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The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance


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Yes it is COMECON, a different and new alliance, that will be remembered with honor.


In addition, I have had cease the membership of my alliance for the behalf of the Republics within, waiting that the word is respected and honored, and RnR members will cease attacks inmediately (of course, not my case).


Last words, only two nations from 17 flee and create a new Aliance, that means only 10% of the population of COMECON abandon the Council.



Long live the brave armies and people of the Soviet Union and former Republics of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

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Gorbachov, if you are calling your alliance COMECON, why don't you creat a new alliance with that name? You are already using it, why don't you use it in peace as opposed to hanging on to an alliance name that is causing the destruction of anyone who joins it?


Also, I and the rest of staff will be watching every day for nations to join the CMEA AA, so don't have your nations come back, just create a unique AA and have them join you there.


The sad part is if you would have done that when you were first asked to, R&R may have even offered you protection.

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This truly saddens me. Anytime we've talked regarding this situation, you've been stubborn, and unwilling to listen to reason.


You might want to learn some history, and you may gain insight into why your in this mess.


CMEA 1.0: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Council_for_Militaristic_and_Economic_Assistance_%281st%29

CMEA 2.0: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Council_for_Militaristic_and_Economic_Assistance_%282nd%29

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Thank you very much yucuis, in fact, it is very simple, and of course, I did not think about it before, COMECON sounds good.


But let me tell you, unfortunately, the Republics that contact me after the first raids, where not very educated, nor polite, not because they did not give us preventive letter, nor a warning, there was only frontal attacks.  Well that is history.


Now regarding the letter of DemonSpawn, also other nations where trully polite.


Let me copy and paste the last letter for a member of your alliance, that will give you the idea of the type of communication that we have had:


Subject: Welcome to the ZI List!

Message: Today, a great service was done in the hallowed halls of R&R. We have decided to put you on what is known as the ZI (Zero Infrastructure) list.  This is a true honor for you! Not only have you pissed us off greatly, it has also lead to your demise!  I'm sure you will be hearing from my commander soon about what will happen in the future. Who knows, maybe you will be PZI'ed (Permanent Zero Infrastructure) which is the highest honor for dumbasses like you.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your Labo(u)r Day!


Nice, don´t you think.

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Also, for the record, I will post a letter for a Former Republic that was part of the alliance:


Subject: So this is what it comes to

Message: Well, I see that the former members of your alliance have went and did their own thing. You are in grave danger of being ZI'ed (http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Zero_Infrastructure) so I am extending the offer to formally disband COMECON and to join The XXXX. If not, when you are ZI'ed do not ask us for support, this was caused by your bad decisions and right now you are feeling the consequences. Best of luck YYY
And last, but not least, I kick all loyal members, because of the danger that being raid until the end, let me copy the letters that were sent:

From: gorbachov   
Date: 9/1/2013 7:09:15 PM
Subject: Thank you

Message: Dear Members, RnR is going to raid all nations, members of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.  In this case, I am taking the chance alone, my nation will be raid and maybe erased from Cybernations.  Thank you for all your time, and i will take all the responsability.
Best Regards

From: gorbachov   

Date: 9/1/2013 7:09:33 PM
Subject: Alliance Membership Revoked

Message: gorbachov has removed you from the alliance Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.



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Let me put this in proper perspective for you...


It is known that I have a habit of trying to defend the weak, and protect the micro alliances that frequently do stupid things...


However, in your case, your actions have pushed you well beyond even my sympathy.


The solution to fix your problem is so very simple, and yet you continue to stand defiantly behind a decision that makes no sense in an argument you have less than zero chance to survive, much less win.


You have absolutely no support in your effort, and no reason to be so stubbornly defiant.



When Terran Empire, my alliance, was formed, we were going to resurrect the name of a previous alliance in which I was gov in... but there was a little bit of resentment from another former gov member, so we changed the name... problem solved, case closed.  In fact, we believe we were better off having changed the name, and achieved well beyond what we possibly could have under the resurrected name.


The difference here is that unlike your situation, I actually had a legitimate claim to the name we were intending to use... you claim no ties to the previous users of your name... so why cling to it.



Nothing you have done makes any sense.  You are not brave, you are not standing up for anything... All you have done is ruin the CN experience for everyone you had in your alliance.


While I generally believe that everyone has a right to try to create an alliance if they wish, even though some probably shouldn't... you have proven the exception. Your actions are detrimental to anyone that follows you, and thus you do not deserve to run an alliance.


Get off the stage... your fifteen minutes ended just after you arrived.

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Let me tell you something Yuurei, there is a joke, I do not know if it will be so funny because of the trasnlation, but I will do my best:


A succesfull bussinessman was asked:

What is the secret of you success

Good decision

An what is the best secret for making good decision

making several not the best of the decisions.


And that is the way things are done

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Now that I am not in Labour day, I will post a message written in the Alliance Announcements before kicking all members:


9/1/2013 12:19:34 PM     That Alliance that is new
Our war situation with RnR in very disapointing, we have big will but small armies. Some members suggest to change our name to "That Alliance", because RnR found an Aliance some time ago named "Council for Economic and Milistaristic Assistance" and latter on, one with our name.
Right now, after some member change the name of the alliance, I was hit by 2 cruise missiles and a couple of ground attacks.
I recomend the following:
1.- Flee to the new Alliance "That Alliance" (you have to wait until the alliance is founded). This is not my case.
2.- Remain in the Council, and try to reconstruct and counterstrike, but RnR will not end.
I understand and respect your wise desicion.

9/1/2013 3:28:42 PM     New Alliance    
Member X and Member Y have created the alliance now. if you like to flee, they already have a place to be.
I will continue until the time lapses.
Good luck to all


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Dear yucuis:


     As stated before, your idea to become the Alliance COMECON is very clever, right now, Soviet Union will found the New Council and try to reconstruct the Republic.


Soviet Union will declare tonight an Armistice and agree to stop fighting against RnR and the cessation of hostilities.


Thank you also for all Republics that keep communication and make possible this truce or cease fire, like (I will ask if like to be mentioned),  and I have to see my messages to make the list bigger.


Best Regards

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