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IDIOT's Feed the World


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So over here in IDIOTland we are trying to do our part in being responsible citizens of Planet Bob.

Just the other day we were throwing one of our notorious parties when Bono came over and was telling us all about how these kids in Africa were starving, and then Sting and Phil Collins were telling us all about how they sung at LiveAid and how awesome it was. Then I think it was Enraged Lobster who punched them in the face and told them to sod off for being $@s... I forget the rest of the story but it was all very touching.

Anyway, that made us realize that we were being selfish and that we too needed to chip in our part in solving world hunger and the likes, but we didn't really have any good solutions. Then we realized that there were all sorts of TYPES of world hunger, like perhaps you are a poor starving child in Africa. You got your $100 laptop and while your little brother cranked away keeping that sucker powered up while you surfed porn for 98 hours straight you stumbled upon Cybernations and realized that besides the lack of food in your belly, you had an insatiable appetite for tech. Well we here in IDIOTland can solve that problem!

The folks over at MCXA graciously opened up their borders to us and asked us to come cultivate their fields. With over 40% of their alliance now in anarchy properly cultivated (and that number grows daily, it's a tireless job but we have embraced our destiny) the tech harvesting fields are ripe for collection.

So this is a message to all your poor, hungry, desolate and downtrodden nations, IDIOT welcomes you with open arms. You are free to come feast at our table of tech. We will continue to work the soil as long as you are hungry, we are nothing if not servants for the little people.

This has been an IDIOT PSA.

tl;dr - First of all you missed a great story that involved face punches and Bono... but if you REALLY can't read, IDIOT is fine with people jumping in on our tech re-distribution program with MCXA.

Edited by diskord
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and then Sting and Phil Collins were telling us all about how they sung at LiveAid and how awesome it was. Then I think it was Enraged Lobster who punched them in the face and told them to sod off for being $@s

I'd probably sue if I wasn't busy battling the forces of darkness that have attempted to coup the good, but slightly obscure name of 1TF.

Well done for punching Sting though.

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