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Dispatches from Xenios

The Polemarch

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[quote name='lordliam' timestamp='1349747177' post='3038836']
The Parliament of Cadia finds it regrettable that respectable nations such as Galifray and Mogartopia have fallen so deep into the palm of Israel that they are willing to aid them directly. May God have mercy on all belligerent souls and may they all die an honourable death. The peoples of Cadia truly wish that some day the world would finally be able to embrace the One True Faith and live in unity under God, but until then we will urge all to resist the efforts of those who wish to keep us off the straight and narrow.

o/ Lordliam

The nation of Xenios also expresses dismay and incredulity at how strong and powerful (at least externally) states have funded such a weak nation like Israel for ideological purposes. It is even more amazing that Jews living such a comfortable life in Gallifray and Mogatopia would pressurize their government to send disproportionate amounts of tax-money, collected from non-Jews within their borders, to aid such a small state overseas, merely because it is predominately Jewish, located near Jerusalem, and carries the star of David on its flag. This reveals the true strength of the Israeli lobby overseas, and their power over the non-Jews in these otherwise strong and developed nations. Surely only in this crazy, darkened, and perverted world of Bob would such actions take place...

Edited by The Polemarch
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The people of Galifray care not whether they are Jews or non Jews, we care only about the basic human rights violations going on in your nation. If they were atheist, satanist, what have you, we would do the same thing. The third century understanding of politics and religion held in your nation will prove to be your downfall.

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It would appear that the alliance known as "Google", who's government is known as "AdSense" voices their support in favor of Judaism, and the nation of Israel.


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[quote name='Pelican Overlord' timestamp='1349726510' post='3038663']
We have decided that our "official" religion shall be atheism, as religion can only lead to one thing: war. We still allow our citizens to practice any religion they choose.

Xenios notes that over 24 hours later, despite activity from the Pelican Overlord, this promise of a change of national religion has failed to materialize. This reveals that the government of Pelican Land is a [b]shambles[/b], where such simple edicts cannot be properly carried out, or that PL's pronouncements are simply a [b]sham[/b] (i.e. he lacks the "[b]bles[/b]").

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[quote name='The Polemarch' timestamp='1349818761' post='3039108']
Xenios notes that over 24 hours later, despite activity from the Pelican Overlord, this promise of a change of national religion has failed to materialize. This reveals that the government of Pelican Land is a [b]shambles[/b], where such simple edicts cannot be properly carried out, or that PL's pronouncements are simply a [b]sham[/b] (i.e. he lacks the "[b]bles[/b]").

We believe that it may be caused by a limitation of religious changes. Nations can't jump through the religious hoops quite as quickly as individuals. May your Lord find the wash cycle for your nation soon.

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[quote name='The Polemarch' timestamp='1349778395' post='3038984']
Xenios would applaud any nation that truly followed the Torah, but points out that modern Judaism on Bob follows the Talmud too - which claims to interpret the teachings of the Torah, but in fact perverts them. This produces the bastrdized version we see today, which is characterized by religious and racial chauvinism, and utter contempt for all non-Jews. This is the injustice that Xenios fights, so that the dignity of all men can be re-established.
We believe one should Talmud, Taldad, and Talall about the great news from Yahweh.

Edited by hornguard
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1349784561' post='3038992']
The people of Galifray care not whether they are Jews or non Jews, we care only about the basic human rights violations going on in your nation. If they were atheist, satanist, what have you, we would do the same thing. The third century understanding of politics and religion held in your nation will prove to be your downfall.
The office of the Foreign Minister notes the irony in this statement from the government of Galifray. "So, you would aid a state that would force godless values upon its own people so that said state would be able to defeat a government that preaches Peace, Love and Unity under the Lord? It seems like what the Anti-Xeniosian league of liars is trying to say is that they would gladly discard their sense of honour and reason to fulfill a twisted ideological moralism."

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[quote name='hornguard' timestamp='1349822002' post='3039134']
We believe one should Talmud, Taldad, and Talall about the great news from Yahweh.

