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A War Question.


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A friend of mine decided it would be interesting to attack me. We are both of near identical strengths (With me being roughly 40 points stronger) and he had about 2,000 less troops than I at 4,000 and me at 6,000. My troops however were decimated with him initiating the attack. I believe it was a bug or something.

I went from the 6k troops down to about 1600 while he went from 4k to 3.4k give or take. Now as it stands I have more tech and strength. Overall a stronger nation. As well, he had a 19% chance of success to win, yet I received the horrendous loss as you can tell. I did have 100 defending tanks, but they disappeared for the battle and returned once the battle was completed.

As you can understand I am a bit confused and would like a explanation if possible. Its a rather confusing topic for me really.

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Luck of the draw...

In a war some time back I attacked twice with 40% odds and decimated my enemy. You can work all you want to get the odds in your favor, but sometimes it's not enough and you lose anyway...

That's in real life or CN.

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can you post screen shots or copy paste the battle logs?

If you were in defcon 5 and he was in defcon 1 and he update blitzed you then I could see where he would put a hurting on you. I dont think it is a bug however because things like land and infra and other stuff come into play in war. But posting screenies would help more. Plus what improvements you have vs what he has and what resource sets both of you have.

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Having been in a limited war in which I was sent into anarchy day 1 with 4-to-1 casualties, I built back up, deployed, and tried an (admittedly)wasted attack at 1-to-2 odds day 2 (and lost badly) and on day 3 inflicted severe casualties (as a defender) with 0 losses and gained about $1 million, I can add my anecdote about the fortunes of war swinging all the way from 'Attackers waltzes in' to 'Defender slaughters Attackers down to the last man'. It's not that different from a dice-based strategy game; there's always the chance of min or maxing the odds and the dice/semi-random number generator giving you a result way outside the odds (critical success or failure). Even odds does't mean even results.

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