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Mostly Harmless Alliance


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«The Mostly Harmless Policies

The MHA is an Aqua Alliance. It is our official color. As you are new, it will be easy for you to change your Team Color to Aqua - check out Academy Orientation to learn how. We also have a candidate for the Aqua Team Senate, which gives us special powers in the Aqua Team.»

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«The Mostly Harmless Policies


We expect all members to remain in contact with the Alliance. Bookmark the forum page and check in as often as possible. Obviously RL > CN, and your time may sometimes be stretched, but do come in as there's always something going on. And by staying silent, you'll only miss out on opportunities, cash, and promotions.

Membership also means you represent this alliance. While posting in public arena's, you are the MHA. We ask all members to main respectful and polite to all other alliances. Failure to do so will mean a review of your membership and possible disciplinary actions through the court. We have worked hard to build a steady reputation as an honorable and respectful alliance. Please, at all times, remember you represent us and act accordingly.»

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«The Mostly Harmless Policies

Wars + Tech Raiding

Never attack another nation under any circumstances without permission.

By doing so, you will not only get yourself in trouble but the alliance as well. You will be endangering your fellow nations and the MHA as a whole by "going rogue" (attacking others without permission). Don't worry, you will get a chance to flex your war muscle - but only with approved targets and under our circumstances. If you cannot handle this – leave now.

Tech Raiding is attacking unaligned, inactive nations for their tech. This is firmly against MHA policy. Never commit any forms of Tech raiding. Doing so will mean you're labeled a rogue and expelled. We do this because far too many times, it will end up getting the Tech Raider in trouble and you will see all your hard work destroyed.»

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«Alliance Structure: Triumvirate and Ministry

On November 20th the first chants for change began as the idea was proposed to replace our Senate and Overseers with a simple system of a Triumvirate, and Ministers. In essence, it took our existing Government and turned it on it's head. Our Triumvirs were given the power to run the alliance. Swift, decisive and actively. They would be the best of the best - the top members in the alliance would be running the show. And with them came the Ministers; five organizers, planners, specialists in their fields. They would each focus on one of the major areas of operations for the alliance - War, Economy, Communications, Members, Diplomacy. The call had gone out for change and the MHA responded.»

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