Gallifray, while being an avid supporter of Israel, is highly offended by your loose words about Christianity. Tell me, would you be mad if I started spewing anti Jew rants now? Because no doubt it is just as bad as any other anti religious or anti racial statement.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1349830888' post='3039240']

Gallifray, while being an avid supporter of Israel, is highly offended by your loose words about Christianity. Tell me, would you be mad if I started spewing anti Jew rants now? Because no doubt it is just as bad as any other anti religious or anti racial statement.
We make no remarks against any religion. We just have a healthy funny bone...it makes us well balanced.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1349830888' post='3039240']
Gallifray, while being an avid supporter of Israel, is highly offended by your loose words about Christianity. Tell me, would you be mad if I started spewing anti Jew rants now? Because no doubt it is just as bad as any other anti religious or anti racial statement.

Where are the loose words about Christianity? The only word Hornguard played around with is "Talmud", which isn't Christian by any stretch of the imagination. Or is the government of Gallifray a disciple of the Talmud?

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In a recent broadcast, The Polemarch deplored the actions of other nations in trying to hijack their dispatches for the purposes of disseminating anti-Xenoshian libel. However, he falls short of condemning these governments for it, telling Xenioshians:

[quote]"... to condemn would mean to judge them culpable for their actions. Yet the hatred and opposition demonstrated by these various leaders is clearly blind and without reason. The light of Xenios' message to Planet Bob shines brightly, yet light can both illuminate and dazzle. Those nations, like Xenios, Cadia, The Most Serene Kingdom of Yoitsu, and the Chimairan Republic, who seek the truth are illumined, and bask in the glory of the Light. The others - may their names be forgotten - are so used to dwelling in the darkness that the Light blinds them and burns them, causing them to writhe around and lash out in ignorant, impotent, rage. And so they try to hijack our message and kick against it. They do not kick because we are beneath contempt, but because of the opposite: we are strong. They recognize the power of our nation, but do not understand it. Our nation is small, with few technological distractions: an innocent and pure country. And it is in our innocence, purity and courage that our strength lies. We are like an innocent child, overturning a stone: the light shines, and the shadow-dwelling bugs - who thought themselves great beasts and kings of their own world - suddenly sense their weakness, and scuttle around in horror. They sense their weakness, but do not understand it. If these governments truly understood they would submit in humility: not to Xenios, but to the Light we bring. They would purify themselves of the evil that keeps them in shadows, and would become brothers with Xenios.

Any citizen within any of these darkened nations can recognize it, and seek to unshackle themselves from the corrupt governments that oppress them. Yet many will refuse in the pride of their sins, and are doomed to perish. All of these governments will fall and crumble: only the people, the true nations, will remain. But Xenios cannot sit back in comfort and watch corrupt governments collapse onto their chained citizens, crushing innocents beneath the follies of others. And so we fight to liberate nations from their foreign, moribund, governments - where those governments will not change. With the lance of justice we spear the fearsome, loathsome, beast of this corrupt world, putting it out of its misery and saving the innocents from being crushed in its death throes...

Inner Peace through War Abroad! Hail Xenios!"[/quote]

The broadcast was then followed by the Song of Victory, composed for the October 8th celebrations, before normal programming was resumed: a black screen with the words - [i][b]"Stop sitting around and go out and enjoy the land of Xenios!"[/b][/i]

