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Yugoslavia disintegrating, Romania steps in to reassert order


While some have stated that it'd solely be a matter of time, until the Yugoslav state would collapse under its own weight, it now is final. With the Kralj vanished under mysterious circumstances, his kingdom seemingly has fallen into disarray. The Conducătora has proclaimed today, that a protectorate be established by Romanian forces, repaying the debt of Yugoslav intervention when Romania had not yet been a state again. "Until such a day, that the South slavs of the Western Balkans organise themselves again in respective national states, we shall work as stewards of these lands and hopefully preserve the peace on the peninsula", Constante stated. On her order, the I. Romanian Army under General Golescu has marched forward into the former Yugoslav lands. It is hoped little resistence will be met and no greater complications arise.


Naturally, all Yugoslav forces have been disarmed and the Wilding regime has been officially informed that their troops are to leave the protectorate within 12 hours. Their fascist presence is no longer desired on the Balkans.


Armata Română


While a task force under Lt. Gen. Dimitrescu had orders to secure Koper and Slovenia against Alvonia, they were to let any Alvonian marine infantry units pass back into their homeland. ships and installations however were a vastly different matter, as those were to be taken over, or if such was not possible, destroyed. Having two Mechanised Infantry Divisions, two Motorised Infantry Divisions and one Armoured Division at his disposal, Dimitrescu was expected to be able to deal with potential Alvonian resistence well enough, especially considering that the II. Romanian Army could support him from neihbouring Hungary just fine.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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Army heads westwards as Wilding Regime falls


As the Romanian armies push westward, it seems our enemies crumble already from our name alone. The II. Romanian Army today advanced into former Alvonia, as this breeding ground for European instability came to an end. This marks the end of a chapter of sad history for Central Europe, and hopefully will lead to the dawn of a new age of national liberty.


While many leading members of the Alvonian government have opted to shoot themselves and one of the highest ranking Ministers, Finn Powers, was caught as he tried to icognito slip into Italy to escape punishment, Director Wilfding has yet to be found. All hints point towards the Director having fled. The Romanian government has declared Wilding a political criminal and is searching for him. Regent Constante has seemingly mused that "it seems he had not the balls to follow the steps of his idol."


In more official news, the Conducătora hinted towards a possible easing of European tensions and has stated that this historic event might be a good time to discuss future European relations at large. Discussions with allies and partners might follow soon.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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Constante hints at possible handover of German areas to Hanover


German-speaking areas of the former state of Alvonia might be handed to Hanoveranian forces, the Conducătora has stated to press today. According to her, the Germans would be much better guardians of their own and culturally similar people and if a deal with the Hanoveranian government can be reached, there might be a possible handover of administration within the next couple years. The Conducătora stated, she'd like to see the matter settled as soon as possible, with as little suffering for the locals as possible. This, in her opinion, will also cut expenses for the Romanian peoples, who will have less need to pay for the costly administration of non-Romanian territory. In preparation for eventual return to German rule of the protectorate, the headquarters of the II. Romanian Army, in charge of the protection, has been moved to Prague, together with the bulk of the forces. Romanian forces in Germany are estimated to number around 20,000 only.

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Romanian stay in Germany prolonged?


As the Hanoveranian state falls, the possible handover of German territories to this friendly regime is sadly no longer a possibility it seems. Regent Constante has stated that this puts Romania into a troublesome situation in regards to withdrawing, without any suitable country to pick up the duties. For the time being, Romanian forces are expected to stay in charge of the administration in former Alvonia, however, the Conducătora stated that there will be no major forward deployments and the territory will be left as soon as the region can be regarded as stable and secure. "Romania is not going to keep a larger presence in Germany than necessary and it will not use such presence for pressuring its fellow European states. Romanian soldiers are there to keep the peace in the region, nothing more, nothing less."

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