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The Order of Righteous Nations


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TORN is a new orange team alliance.

We are a tight-knit community looking for new recruits who want to have fun playing the game and get the most out of their nations.

Apply today on our forums: http://z11.invisionfree.com/CN_TORN/index.php?act=idx

Also, stop by our irc, #torn on synIRC, to meet your future alliance mates on the way in!


Preamble: We, the undersigned, in the hopes of forming a more totally awesome union, do hereby form the Order of Righteous Nations under the following charter.

Article I: Admission

I.1) Any nation wishing to join the Order of Righteous Nations must submit an application to our off-site forums. An application will be held pending for up to 7 days, during which time the membership may pose questions to the applicant.

I.2) After due diligence, the applicant may be admitted by approval of two triumvirs or by a triumvir and the Minister of Recruitment.

I.3) Upon successful admission, member will change their alliance affiliation to "The Order of Righteous Nations" and their team color to orange, unless granted an individual color exemption.

Article II: Membership Structure

II.1) Triumvirate: The three triumvirs of TORN hold their positions for life, until they either step down and appoint a replacement, or are removed by impeachment.

II.1.a) Impeachment of a triumvir requires the approval of the other two triumvirs, as well as 5 ministers. Upon successful completion, the Ministry will appoint a new triumvir by majority vote.

II.1.B) Major alliance decisions rest with the triumvirate. Except for situations explicitly covered elsewhere (such as declaring war), a 2/3 triumvirate vote is required to pass motions and laws.

II.2) Ministry: There are 7 ministry positions. Ministers are elected by vote of the general membership out of the pool of honored members who seek an office. Ministers hold 2 month terms.

II.2.a) Minister of Education

The Minister of Education's responsibilities include keeping our guides up to date, accurate, and among the most advanced available in CN. The Minister of Education also handles recruit training, teaching new members how to improve their abilities, and approving them for full membership.

II.2.B) Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance is responsible for handling the banking and aid programs. The Minister of Finance also handles the banker squad in times of war, and is reponsible for their preparedness.

II.2.c) Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for keeping friendly relations with other alliances. Responsibilities include drafting treaties, as well as the assignment of ambassadors and envoys.

II.2.d) Minister of Interior Affairs

The Minister of Interior Affairs manages daily interior issues, as well as helping manage the forums and keeping up to date membership lists.

II.2.e ) Minister of Recruitment

The Minister of Recruitment is responsible for bringing fresh meat into the alliance at a steady pace. Also, the Minister of Recruitment processes new member applications.

II.2.f) Minister of War

The Minister of War commands the TORN army in times of war. With the triumvirs, he will construct a battle plan, and then be responsible for its implementation.

II.3) Honored Members: Honored members are active members who distinguish themselves within the alliance. Honored members have slightly increased forum access, as well as the right to run for ministry positions.

II.4) Members: After completion of recruit training, full membership is bestowed. Full members have voting rights in ministry elections, as well as private forum access and increased freedoms.

II.5) Recruits: After an application is approved, a new members starts off as a recruit. Recruits will learn how to become economic and military machines, and upon successful completion of the recruit training program they will become full members.

Article III: War

III.1) Tech Raiding: Tech raiding is allowed for all full members. Recruits may tech raid only with the approval of their commander. You may only tech raid unaligned nations, and assistance is not guaranteed if you bite off more than you can chew. Tech raid the NPO or the GPA, for example, and we will assist you in seeing the error of your ways by mocking you as you fall towards ZI.

III.2) War Powers: To declare war, the approval of all three triumvirs is required. In case of an emergency where a triumvir is not available, war must be approved by two triumvirs, the Minister of War, and at least 3 other Ministers.

Article IV: Espionage

IV.1) Espionage is not allowed. Any member nation found to be committing espionage will be placed on our perma-ZI list.

Article V: Nuclear Policy

V.1) Nuclear first strikes must have the approval of a member of the triumvirate.

V.2) Defensive nuclear strikes are allowed against unaligned nations without approval. Against aligned nations, defensive nuclear strikes are permitted with approval of a triumvir or the Minister of War.

Article VI: Expulsion

VI.1) If a member is found unfit, he may be expelled from the alliance by a majority vote of the ministry, or by approval of 2 triumvirs.

VI.2) Expulsion may be vetoed by a unanimous triumvirate vote.

Article VII: Amendments

VII.1) Amendments to the charter require unanimous triumvirate approval, approval of 4 Ministers, and approval by a majority vote from the general membership.

Ratified on 9/23/2007,

bigwoody, Triumvir

His Royal Thickness, Triumvir

KungFuGeek, Triumvir

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Bump for great justice.

If you are forum active, or even better, IRC active, we would love to have you apply today.

We've got more aid to give out than small nations to receive it, so as long as you are active, your nation size does not matter.

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yes we have pie.

Remember when Joining an alliance, you need a group of experienced players to help your nation grow. All of our government members have been playing for quite a while and have gobs of experience that we teach our members with. We believe very strongly in helping smaller nations grow as best they can because we know that every single member is important to the alliance.

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Join TORN:

We are devoted to helping you, the small nation develop into a world power!!!!

Join The Order Of Righteous Nations.

Why? Because we have experienced players that enjoy helping out others. Not only will you get advise and recommendations for growing your nation, but we also have several aid programs designed to boost your growth.

Even though we are small we are allied with other alliances which ensures that your nation will get the protection it needs while it grows to the superpower it deserves to be.

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