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Kanfhour (CANN) -- The newly formed Ardorian Navy now has its first 14 ships after purchasing 8 corvettes and 6 destroyers from Greater Nordland. The 8 corvettes will be used for coastal defense and coast guard like duties. The 6 destroyers have missile capabilities and will be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. The ships will be based out of the Kanfhour Naval Base near the Port of Kanfhour.

The ships are as follows (renamed under Ardorian ship classification system):

Corvettes (Harkers Island class):

ANS Harkers Island (CDC-1)

ANS Cape Fear (CDC-2)

ANS Cape Core (CDC-3)

ANS Currituck Sound(CDC-4)

ANS Cape Hatteras (CDC-5)

ANS Croatan Sound (CDC-6)

ANS Ablemarle Sound (CDC-7)

ANS Pamlico Sound (CDC-8)


Destroyers (Roanoke Class):

ANS Roanoke (DGM-1)

ANS Kanfhour (DGM-2)

ANS Raritan (DGM-3)

ANS Durham (DGM-4)

ANS Greenville (DGM-5)

ANS Charlotte (DGM-6)


Edited by Raritan
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Copied from another news thread:

CANN - Central Ardorian News Network


Roanoke (CANN) -- The Ardorian Central Government announced early today that it would be beginning the development of Roanoke Island and the Outer Banks into port and naval facilities. The new port and naval base, to be named the "Port of Roanoke" and "Roanoke Naval Shipyard and Air Station" respectively, will be constructed over the next two years. The Port of Roanoke will complement the already complete Port of Kanfhour 100 miles to the southwest.

The Port of Roanoke be built on the mainland across from Roanoke Island and will have four deepwater berths for container ships, a new bulk cargo terminal for ores and coal with three berths, and an oil terminal with three berths for medium-large tankers. An offshore mooring platform will be built to allow supertankers to dock and offload oil.

The Roanoke Naval Shipyard and Air Station will be built on the island itself and house a Naval Air Station with two runways and a Naval Shipyard with three drydocks, ten berths for naval vessels and a coast guard station. The three drydocks will be capable of constructing and repairing small naval vessels from coast guard cutters up to corvettes and small destroyers.

The project also encompasses a channel widening and deepening for the entrance into the Roanoke Sound, installation of navigational aids, and transportation infrastructure to the rest of Ardoria.

A press conference will be held tomorrow in front of the House of Parliament.

Edited by Raritan
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Kanfhour (CANN) -- With construction of the new Port of Roanoke now underway, a dredging project to deepen the Pamlico Sound shipping lanes is in the works. The increased depth will allow larger ships to travel between Roanoke and Kanfhou without having to exit into the Atlantic OCean and reenter Ardorian waters. Also included in the project is the widening and deepening of the Neuse Canal which connects the Neuse River to the Port of Kanfhour. Dredging is expected to be complete in one year followed by the installation of navigational aids for ships transiting the waterway.

"The new shipping lanes will help build the Ardorian economy through a more efficient means of through our inland waterways," the Ardorian president stated.

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OOC: Could you explain? Did you move your nation?

OOC: No, i've been in Australia since I began playing CN in the first place. It's just that my RP history has my nation's earliest origins there...I've discovered a recent fascination with the "Lost Colony."

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Kanfhour (CANN) -- The Ardorian Coast Guard (a special division of the Ardorian Navy (OOC: These are not naval vessels, they're just patrol boats and have weapons that are pathetic against any real naval ship)) has announced the building of 5 King Island class patrol boats.


These vessels will be used by harbor pilots and the Coast Guard to escort ships into and out of Ardorian harbors.

Patrol boat names:

ACGS King Island (CPB-1)

ACGS Goat Island (CPB-2)

ACGS Duck Island (CPB-3)

ACGS Hatteras Island (CPB-4)

ACGS Ocracoke Island (CPB-5)

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OOC: I think their conflict with recognizing this lies with the fact that a single nation can't have that many destroyers. It's a loophole since Poland and Prussia combined, they can have more, and they sold an entire old fleet of destroyers to him.

What's more, the nation in question receiving the ships can't support a navy, much less one so large.

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OOC: I think their conflict with recognizing this lies with the fact that a single nation can't have that many destroyers. It's a loophole since Poland and Prussia combined, they can have more, and they sold an entire old fleet of destroyers to him.

What's more, the nation in question receiving the ships can't support a navy, much less one so large.

OOC: I don't see a problem with the destroyers. They're Spruance class equivelents (it's within my tech range, it's not like their equipped with Aegis or anything like that). Also more than half of those ships are corvettes (they're less than 300 feet long and are only lightly armed). See Rebel Virginia's navy. He has the same tech level, and even less infra and land than I do, yet he actually has a larger navy than I do.

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I didn't know that about RV. I personally object to tech sharing that gives you more of an edge over others than you had, basically anything to help your military. But it seems I'm outvoted on that and that is all I have to say.

OOC: It's not tech sharing, since I'm saying that they're Spruance class equivelents, thus being in my tech range.

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OOC: That's not the point. It's the no navy IG, no navy here that I have a problem with. It is irrelevant, as the precedent has been set against me.

OOC: The thing is, I think destroyers are very overrated in CN itself. In the real world, destroyers are the escorts, not the ones being escorted (like in carrier battle groups or for amphibious assault ships which are underrated in CN).

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Roanoke (CANN) -- The dredging project to widen and deepen the Intracoastal Waterway (also known as the Pamlico Canal) was completed today. The maximum draft (depth for ships) was increased to 50 feet (15 meters) and the shipping lane has been expanded to allow for two-way traffic between Roanoke and Kanfhour.

The Port of Roanoke is also now 50% complete and should be opening for commercial shipping within the next few months. It is expected to relieve some of the congestion the Port of Kanfhour currently experiences.

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Roanoke (CANN) -- A canal improvement project for the Chesapeake and Ablemarle Canal was announced today. The canal connects the Ablemarle Sound to the Chesapeake Bay and would allow ships to transit between the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Rebel Virginia and the Roanoke Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Station in Ardoria. The canal will be widened to a two-way canal and deepened to allow military vessels to pass through.

"This is just the latest cooperative infrastructure improvement project between our two nations and will further strengthen our economies and militaries," the Ardorian President stated in a press conference.

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Roanoke (CANN) -- The newly constructed Port of Roanoke opened for business today after several months of construction. Several shipping companies have already moved from the Port of Kanfhour to the larger facilities available in Roanoke. Roanoke is expected to surpass Kanfhour and become the busiest port on the Atlantic Coast.


Kanfhour (CANN) -- A new oceanographic research vessel funded by the Ardorian Government and the Ardorian Academy of Sciences was laid down today at the Kanfhour Shipyards. The vessel employs a SWATH design, similar to the ship seen here:


A conceptual drawing was rendered as well:


The design of SWATH ships allows for an extremely stable platform for research work, even in rough sees. The vessel is to be named the ACV Atlantic. A second ship has been proposed but had not been approved yet.

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Kanfhour (CANN) -- Factory retooling in the Kanfhour Industrial Zone has been completed and the rpoduction of AMX-30 tanks with the plans bought from The Republic has begun. The Ardorian Army has funded the production of 200 of these tanks.

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