Edited by The Polemarch
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Polemarch, I have been criticizing your actions indirectly in a rather silent way for quite a while, but now I feel a need to join the leaders of Winner12345, Mogotopia, Kanteero, Alvonia, Milun, Galifray, Atlantik Clique, Lancashire, Neo Triyunica, Pelican Land, Legend, and Kashgar in openly opposing your crimes against humanity. I will point out that despite your repeated claims that those who are critical of you are hypocrites, while you claim that your attacks against peaceful Jewish nations aims to free people from "oppression", it should be noted that your nation's government not only bans the freedom of expression and the right to demonstrate peacefully, but also openly acknowledges doing so. Plus, I have observed that one of the countries that you are currently ordering attacks against, Sladeian, actually does not have Judaism as its official religion! In your declaration of war against this nation, you told the King of Sladeian to "message you for peace terms". If you were an honest person, than those terms would probably be to change Sladeian's national religion from the Jewish religion to something else, however, Sladeian does not even have a national religion! Either Sladeian's king agreed to change his nation's religion during peace talks but did not get the peace agreement that he was promised, or this country was never Jewish in the first place, and you, being a true imperialist, simply decided to invade their territory for its resources. Another fact that I believe that I should mention is what you posted here (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113441&st=0#entry3039694) is an exaggeration at best:

[Quote]You know the league has never wished to dehumanize the Jew[/quote]

How could you and your misguided citizens possibly not wish to dehumanize the Jew? You have written slanderous remarks against the Jewish people aimed at singling them out, you have ordered raids on several Jewish nations, and worst of all, you have managed to get a few nation leaders to join your cause.

To conclude, you might want to know that the Padiwan National Congress has approved of a law requiring that the government accept refugees...especially refugees from persecution.

And so, this ends my (pixelated) speech for today.

May your people be propserous for eternity, no matter where you might lead them.

Edited by BillJoeson
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Upon recieving word of the great deeds committed by the armies Xeinos, on behalf of the malformed people of the Island of Dr Moreau I would like to provide assistance to your cause, Polemarch. I have sent you an aid package that will help you rearm and reequip your armies in order to carry out the great deed.

Purge their villages, slaughter their daughers, and rape their cattle! Oy vey!

(OOC: Meh, why not? It makes things a little more interesting.)

Edited by Ch33kY
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Hm looking over the wars he`s "Fighting", i have relized that many are inactive

Ruler: President Volker [url="http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.asp?Nation_ID=506166"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_compose.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/saved_nations_save.asp?Nation_ID=506166"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/nation_save.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/blocked_users_save.asp?U_ID=President%20Volker"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_block.png[/img][/url] Nation Name: Israel [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_map.asp?Nation_ID=506166"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/earth.png[/img][/url] Last Activity: 10/5/2012 2:17:50 PM (6 Days Inactive)

Ruler: White Lotus [url="http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.asp?Nation_ID=504066"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_compose.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/saved_nations_save.asp?Nation_ID=504066"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/nation_save.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/blocked_users_save.asp?U_ID=White%20Lotus"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_block.png[/img][/url] Nation Name: Alagasia [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_map.asp?Nation_ID=504066"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/earth.png[/img][/url] Last Activity: 9/30/2012 8:12:42 PM (11 Days Inactive)

Ruler: reltih [url="http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.asp?Nation_ID=503266"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_compose.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/saved_nations_save.asp?Nation_ID=503266"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/nation_save.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/blocked_users_save.asp?U_ID=reltih"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_block.png[/img][/url] Nation Name: The Birthright [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_map.asp?Nation_ID=503266"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/earth.png[/img][/url] Last Activity: 10/5/2012 3:44:21 PM (6 Days Inactive)

Please, if you are in the range of Xenios, you must Attack him. If you are in the range Xenios, please attack. If you don`t know any of his info, here it is.

