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Quick Question


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when do you propose this would be happening?

the highest now is like 5k? or sumthing.. wouldnt 10k come first?

If 14,000 or 15,000 is the "best" place to make money then if one is smart, and wanted to maximize profit, they'd wait there until some incentive exists to go higher.

Meaning, if someone is at 14,000 infra it might be actually a LOSS to buy infra right now, so if there is a wonder implemented suddenly requiring 20,000 infra, then they might say "oh now it's not a loss I'm going to blow 4 billion on infra and get that wonder."

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If 14,000 or 15,000 is the "best" place to make money then if one is smart, and wanted to maximize profit, they'd wait there until some incentive exists to go higher.

Meaning, if someone is at 14,000 infra it might be actually a LOSS to buy infra right now, so if there is a wonder implemented suddenly requiring 20,000 infra, then they might say "oh now it's not a loss I'm going to blow 4 billion on infra and get that wonder."

I think with the 4 new wonders, it is now profitable to the 19150 limit :-D for infra.

and cookie king.. yea i got NO IDEA what the requirements are.. i guess im oblivious :-D

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So we all think that 2.53 bil is the highest?

I would say it's the highest proven warchest. There are obviously going to be people who have the chance for a larger warchest but don't want to make it public though.

And for the record, I agree with Alden. I would believe that 19150 is the most profitable, obviously somebody has figured that out. However, if you're going to be in war, 14,000 seems to be the best place to hang out.

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I would say it's the highest proven warchest. There are obviously going to be people who have the chance for a larger warchest but don't want to make it public though.

And for the record, I agree with Alden. I would believe that 19150 is the most profitable, obviously somebody has figured that out. However, if you're going to be in war, 14,000 seems to be the best place to hang out.

more infra=more citizens=more soldiers=more casualties :-D

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The values are not overestimated. I know of guys who had 1.5 Billion back in april 08. 2.5 Billion is no big deal, 5 Billion is unlikely, but possible.

Hah, I was going to say that you must have billions saved what with holding at 13.4k infra for months, then 15k...

However, then I noticed your chart: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=95431

You're still jumping... Now I'm trying to decide whether you just have very well coordinated tech dealers, or you are buying land :)

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You're still jumping... Now I'm trying to decide whether you just have very well coordinated tech dealers, or you are buying land :)

I would guess that it's the tech dealers. By the graph he's jumping in NS every ten days, and both of the first two visible on the graph are exactly 1.5k NS which would be 50 tech/250 NS per slot x six slots.

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There is no way to find this out is there?


I guess no straight answer was given.. darn :(

I was hoping Ide get an answer

I think the answer thus far has been you have heard of the highest warchest by a dependable source. Hell, saving up half a billion kills me, but I am no where near the NS to be a contender.

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I would guess that it's the tech dealers. By the graph he's jumping in NS every ten days, and both of the first two visible on the graph are exactly 1.5k NS which would be 50 tech/250 NS per slot x six slots.

Right, I'd bet Syzygy has billions saved. He hasn't bought infra in months, considering how long he stayed at the 13k level, and now the 15k level. If he's not buying land, the only thing left is tech, military, and wonders. Think about how much you collect every ten days or so. Think how much that might be in 100 days.

Edited by JoshuaR
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Right, I'd bet Syzygy has billions saved. He hasn't bought infra in months, considering how long he stayed at the 13k level, and now the 15k level. If he's not buying land, the only thing left is tech, military, and wonders. Think about how much you collect every ten days or so. Think how much that might be in 100 days.

ten days let say is 20 mil a day? so its 200 mil 10 days. 2 billion in 100 days.. still doesnt really show the highest warchest.

And please do read my original post :-D What alliance nation did I say I had confirmed the largest warchest :-D

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ten days let say is 20 mil a day? so its 200 mil 10 days. 2 billion in 100 days.. still doesnt really show the highest warchest.

And please do read my original post :-D What alliance nation did I say I had confirmed the largest warchest :-D

Current Euros Available: $9.77 (Surplus)

I think I win.

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Right, I'd bet Syzygy has billions saved. He hasn't bought infra in months, considering how long he stayed at the 13k level, and now the 15k level. If he's not buying land, the only thing left is tech, military, and wonders. Think about how much you collect every ten days or so. Think how much that might be in 100 days.

I know how much it is. it took me over a month to save enough to jump from 13,000 to 14,000

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