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Cyber Nations Alliance Statistics Depot

Unspeakable Evil

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Updated 2008-12-14.

Any chance we could get 'Alliance Standings by Team Color' lists? Basically show how the alliances rank within their Team colors...

That's not data that I collect since it's not easily gleaned. It might be interesting to know.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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I wonder, if you are ever willing to collect a few weeks of stats and make 6month predictions on alliance's? :D

I believe he used to do that, but stopped when they were always wildly inaccurate... things change too quickly

for example, when TOP gets like 3 good applications in a week, that can be over 200k ns, in addition to normal growth for one week the change can be around 350k ns

if you then make 6 month prediction based off that that would be like working with an interest rate of over 200% (3.88% growth for 1 week * 52 weeks/year)

Would provide an estimate around 24 million ns for TOP in 6 months

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Actually, the reason I stopped the predictions is that I used to use Excel to make my graphs, and it had a nice trendline feature. The paid version of FusionCharts also does this. The el-cheapo freebie version I currently use doesn't (or didn't). I could probably write a function to do a linear approximation of whatever set of data and draw that line on the graph, but I haven't primarily because it would take some doing and at heart I'm kind of lazy when everything "just works" right now.

...Updates for today coming later.

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Updated 2008-12-24.


:wub: Unspeakable Evil

The person not the evil ;)

What 'chu got against unspeakable evil? Of all the evils one can countenance, it's the best. Don't knock it until you've tried it!

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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