Ruler: Polemarch [url="http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.asp?Nation_ID=509115"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_compose.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/saved_nations_save.asp?Nation_ID=509115"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/nation_save.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/blocked_users_save.asp?U_ID=Polemarch"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/message_block.png[/img][/url] Nation Name: Xenios [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_map.asp?Nation_ID=509115"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/earth.png[/img][/url] Last Activity: 10/11/2012 3:43:35 AM [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=509115&Extended=0#"]National Flag[/url]: None Selected [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Alliances"]Alliance Affiliation[/url]: The League of Anti-Judaizers
[url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/alliance_statistic.gif[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/icon_rankings.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_map_alliances.asp?Alliance=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/world.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers&anyallexact=exact"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/icon_war.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers&anyallexact=exact"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/icon_aid.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers&anyallexact=exact"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/icon_spy.png[/img][/url] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_news.asp?Page=1&Order=DESC&Field=Attack_Date&Search=The%20League%20of%20Anti-Judaizers&SearchBy=Nation_Alliance&View=S#nukes"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/nuke.png[/img][/url] [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Alliance_Seniority"]Alliance Seniority[/url]: 10/1/2012 11:38:25 AM (10 Days) About Xenios:
A nation, not a state. Founder of the LoAJ: committed to fighting the evil schemes of Talmudic Jewry and their quislings. We seek to free all people on Planet Bob from Jewish perversity, leading them to the light of internal salvation and renewal. [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Government_Type"]Government Type[/url]:
[center][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/government/Dictatorship.png[/img][/center] - Dictatorship [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#National_Religion"]National Religion[/url]:
[center][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/religion/Christianity.JPG[/img][/center] - Christianity [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Teams"]Nation Team[/url]: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/teams/team_Black.gif[/img] Nation Created: 10/1/2012 11:34:08 AM (10 days old) [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Technology"]Technology[/url]: 1.41 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Infrastructure"]Infrastructure[/url]: 139.12 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Land"]Area of Influence[/url]: 123.628 mile diameter.
[i]85.775 in purchases, 32.594 in modifiers, 5.259 in growth[/i] [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#National_Peace/War_Preference"]War/Peace Preference[/url]: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/war.gif[/img] War is an option for Xenios since 10/1/2012. [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Resources_&_Trades"]Their Resources[/url]: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Aluminum.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Lumber.GIF[/img] Connected Resources: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Aluminum.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/cattle.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Coal.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Gold.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Iron.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Lumber.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Oil.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Rubber.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Sugar.GIF[/img][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/Water.GIF[/img] [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Resources_&_Trades"]Bonus Resources[/url]: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/resources/steel.GIF[/img] Trade [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=509115&Extended=0#"]Slots[/url] Used: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/trade/trades44.png[/img] [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Improvements"]Improvements[/url]: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_improvements_wonders.asp?Nation_ID=509115"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/improve_icon.png[/img][/url] No improvements purchased. [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Wonders"]National Wonders[/url]: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_improvements_wonders.asp?Nation_ID=509115"][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/improve_icon.png[/img][/url] No national wonders. [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Senators"]Senate Votes[/url]: 0 Votes [i](Senate Votes Disallowed)[/i] [b][color="#000080"]_[/color][color="#ffffff"]:. Military Information[/color][/b] Nation Rank: Ranked #10,123 of 12,387 Nations (81.72%) [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Nation_Strength"]Nation Strength[/url]: 567.499 (My nation strength is: 1,044.747) [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Efficiency_Rating"]Efficiency[/url]: 56.75 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#DEFCON"]DEFCON Level[/url]: [img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/DEFCON/DEFCON1.gif[/img] [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Military"]Number of Soldiers:[/url] 721 (1,110) [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Tanks"]Number of Tanks[/url]: 0 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Aircraft"]Aircraft[/url]: 0 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Cruise_Missiles"]Cruise Missiles[/url]: 0 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Navy"]Navy Vessels[/url]: 0 [b][img]http://www.cybernations.net/images/information.gif[/img] [/b][url="http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Nuclear_Weapons"]Nuclear Weapons[/url]: 0 Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 1,352 Attacking + 197 Defending = 1,549 Casualties Total Population: 1,768 Supporters
If he is attacked, anarchy will come. This is the problem. He has not been attacked enough. His military is weak and his ways are strange to say the least. He has no air force, no navy, no missiles, no anything. His tech is low for his strength, making him a more then easy target.

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[quote name='BillJoeson' timestamp='1349919943' post='3039699']
Polemarch, I have been criticizing your actions indirectly in a rather silent way for quite a while....

