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Bermuda (CANN) -- After several months of construction, the Bermuda Naval Base, constructed in conjunction with other Bermuda Triangle Pact nations, has been completed and several vessels were moved to the base. Also completed were an airfield to be used by the airforces of the various nations.

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OOC: I thought I already went through this 3 times. I bought them from a legitamate source and I have the tech to maintain them (in case you haven't read my factbook, they're very different from those in CN itself and are of the WWII and Vietnam War era).

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ooc: No IG navy = No CNRP navy.. sorry. You have no such facilities to support the navy you have purchased. Guess they'll have to decay and rot.

OOC: I agree. I don't have any naval ships myself. To support naval ships, you need the facilities (Dry docks and ship building harbors) to maintain the ships. If one of your naval ships was hit by a torpedo or the propellers broke, how are you going to repair the ship?

However, I did RP using civilian ships as naval ships (for example, arming fishing and speed boats with machine guns and rocket launchers).

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OOC: Ships don't rust that quickly. Anyway, I'm drydocking them indefinately.


Bermuda (CANN) -- After much discussion within the Ministry of Defense, it was decided that the cost of maintaining the Ardorian Navy was no longer economical and had become a liability instead of an asset. All ships have been withdrawn from service and have been drydocked indefinately at the Bermuda Naval Base shared with the Bermuda Triangle Pact. The fate of the ships is currently unknown as they are being prepared for storage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two New Research Vessels Launched

Bermuda Naval Base (CANN) – Today, the Ardorian Academy of Sciences launched two new research vessels from the Bermuda Shipyards. The new ships, an ice-capable research vessel (ACV Berkner Island) and an icebreaker/supply ship (ACV Bermuda) were built with the help of Pravus Ingruo. The ships were funded by the Ardorian Federal Government and are preparing for a voyage to the Berkner Island Research Station in Antarctica.

ACV Berkner Island


ACV Bermuda


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However, I did RP using civilian ships as naval ships (for example, arming fishing and speed boats with machine guns and rocket launchers).

ooc: i usually agree with smaller nations having a navy that consists of small boats like this, as long as they understand that their mass of small yachts doesn't stand up to a real navy ship. They can use the RP for depth but not for strength. but thats just IMHO

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  • 3 weeks later...

Construction Begins on the Kanfhour City Subway

Beaufor Plaza, Kanfhour (CANN) - A ground-breaking ceremony was held today at the site where the Beaufort Plaza Station is to be built. Construction has begun on the Kanfhour City Subway which will link Kanfhour International Airport to the north of the city to Kanfhour and the Port of Kanfhour south of the city. Line 1 will be approximately 30 miles long from end to end. Major stations include Kanfhour International Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 stations), Kanfhour Railway Station, Beaufort Plaza, Port of Kanfhour, Moorhead City, and Atlantic Beach.

Ardorian Air Force rumured to be testing new aircraft

Greenville Air Force Base, Greenville (CANN) - There has been recent speculation of the possible aqcuisition of RFX-4 LRSI aircraft made by Grunder Industries by the Ardorian Air Force. The addition of such aircraft would greatly boost the power and projection of the Ardorian Air Force. The Ministry of Defense could not be reached for comments.

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  • 1 month later...

Roanoke Navy Yard Completed, Ardorian Navy Launches 2 New Corvettes (OOC: Legit this time, I bought a drydock and 2 corvettes)

Roanoke (CANN) - After several months of construction, the Roanoke Navy Yard launched the first 2 Ardorian Naval vessels, Corvettes to be used to patrol and guard Ardorian territorial waters. They were named the ANS Roanoke Island and ANS Harkers Island respectively. They will be homeported the Roanoke Naval Base. Performance statistics are currently classified.

OOC: Ship info:

Island class Corvettes


The two Island corvettes are used for coastal defense and patrol Ardorian territorial waters.

Corvettes (2 - Island class):

ANS Roanoke Island (CPS-1)

ANS Harkers Island (CPS-2)

General Information:

Complement: 120

Length: 290 ft

Cruise speed: 18 kts

Top speed: 26 kts

Aircraft Carried


Weapons/Other Features:

8 Harpoon Anti-ship missiles

8 Sea Sparrow Surface-to-Air missiles (1x 8 cell launcher)

1 76mm gun

2 40mm guns

1 Double barreled Bofors Anti-submarine mortar

6 Torpedo tubes (2x 3)

1 Phalanx CIWS

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Canal Project Announced

Kanfhour (CANN) - The Ardorian Department of Public Works announced the construction of a 400 mile canal to connect Brunswick, Georgia and Mobile, Alabama. The canal is expected to take 12-18 months to complete. The canal would shorten the travel distance between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean by up to 800 miles. 4 sets of locks will be built to raise the canal over the hills in southern Georgia. Also part of the project is a deepwater port in Mobile and a shipbuilding facility.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ardorian Navy Launches Two More New Vessels

Kanfhour (CANN) - The Kanfhour Naval Shipyards completed two Amphibious Assault Carriers for the Ardorian Navy, named the ANS Birmingham and ANS Charlotte. The ships will carry squadrons of helicopteras and S/VTOL aircraft for Sea Control, ASW, and Assault Roles. Performance details are currently classified.

