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New South American Organization Thread...

Captain Enema

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To: South American Organization
From: Miguél Ganzado Robles
Subj: Election Request
Dear SAO board members,
I am writing you this letter in hope of being allowed the oppurtunity to host elections in Current day Bolivia. I have an organization in the works preparing for formation of a sovereign state (Sucre.) With your permission we would ask you oversee elections in Bolivia. 
I remain,
Miguél Ganzado Robles
Edited by High Emperor Aggron
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SAO election overseers, and the Argentine government, which aided in the administration of the Bolivian elections, has confirmed Miguél Ganzado Robles as the newly elected President of Bolivia. The elections were held in a free and fair manner where all eligible voters could vote unimpeded.

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The government of Paraguay recognizes Bolivia as a sovereign and independent nation. We hope that we may establish diplomatic relations in the hopes of getting to know each other better.






Jose Gomez

President of Paraguay

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  • 4 weeks later...

To: The South American Organization

From: Esteban Garcia

Subject: Request for elections


I write this letter to humbly request permission to hold elections for an independent government in Venezuela. The SAO may monitor the situation to their satisfaction of course. 

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The SAO had been monitoring Garcia's independence movement and had found it had come to largely represent the will of the people in the Venezuelan territory. Therefore, SAO director Alice dos Santos gave the organisation's approval of Garcia's request, and an election was conducted under the SAO's auspices. As projected due to the support of the independence movement prior to the elections, the people of Venezuela voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence with Esteban Garcia as their first head of state: the fairness and freedom of this election was guaranteed by SAO observers. With a successful transfer of power with the will of the people respected, and a guarantee that democratic institutions would be respected, many SAO personnel departed Venezuela, with a number remaining to ease the transition to independence, train the new administration in maintaining the infrastructure and institutions of Venezuela, or even lingering behind to seek citizenship in the newly independent Venezuela.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With recent calls by representative parties in Venezuela for integration as a full state into the Republic of Pará, the South American Organisation held a referendum in which several options were offered to the people of Venezuela-- these options included sovereign independence, continued existence as a territory of the SAO, and, needless to say, integration into Pará. Ultimately, popular vote proved overwhelmingly in favour of the latter, and with SAO observers confirming the veracity of the polls' results, the shift from SAO territory to Paráense state was conducted, with both the SAO and Paráense working to implement a smooth and beneficial change for the people of Venezuela.


((Chairman was never on the map: they asked for the land and then went inactive, which would be the third time they've done that, so I decided to just absorb Venezuela myself. Approved by other members of the SAO.))

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia calls upon the other nations of the South American Organisation to take action against Bolivia's recent [URL=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/118766-chasing-shadows/]invasion of Peru[/URL] with evident intent to annex the territory. This was not preceded by any attempt to take into account the interests of the populace, nor was there any communication with SAO personnel before this violent action was taken. This proves Bolivia to be a destabilising presence in South America-- akin to the former incarnation of Paraguay, which took much the same action and was quickly forced to abandon its imperialist venture.

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"Bolivia will cease the continuance of an invasion It will move no further than where its armies have moved. Our armies will not continue operations within SAO held Peru. However the territorial province of "South Peru" will continue to be held by Bolivian armies. Upon the lowering of our DEFCON level we will bring before the SAO and the citizens of South Peru a motion to become part of the standing borders of Bolivia. To say we are invading is foolish and misinformation. We apologize to the SAO for misunderstandings. "

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"No, actually, Bolivian armies will vacate all unlawfully held territories until such a time that, if the SAO is willing, a referendum will be held on the matter. You are not in a position to negotiate land gains at this point, especially given your clear lack of concern for the will of the populace. Whether or not a motion will be held for the people of South Peru to determine the fate of their territory is in the hands of the SAO, but for the part of the Federal Hierarchy, we are not willing to allow Bolivia to hold its unlawfully gained territories."


- Executor Valverde

OOC: It really doesn't help your position to start proclaiming that Bolivian armies will continue to occupy what most of South America regards as illegally held territory. Just vacate the territory and make it easier on yourself :v

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The Paraguayan delegation would like to address the SAO on the topic of the Security Council. Paraguay wishes to represent South America on the council in order to promote democracy and peace across the world. Paraguay has been in talks concerning the formation of such a body since the beginning. We would also like to stress that Paraguay has adopted a much more pacifistic foreign policy and will always put the needs of local civilians first before all other matters.


- Madam Maricela Minas, Deputy Secretary of State

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With recent news of military strikes against Bolivia by the Empire, Paraguay calls on fellow SAO nations to condemn such attacks.


"Civilians are our number one priority right now. If these strikes continue, it will only be a matter of time before massive civilian casualties begin. We call upon the Empire, its allies, and Bolivia to come to the negotiating table in order to ensure peace and security. The last thing we want is another war."


- Deputy Secretary of State Madam Maricela Minas

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The Security Council is an illegitimate bloc, and therefore any attempt by Paraguay to 'represent' South America before it will be similarly disregarded by the Federal Hierarchy.


Bolivia will echo this, we will not adhere to laws passed by a false Security Council that uses titles and facades to okay their criminal activity.

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As the Interim Head of the organization the Republica would like to respectfully request that member states of the SAO not speak on the behalf of the SAO in the world stage from now on. Any issues you would like to discuss should be directed through the Head of the SAO who can then address the world stage in a dignified manner as a proper representative of the South American Organization.


In addition it appears that the SRCB has fallen into anarchy as well. We will take care of the necessary procedures.

Edited by Lord Zephyr
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