You have criticized the actions of Xenios quite publicly, on your information thread for Padiw. To say that you have been doing so "indirectly" and in a "rather silent way" is an admission of how Planet Bob sees your nation as unworthy of attention. That you join those nations who choose to hijack official dispatches from Xenios simply means that you should refer to my previous broadcast, in which your actions are deplored, but not condemned. Xenios recognizes that the PPoP is particularly constrained by the Zionist forces controlling the media, government, and main businesses of Padiw, and you are duty-bound to offer criticism. May the light preached from Xenios and her allies throughout Planet Bob touch your heart, and encourage you to throw of the chains imprisoning your people.

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[quote name='Ch33kY' timestamp='1349967217' post='3039981']
Upon recieving word of the great deeds committed by the armies Xeinos, on behalf of the malformed people of the Island of Dr Moreau I would like to provide assistance to your cause, Polemarch. I have sent you an aid package that will help you rearm and reequip your armies in order to carry out the great deed.

Xenios hails the malformed-but-still-beautiful-in-the-eyes-of-God people of the Island of Dr Moreau, and thanks them for their generous gift. The aid is beening well spent in expanding Xenios and developing her infrastructure. Investment has also been made in special educational camps, where Xenioshian citizens can develop the skills they need to fully participate in the League of Anti-Judaizers' mission-work overseas. People from other nations friendly to Xenios are also welcome to visit these holiday-camps, situated in the beautiful Xenioshian forests, and learn useful survival skills.


[center][size=5][b]Greetings from Camp Independence![/b][/size][/center]

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Pelican Land is unimpressed by the "victories" Xenios has enjoyed over inactive, under strength nations. We suspect that in a fair fight, Xenios would be slaughtered.

Pelican Land now recognizes Xenios as a rogue nation.

Edited by Pelican Overlord
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The Pelican Lord's latest diplomatic ejaculation once again does nothing more than stain his own already low reputation on Planet Bob and reveals his hypocrisy. The last war that Pelican Land was involved in was a self-confessed raid on a non-aligned nation:


The ICC alliance is a one-nation group, and so the raid carried out by the PL was done by hiding under the petticoats of TENE alliance, and lash out at a weaker, unprotected nation. This is typical Jewish deception. Likewise, it can still be seen that Pelican Land retains "Judaism" as its official religion, despite declarations from its leader that the official religion would be changed to "none" some time ago. Such deception and hypocrisy can usually go unnoticed in the populous Planet Bob, but when dragged out before the light preached by Xenios, it becomes clear to see. This is the kind of deception that Xenios seeks to combat, through whatever means necessary. Military action is only required where the potential number of Xenioshian lives lost is minimized. The brave soldiers of the League are all willing to die for their cause, but the Polemarch deplores any lives lost battling regimes that are so unworthy and corrupt.

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[quote name='Horo the Wise Wolf' timestamp='1349990316' post='3040168']
Aid has also been sent from Yoitsu to Xenios, in hopes to ensure that Xenios can continue her crusade.

Hail to the Horo the Wise Wolf of Yitsu o/

Your troops and aid package is gratefully received by Xenios. The Yoitsu Warriors, already fearsome, have been fast-tracked through Xenios' training camps, so that they can form an integrated unit within the League. As a result, the two-thousand troops sent now have a fighting capability of over 5200!

These additional troops will help protect Xenios from any cowardly attacks by her enemies at home and continue the struggle abroad.

Edited by The Polemarch
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Sorry for the late response! I've been a bit busy lately.

[quote name='The Polemarch' timestamp='1349988526' post='3040151']

You have criticized the actions of Xenios quite publicly, on your information thread for Padiw. To say that you have been doing so "indirectly" and in a "rather silent way" is an admission of how Planet Bob sees your nation as unworthy of attention. That you join those nations who choose to hijack official dispatches from Xenios simply means that you should refer to my previous broadcast, in which your actions are deplored, but not condemned. Xenios recognizes that the PPoP is particularly constrained by the Zionist forces controlling the media, government, and main businesses of Padiw, and you are duty-bound to offer criticism. May the light preached from Xenios and her allies throughout Planet Bob touch your heart, and encourage you to throw of the chains imprisoning your people.

