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Tech Scarcity - Rough economic analysis


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I don't have any input for this discussion on tech prices so stop reading now if you're expecting.

DAC Syzygy has never made any type of suggestion that would benefit his nation/alliance solely. His suggestions are made to better the game, to fix flaws in current game mechanisms, or to improve certain aspects that need tweeking. The game is more important than any individual nation, so don't accuse him of "manipulating" any system, rather he, and his alliance, has mastered an "understanding" for game mechanics better than anyone thus far.

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Such accusations are empty, they have always been and always will be. I would suggest the same stuff if I had a smaller nation or were in a different alliance. Keeping a bad system just because some have used it better than others is stupid and long term non benefitial. That you would "catch us" any time by keeping the current system is an illusion. That others would have a "higher chance to get up to the top ranks" by keeping the current system is an illusion. The top ranks will just NEVER STOP importing their 250-300tech per 10days and you will NEVER catch them ever, as long as the current system stays in place.

Fact is, all the current -x% tech cost items in the game (resources, improvements, wonders) ARE absolutely and totally useless. That they should be strengthened (and a lot) is a "must have" change for the future. Because that is the only way to create a DEMAND for them on the market.

From what others have said in this thread, tech prices have gone up over time, and seem to be going that way in the future. How is this not consistent with what you think is better for the game? Also, your system would seem to change which nations are actually sellers. It can be a slog to get to 1k infra, and the 'kiddie pool' actually has the most sharks in it. You assume that new nations will stick around long enough to become tech sellers under your proposed system, but I seriously doubt that. The early part of the game is as boring as watching paint dry, when you have so little to do/think about, and I skipped as much of it as I could. Either people would have to sell themselves out to Alliances just to get to the point to be a seller or it will take months to get there on their own. having to maintqain 100-200 tech would make tech sellers look even juicier as targets,and rebuilding from raids would be that much more expensive. If your system were to be implemented I could see more war reps being forced to be paid in tech.

Also, the -% tech cost items are VERY useful to those small tech selling nations we are talking about, they are only useless to nations that are no longer buying their own tech. Which is why I suggested a cap on tech prices in the other post I made in this thread.

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Also, the -% tech cost items are VERY useful to those small tech selling nations we are talking about, they are only useless to nations that are no longer buying their own tech. Which is why I suggested a cap on tech prices in the other post I made in this thread.

I buy my own tech and find them pretty useless.

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Also, the -% tech cost items are VERY useful to those small tech selling nations we are talking about, they are only useless to nations that are no longer buying their own tech. Which is why I suggested a cap on tech prices in the other post I made in this thread.

sorry to disappoint you, but the savings in techprice you get from these resources are NEVER worth the lost tax you suffer from importing them. Even techsellers would make more cash with the additional tax from importing other stuff than lead/gold saves them. Grämlins were the first alliance ever who did large scale techbusiness on an organized scale with many tenthousand techlevels per month - and we did these calculations lots of times. All tech reducers are currently non-benefitial for the sake of lowering techcosts. You would ALWAYS do better by importing pop or income boosters.

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