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OOC: RP Navies


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Sigh. No offense to all those pro-navy people, but Personally I find this just one more difficult step in CNRP. ITs hard enough to RP a nation with proper stats due to the fact that population is in the thousands and not millions (which means that even large nations dont have the population to fill a large city in RL).

I think with Navies we should RP with exactly how many of the units we have.

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Actually, I have a suggestion about population, just multiply your citizen count by 100. That would put people who have tens of thousands of citizens into the millions (example: 10 000 ingame citizens=1 000 000 RP citizens).

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Actually, I have a suggestion about population, just multiply your citizen count by 100. That would put people who have tens of thousands of citizens into the millions (example: 10 000 ingame citizens=1 000 000 RP citizens).

that makes sense, cuz otherwise i dont see how many of us could practically have navies otherwise, let alone territory under our control, etc

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that makes sense, cuz otherwise i dont see how many of us could practically have navies otherwise, let alone territory under our control, etc

Yeah. As another example, I would have 13 063 800 citizens under this system. That makes sense, and doesn't make numbers too massive.

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I used to do that when I was a fresh rper but then everyone got all crazed. Always whining "rp according to your ingame nation's abilities" Which personally I thought was stupid and constricting, and I still do. I much prefer what Lavo is suggesting.

on another note did anyone notice how expensive navies are? Gonna be pretty hard to rp a full navy like most of us are used to doing.

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Not for me actually. I never RPed a truly massive navy. Though, the number of subs and destroyers/frigates I have will be changed. I'll actually have MORE aircraft carriers with the new update. O_o

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1000 tech for a carrier...

You have to remember, these aren't WWI or WWII type carriers. They are modern carriers, such as the Nimitz, Ford, and (soon to be made) Elizabeth classes. So yeah, the 1000 tech is needed for it due to it's size, electronics and (above all else) advanced aircraft. Edit:

So then should times the number of troops by 100 too or no? What about tanks?

Due to how CN works with peacetime, instant army making, etc. nations should still be allowed to be more liberal with their numbers I think. For example, I have 0 tanks as they are useless to me ingame during peace. But in my RP nation, I would have loads of them as they are useful. Remember, you can't have uber huge armies due to your population's size.

Edited by Lavo_2
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So then should times the number of troops by 100 too or no? What about tanks?

No, the 100x is only for citizens, not any other part of your nation.

Not for me actually. I never RPed a truly massive navy. Though, the number of subs and destroyers/frigates I have will be changed. I'll actually have MORE aircraft carriers with the new update. O_o

Yeah I will cut down my aircraft carriers from 5 to 4. But then I rped a naval power... And now I can be one.

Looking at the technology requirements for navies, I think we should also stop rping stuff like...ooo i dont know, Mechs. 1000 tech for a carrier...

Yeah, that is an intelligent Idea, at least until you are over 2000 tech or so....

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You have to remember, these aren't WWI or WWII type carriers. They are modern carriers, such as the Nimitz, Ford, and (soon to be made) Elizabeth classes. So yeah, the 1000 tech is needed for it due to it's size, electronics and (above all else) advanced aircraft.

yea. I was making a point of the tech level for these carriers, and yet some of us with low tech levels, like say...ubertein, rp using mechs. I think that should just be kinda stopped. Rping mechs alltogether i mean

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yea. I was making a point of the tech level for these carriers, and yet some of us with low tech levels, like say...ubertein, rp using mechs. I think that should just be kinda stopped. Rping mechs alltogether i mean

Uberstein has mechs due to buying them from UES nations such as myself. As for mechs... Why kind of mechs do you mean? Ones like my AT-AT, Marten's Panzerwagon, my AT-AP, etc. Or the KnightMares like Tryun and Corea use/used? If the second, I completely agree with you.

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