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Once more into the breach my friends, once more!

Zoot Zoot

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The crowds had gathered in the town of Windsor at the castles main gates to hear to proclamation from one of Englands leading faces for Independance, something finally granted by German authorities after a hard fought nationwide petition.

"Queen Janes England and Reichtenburg's England. Both different, and both alike, both failed. England has been at war, seen peace, prospered and withered. We have lost our identity through a series of failed Governments. Something I wish to address. I will restore England's national identity, I want to re-open Englands diplomatic contacts after the Windsor regime closed so many doors." he paused to take a small breath.

"My name is Dominic Plantagenet, rightful heir to the English throne, and by the power granted to me by Parliament, declare England and Wales an independant nation, an Anglo/Welsh free state." he finished, throwing his hands into the air and cheering with the thousands and thousands of those who came out and travelled far and wide to see the declaration. On the inside of the gate, marched out a grenadier marching band to the outer gates, and began playing Englands anthem, a tune every Englishman knew. All sang, Dominic whispering softly to himself the words as he gazed out across his Kingdom.


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As it was still questionable if France itself would ever regain a diplomatic voice, for now, the court had to improvise. And thus, Josephine had o pay the porto to send a personal letter, instead of an announcement of the French state.

[quote][i]To the esteemed King Dominic Plantagenet,

let me congratulate you and your people on regaining independence. We saw many regimes set food in England and we saw many of them fail. Thus, it is my hope that for once, your regime will be one of stability and prosperity. My nation, France, has had varying relations with yours for a long time, ranging from utmost hostility, like the Hundred Years War, to times of friendship and cooperation, like in the Entente cordiale. I hereby express my sincerest wish that we can continue in the latter tradition and overcome the bad atmosphere left behind by the disputes between my father and Jane of Grey, which was the last flare up of hostilities between our nations.

While I myself am not able to leave this place for a bit of time, as I got to take care of various matters, I would ask for a meeting at a later point of time, where I can see you face-to-face. This would be possible for me, beginning next month, when I would be free and prepared to visit your country for talks. In the meanwhile, I hope for you to fare well,
With regards,[/i]

[font="Monotype Corsiva"][size="4"]Josephine d'Orléans[/size][/font][/quote]

Together with the letter would come two bars of fine Wallonian Confisserie.

[b]OOC:[/b] Next month = Once my Queen returned from talking to Cents commission.

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The Kingdom of England would like to extend a thankyou to those nations who have recognised our independance so far and we look forward to further recognition around the world.
[b]Private response to France[/b]

To: Josephine d'Orléans, Queen of France
From: Dominic Plantagenet, King of England

I wish to personally thank you for your handwritten message of congratulations for the English people. France and England have indeed been rivals for centuries and close allies at times of calamity such as the World Wars. The girl Queen Jane was nought but a Pretender with a knack for charisma. I cannot justify her sins, but I can move past them and continue forward with my own agenda and foreign policy aimed at reconciliation with nations that England has historically bad relations with through either past actions or in my family name such as an Uncle of mine several years ago who ruled a portion of Northern France several years ago.

The start of next month works fine for me, if you inform my Office before your departure of France, I shall have Sandringham Estate made ready for your stay.

Regards Dominic Plantagenet[/quote]

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[quote][b]From His Majesty The King of Ireland[/b]


[b]To King Dominic Plantagenet of England[/b]

Your Majesty,

From what it seems, the England you and your new government has founded is without a doubt the most realistic and culturally correct nation to arise within your borders in a very long time. The last few nations to arise in Great Britain have caused some problems for Ireland and others in Europe including Germany and Athens but I am sure that you will ensure our Kingdoms may exist in peace and harmony; working together for the betterment of these islands. I'm currently working out business with my own government itself however hopefully soon we can either meet or get some official diplomatic talks out of the way to ensure to the world that we want peace for the future. I hope to speak to you in the future.

From One King to Another,

[b]King Anthony Patrick O'Reilly
Sovereign of Ireland[/b][/quote]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote]To: King Anthony Patrick O'Reilly, King of Ireland
From: Dominic Plantagenet, King of England

I hope to repair damage done by my predecessors to Englands reputation over the coming months, and I would be pleased to meet with you in either Windsor or Dublin to discuss matters of great importance to a positive Anglo/Irish relationship.

Dominic Plantagenet, King of England[/quote]

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[quote]"I cannot describe how pleased I am to see at last a truly English government return to the Isles after years and years of unstable rule by everything from Germanic militants to child queens on the throne. And I can only hope that this signifies the beginning of renewed prosperity and happiness for the English people, and that England will as a new presence in the European political scene act as a stabilising and peaceful influence. Thus on behalf of the Republic of Pará I extend diplomatic recognition and welcomings to the reborn kingdom of England; may you at last find the peace and prosperity that has evaded the isles for so long."[/quote]

- Premier Isabel Vieira

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[quote][b]From His Majesty The King of Ireland[/b]


[b]To King Dominic Plantagenet of England[/b]

I would be honored to host a visit from you here in Ireland. As we prepare for the winter things are getting busy around here but hosting a meeting would be no problem at all. I understand with England just declaring its sovereignty you may be busy but feel free to come to Dublin as soon as you want so long as you give us a warning at least twenty-four hours in advance.

Best Regards,

[b]King Anthony Patrick O'Reilly
Sovereign of Ireland[/b][/quote]

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