When I wrote that I was criticizing your crimes "indirectly in a rather silent way", I was being modest, but I was by no means "admitting" that Padiw was unworthy of the world's attention. For, well, someone like you, you really have a talent for spinning the truth. Besides, as you may already know, the Padiwan e-newsletter has gained a considerable number of views, which is a fact that I normally would not mention except when responding to remarks like yours.

Also, I would like to question your claims that your critics are "hijacking" Xenioshian (I am assuming that that is the correct denonym) dispatches. Are they truly attempting to hijack your government's news thread, or are they simply exercising their freedom of speech by voicing their comments? Please consider that.

Most importantly, you have completely failed to even try and refute my accusations of oppression, imperialism, and hypocrisy, which, in my view, only supports the belief that you cannot justify your actions adequately. You may write that my words were not worthy of a response from you, or something along those lines, but your failure to respond to my strong attacks is truly a matter that is worth looking in to.

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Greetings to the Puppet-President of Padiw!

[quote name='BillJoeson' timestamp='1350098208' post='3040922']
When I wrote that I was criticizing your crimes "indirectly in a rather silent way", I was being modest...[/quote]

If you have to point out you're "being modest", then you're doing it wrong.

For the sake of diplomacy I must direct my replies to you directly, though in reality I realize that you write nothing publicly without the approval of your Jewish paymasters, who fill your congress and pass laws that oppress the rest of your populace. You too are constrained, but not through oppression but through the trappings of "Presidency" and "international diplomacy": by these vulgar vanities you are captivated and ignore the suffering of your people. It is also the Jews within your government and the media which compel you to criticize Xenios.

[quote]Are they truly attempting to hijack your government's news thread, or are they simply exercising their freedom of speech by voicing their comments? Please consider that.[/quote]

I have and it is still the former. Every thread here is "public", and so freedom of speech can be exercised by, for example, posting denouncements on individual national threads, rather than here. As previously mentioned - but dismissed by you (sorry, by your handlers) as "spin" - the choice of expressing opposition here is a clear recognition of Xenios' power and authority: dictating both the content of the denouncements and their location. If this were not true, then the condemnations would appear on the "Padiw", "Winner", "Pelican Land" etc. national threads [i]only[/i], and not here; of course, if Xenios' message really had no power it would not be mentioned at all. Please consider that.... or pass the message on to your Jewish masters and get them to formulate your reply.

[quote]Most importantly, you have completely failed to even try and refute my accusations of oppression, imperialism, and hypocrisy, which, in my view, only supports the belief that you cannot justify your actions adequately. You may write that my words were not worthy of a response from you, or something along those lines, but your failure to respond to my strong attacks is truly a matter that is worth looking in to.[/quote]

These accusations are the most important, though the fact that the PPoP put them forward is barely worth a mention. However, for those who do think for themselves and are not driven by fear their comfortable, materialistic lives are threatened, then I will respond to these points, but later. Here in Xenios the leader actually has a role in running the country, which I understand is not how things are done in Padiw. A response to these accusations will be forthcoming.

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Hostilities with the "Messianic Jews" (re: Judaizing heretics) of Israel have ceased, Xenios emerging as the triumphant victor. After the fall of President Volker's government, Xenioshian soldiers worked hard in dismantling the infrastructure of the state, so that its threat can be fully minimized.

The efforts of three nations in sending Israel aid packages totaling $9,000,000 failed by the grace of the God they do not worship. Xenios recommends that the soldiers sent by Isaac Matthew II and Mogar return home with their aid packages. There the money can be better spent in giving every Jew in those lands a one-way air-ticket to a deserted island so they my try and set up a Talmudic nation there, instead of trying to grow a parasitic network that crosses borders and seeks to enslave the entire world of Bob.

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