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Prometheus Round 3

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The Prometheus Project

Ariticle 1

The undersigned alliances hereby agree to be bound by the terms of this document

Article 2

The undersigned alliances agree that in the event of a defensive war, all members are required to assist through any and all means available (including diplomat and militaristic assistance) in the event of an aggressive war, the signatories will assist if at all possible. Assisting in an aggressive war is preferred but optional.

Article 3

The undersigned alliances agree to collaborate senate voting in such a way as to ensure that the Prometheus project holds as many senate seats as possible with 30+ votes. The Prometheus Project also acknowledges that the senate is a free and open competition and will not seek aggressive action against any alliances who choose to field senators.

Article 4

Alliances seeking admission into the Prometheus project must submit a wriiten application on the Prometheus project forums to be considered. The current signatories must reach a unanimous decision to admit new alliances into the project.

Article 5

Any alliances wishing to withdraw from the Prometheus Project must give 72 hours notice via private channels to the other signatories of this alliance. Afer 72 hours the alliance will be released from the duties of this treaty and shall no longer be considered a member.

Murder Inc




Edited by KingDingaLing
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To the current council of Prometheus

The Fellowship would hereby like to humbly extend their hand in application to Prometheus. As an alliance we are already friend to all black team members. We will hold true to all of the tenets of the pact.



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To the current council of Prometheus

The Fellowship would hereby like to humbly extend their hand in application to Prometheus. As an alliance we are already friend to all black team members. We will hold true to all of the tenets of the pact.



*looks down at hand...looks back at the council*

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