OOC: Ship Details

Birmingham class Amphibious Assault Carrier


The Birmingham amphibious assault carriers are used in a small carrier role as well as supporting amphibious invasions.

Amphibious Assault Carriers (2 - Birmingham class):

ANS Birmingham (AAC-1)

ANS Charlotte (AAC-2)

General Information:

Complement: 1,110 (+1,900 Marines)

Length: 845 ft

Cruise speed: 20 kts

Top speed: 27 kts

Range: 9,500+ nm

Aircraft Carried

Up to 24 VTOL aircraft


Up to 48 helicopters

Weapons/Other Features:

42 Rolling Airframe Missiles (2x 21 cell launcher)

16 Sea Sparrow Surface-to-Air missiles (2x 8 cell launcher)

4 .50 BMG Machine guns

4 25 mm Mk38 chain guns

3 Phalanx CIWS

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Gulf Canal 50% Complete

Mobile (CANN) - The canal connecting Mobile to the Atlantic Ocean is now 50% complete. Construction is expected to lat another 6 months before the new canal opens.

Ardorian Navy Launches 4 New Ships

Roanoke (CANN) - Earlier today, another Island class corvette was launched, named the ANS Gaillard Island was launched from the newly built Mobile Naval Yard. In addition, 3 new battleships were launched from Roanoke and Mobile. The 3 new South Carolina class battleships were christened the ANS South Carolina, ANS Georgia, and the ANS Mississippi. Performance details on the new battleships are currently classified.

OOC: Ship Details

South Carolina class Battleship


The South Carolina battleships are used primarily for fire support and shore bombardment, though they carry guided missiles as well.

Battleships (3 - South Carolina class):

ANS South Carolina (BGN-1)

ANS Georgia (BGN-2)

ANS Mississippi (BGN-3)

General Information:

Complement: 2,400

Length: 960 ft

Cruise speed: 25 kts

Top speed: 33 kts

Range: Unlimited, Nuclear Powered Ship

Aircraft Carried

3 helicopters

Weapons/Other Features:

12 16 in (406 mm) 50 cal Mark 7 guns

20 5 in (127 mm) 54 cal Mark 16 guns (10x Twin mounts)

16 Harpoon Anti-ship missiles

42 Rolling Airframe Missiles (2x 21 cell launcher)

112 tube Vertical Launching System (2x 56) (Carries cruise missiles and SAMs)

4 Phalanx CIWS

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Gulf Canal Completed, Testing Underway

Mobile (CANN) - The 425 mile canal connecting Brunswick, Georgia and Mobile, Alabama was completed and the locks are currently undergoing testing. The canal is wide enough for two lanes of traffic, one in each direction. Opening is expected within the next week. Tolls for canal passage will also be set when the canal opens.

Ardorian Navy Launches 5 New Ships

Kanfhour (CANN) - The Ardorian Navy has launched 5 new ships from various naval bases around the nation. 3 Charleston class nuclear powered cruisers and 2 Mobile class frigates were launched. The ANS Charleston, ANS Columbus (both cruisers), and the ANS Portsmouth (a frigate) were built in Roanoke. The ANS Biloxi (a cruiser) and ANS Mobile (a frigate) were built in Mobile, AL.

Charleston class Cruiser


The Charleston nuclear cruisers are often used as fast escorts for other naval vessels.

Guided Missile Cruisers (3 - class):

ANS Charleston (CGN-1)

ANS Columbus (CGN-2)

ANS Biloxi (CGN-3)

General Information:

Complement: 710

Length: 830 ft

Cruise speed: 25 kts

Top speed: 32+ kts

Range: Unlimited, Nuclear Powered Ship

Aircraft Carried

3 helicopters

Weapons/Other Features:

1 Twin 130 mm gun

8 30 mm Gatling guns

9 Torpedo Tubes (3x 3)

24 Harpoon Anti-ship missiles

63 Rolling Airframe Missiles (3x 21 cell launcher)

112 tube Vertical Launching System (2x 56) (Carries cruise missiles and SAMs)

4 Phalanx CIWS

Mobile class Frigate


The Mobile guided missile frigates are used for ASW and offshore patrols.

Guided Missile Frigates (2 - Mobile class):

ANS Mobile (FSG-1)

ANS Portsmouth (FSG-2)

General Information:

Complement: 210

Length: 455 ft

Cruise speed: 20 kts

Top speed: 29 kts

Range: 4,000+ nm

Aircraft Carried

2 helicopters

Weapons/Other Features:

1 76 mm gun

2 27 mm autocannons

9 Torpedo Tubes (3x 3)

8 Harpoon Anti-ship missiles

16 Sea Sparrow Surface-to-Air missiles (2x 8 cell launcher)

42 Rolling Airframe Missiles (2x 21 cell launcher)

56 tube Vertical Launching System (1x 56) (Carries cruise missiles and SAMs)

2 Phalanx CIWS

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With the threat of war even greater now, the Ardorian Navy has moved the amphibious assault carrier ANS Birmingham and the cruiser ANS Charleston from Portsmouth to Bermuda. 3 squadrons of the Ardorian Air Force were ferried to Bermuda and the ANS Birmingham was fitted for a Sea Control duties. Troop numbers have also been increase in Bermuda.

Edited by Raritan
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