Vanguard)

Edited by Van Hoo III
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you are more then welcome in The Alliance of Paladin Soldiers

we are a smaller alliance with 12 members (allthough 1 of them is a POW from NoV atm, he was in Goons before he joined) and an average strength of 20,526 at the moment

allthough we are small we have a very active forum where we have lots of fun

we are maroon, but we dont force people to change colour

we are protected by Norden Verein, so we are not a likely target of attacks and if we want we can have all the figthing we want by helping NoV, but that depents what you want for yourself

here is our forum where you can sign up if you want: http://z11.invisionfree.com/TAPS

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