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The Mexican Restoration


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Havana, Havana...

"How did this come to this?" A wry voice rang out across the slightly darkened office.

"Time changes, so as it seems," Another voice spoke in response.

"A bit too quickly in this case."

"Well yeah, but can it be helped that public opinion can be so...finicky?"

"Finicky or not, the people have voiced their desire, and their voice shall be respected. Make an announcement of my resignation, and inform the Hudson Bay government of the return of Havana's sovereignty to them."

"On it, sir."

Shortly afterwards, a public announcement would be broadcast to the world about the dissolution of the Sovereign Republic of Havana.

Mexico City, Mexico...

Mexico has had a long and colorful history, dating back to when it was a colony of Spain (known as the Viceroyalty of New Spain) all the way to its current status as a multinational American protectorate. Twice in recent history it had experienced growth, expansion, and glory, as the Kingdom of New Spain and the United Mexican States. Both nations encompassed a considerable portion of North America and Central America and wielded power and influence in this part of the world that were challenged by a few. No doubt a large percent of the population longed for such, and to make Mexico a great power once again.

Consequently, petitions were held in many cities and towns of the region, garnering thousands of signatures. Lobbying organizations and political parties began petitioning the Hudson Bay government to grant Mexico independence as a sovereign nation. Negiotations were held with Hudson Bay protectorate officials over the course of several months, while a region-wide independence referendum indicated that a considerable percent of the population (over 85 percent) desired independence. In Mexico City, officials would begin establishing the nucleus of a new government, conducting elections under the supervision of Hudson Bay officials and establishing a constitutional convention to draft a new constitution. At the same time, state and local governments would be established, with provisional Governors assuming power over their respective states.

Former Mexico City mayor Luis Alvaro Bourbon (distant relation to New Spanish King Enrique Bourbon) would be elected President of Mexico. The newly-formed Secretariat of Foreign Relations would issue an official declaration proclaiming the reestablishment of Mexico as a sovereign nation and welcoming foreign nations to establish embassies/consulates in Mexico City.

From Tijuana in the northwest to Salina Cruz in the southeast, the Mexican flag waved proudly in the air once again.


In the meanwhile, MediaCorp would quietly begin relocating its headquarters and assets from Havana to Mexico City.

Edited by Scofield
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"We thank the Borno-Sumat Federation and the Federal Republic of Zambia for their kind greetings. An Embassy will be established for both nations in Mexico City. Do note though, we are currently in the process of establishing government, so pardon us for any delays that may result in the embassy construction process. Likewise, we will establish an Embassy in both your capitals."

- Jose Antonio Meade, Secretary of Foreign Affairs

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OOC) Should we make one thread for the embassies to each nation? or just a single thread altogether(like just continuing on the Sibu Confrences thread)


OOC: Make a separate thread.


The Republic of California extends its recognition and warm regards across the border.


IC: "We thank California for its recognition and warm regards."

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"The Union of South Africa grants recognition to the resurgent Mexican nation, and cordially welcomes it once again to the global stage. As per standard protocol, the Mexican nation, like all other sovereign states, are welcome to establish an embassy in Cape Town, South Africa."

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Hudson Bay Mexican Protectorate Administrative Complex - Mexico City


Hudson Bay Mexican protectorate officials and members from the Hudson Bay Fair Elections Commission undertook the observation and preparation of the latest referendum of Mexican independence.  After results came in for an overwhelming 85% for independence, officials in Mexico City and in Winnipeg began long-awaited talks to outline the new Mexican government and transition efforts as Hudson Bay Federation resources were pulled out of country.  Advisory efforts on constitution and local governance continued at a pace acceptable to both parties, until protectorate officials deemed the local governance could stand on their own.


"The Hudson Bay Federation is proud to announce the independence of Mexico to the world stage.  The long road of independence was filled with trials; however, the strength of the Mexican people prevailed.  While it is the end of the Federation's active administration of the Mexican state, our involvement now turns to continued economic improvement and developing ties with the new Mexican administration.  The Joint Latin American Operations Peacekeeping Force will be wound down and disbanded within a year's time frame.  In the interim, Hudson Bay Armed Forces will train and equipping the new Mexican Armed Services for their duties."




The draw down of 140,000 Hudson Bay armed personnel in Mexico would begin in a month of the independence announcement.  The first draw down would reduce force strength to 100,000.  The second draw down in four months would reduce personnel to 50,000.  At the ninth month, personnel strength would be at 15,000.  Complete withdrawal of the rest would depend on the training of the new Mexican Armed Services.  All of the personnel leaving Mexico would be transiting through Louisiana or redeployed to Cuba.



The city of Havana would quietly be brought back under Federation control and reestablished as the administrative capital of the territory.

Edited by Tanis777
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"We thank you all for your recognition and regards. We will dispatch Ambassadors to all of you promptly, in accordance to your diplomatic protocol. As we have stated earlier, we are currently in the process of establishing government, so pardon us for any delays that may result in the embassy establishment process."

To Faraway Realm:

"We have adopted a republican system of government. To elaborate, Mexico is a federal presidential constitutional republic."

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