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Kingdom of Axum Nuclear Report Regarding the Chinese

Captain Enema

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Through extensive testing of a larger body of samples taken from all of the cities attacked in China, we've managed to make some startling discoveries. 

The Japanese did not fire first. 

The isotopes found at certain cities hit in the first wave of strikes coming from the Philippines region do not match the materials taken from Japan or the Chinese cities hit by Japanese nuclear devices.

It is our belief the weapons are devices from the large pool of surplus war materials left over from the WW 8 and would advise everyone to take additional precautions. The need for heightened security is never more urgent given the availability of such devastating weapons to terror groups such as the ones that clearly perpetuated this awful conflict for their own sick geopolitical benefit. 

Allah be with all of you,
King Beckwith


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New Babylon applauds the findings of the Kingdom of Axum. In light of the discoveries however, we now commit ourselves to a war on terror. We will root it out wherever it may hide, and we will destroy it. The holy fire of his holy name will be heard by all those who kill in the name of terror and all those who use initiate cowardly nuclear strikes as a first weapon of war.

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New Babylon applauds the findings of the Kingdom of Axum. In light of the discoveries however, we now commit ourselves to a war on terror. We will root it out wherever it may hide, and we will destroy it. The holy fire of his holy name will be heard by all those who kill in the name of terror and all those who use initiate cowardly nuclear strikes as a first weapon of war.


"Our sword is your sword, lead and we shall follow. The Legions of the Kingdom will march with you."


- King Beckwith





The 1st Battle Group is put on notice to prepare for a massive change in mission. They are notified they will be transitioning into a possible Counter Insurgency role. This new COIN mission will require they be fleshed out with additional units, the 4th Special Forces Regiment, the 3rd Ranger Regiment, the 2nd Paras, and the 3rd Marines are assigned to the battle group to give it additional flexibility. 


A classified directive is sent to the Legion Naval Command ordering them to make all SOSUS, Radar, and Satellite intelligence on African terror groups available to the Babylonians. With this in mind, a message is sent inviting the Babylonians to participate in the JOINT TERROR Taskforce. This taskforce, is given a headquarters at Camp Dengali outside of Mogadishu with the expectations of a similar site being opened in Babylon. 

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"The Imperium thanks Axum for extensively researching ther subject and proving our innocence, We would like to reiterate our Nuclear No First Strike Policy, as the first nation to be hit by these incredibly destructive weapons we would never want to use them unless we are attacked with them first, the cost of human life and long term effects are beyond any other type of weapon in our world."

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