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The lines had been drawn in the sand the moment the military pulled out of the north. Rio Grande du Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and Minas Garais had secceded from the Brazillian Republic after civil unrest had divided the Government of the Commonwealth territory. Appealing to the Imperial seat of Government in Uruguay, the Empress decreed New Brazil to be a new nation under the Imperial Commonwealth.

With New Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile all under the secure hands of the Imperial Government, and the northern territories quickly unified together as a single body to challenge the Empire. A pretender Emperor in the North proclaimed himself the Holy American Empire's reborn champion, a man to reunify the continent and take back the former lands of an ancient Empire. His declaration lead to a rallying of the deserter forces, and even some forces that were loyal to the Empire turned around and rallied to his banners. He had in his grasp nuclear weapons, thirty thousand treasonous soldiers, fifty thousand deserter soldiers and enough weapons, ammunition and fuel to supply them all. The northern fleets removed themselves from harms way, but submarines would blockade the harbours. He had no warships and no warplanes.

The Pretender declared war on the Imperium. Along the frontlines, hundreds of thousands of soldiers moved north once again, they were to obliterate this rebellion.

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[b]Bolivia-Amazonian border[/b]

The dense jungles were playing havoc with the advancing Imperial Army, the 1st Light Corps was specially trained for advances and combat in such terrain. Their objective was Rio Branco, along the north Bolivia border. The 2nd Light Corps was moving towards Porto Velho. These two cities where vital to the war effort which would eventually engulf the entire Amazon basin and eastwards along the river.

SATINT and HUMINT sources indicated minimal hostile forces within the cities, but enough to threaten the supplies lines as the advance moved further through the forest on the newly constructed highways.

Leading the advance, two companies of Light Infantry and one company of artillery moved into position on the southern edges of Rio Branco under the cover of darkness whilst J-STAR's and AWAC's worked at identifying the enemy positions. One squadron of Widowmaker II's was on station in Bolivia ready to render airborne assistance if requested. Similar forces amassed on the riverbanks a few miles south of Porto Velho. Marine elements in heavily armed river gunboats aswell as a company of marines, two companys of Light infantry and two artillery companys. Ontop of that a squadron of AH-64D apache longbows operating out of a nearby airbase that had been reactivated would be used in the assault.

They would wait, hidden for as long as it took for other units to move into position outside Culaba, a city in old Brazil to the south west. All three cities would be assaulted within minutes of eachother.

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[b]New Brazil/Old Brazil Border and the Paraguay/Old Brazil border[/b]

Two Heavy Corps in Paraguay and New Brazil began establishing themselves around the cities of Campo Grande, Uberlandia, Vitoria and Belo Horizonte. The Heavy Corps packed the heaviest punch in the entire Imperial Army, with all four cities completly surrounded by men, armour and artillery, they were locked down. Mechanised Recon Companies moved in close around all of the cities and provided HUMINT information for aerial observers in AWAC's and J-STARs aswell as directing UCAV's to perform strikes against targets of importance within the cities.


"Sir we are under attack across our entire front and we lack the forced needed to repel them or get out the garrisons."
"Nuke them, wipe out Montevideo, our largest weapon."
"Yes Sir"

Minutes after the order was given, a single 20 megaton nuclear ICBM roared into the sky over South America and beelined towards Montevideo. Ballistic Missile defences in place activated across the Imperium, as the missile entered terminal phase, the liklihood of interception narrowed significantly. A theatre BMD, a THAAD system a few miles north of Montevideo nailed the missile using a kinetic energy warhead. The nuke, now in freefall in pieces, crashed down just outside of Montevideo to the North, promting the CRBN forces to be called out to quarantine the area and clean up the radioactive debris.

[b]Undisclosed location within the Andes mountains[/b]

"They fired out own nukes against us?" asked Alice, her face in shock.
"Yes Ma'am, our defences stopped it in its terminal phase, what should our course of action be?"
"Return fire, strategic weapons, target Georgetown, Paramaribo and Cayenne.

Once again, within minutes missile defences, this time across the north activated, trying to down the incoming 20 megaton nuclear weapons. Georgetown was saved as its missile would shot down over the rainforest, Paramaribo and Cayenne however were wiped out. The civil war had gone up a notch to an extreme level.

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[b]Campo Grande[/b]

News of the nuclear attacks reached the men on the ground very quickly, prompting the rapid deployment of theatre BMD shields around the various battlegroups around the city of Campo Grande. Under the cover of darkness and the constant aerial attacks by the airforce on the town an Umbrella Heavy Mechanised Infantry Regiment had moved into position a few miles inside the seige lines of the town. A force of only 5000 men, they were the first on the scene along with two companies from the Umbrella Heavy Field Artillery Regiment.

An artillery volly was fired using Commonwealth satellites to locate rebel positions. Four MLRS batteries, 10 AS-90 155mm artillery howizters and twenty five M777 towed 155mm artillery batteries began a six hour long barrage on the Peruvian defences using M982 Excalibur rounds against enemy positions before turning their attention to suppression.

Forward Scimitar II recon armoured vehicles that were crawling towards the outskirts of the city sent back coordinates from their recon squads back to the artillery firebases for fire support, aswell as using the forty man sniper platoon to spot hidden enemy formations and field commanders. Using the GPS guidance to lead the DPICM rounds onto target, the mix of anti armour and anti personel rounds would explode over the enemy positions, peppering deadly munitions across the armoured units of the rebel Forces. AS-90's continued firing the Excalibur DPICM anti armour shells towards the defending enemy whilst the M777's fired excalibre DPICM anti personel shells towards approaching infantry. MLRS batteries continued their suppressive vollys against the enemy artillery and anti air positions.

With UMBRELLA ONE moving out of orbit UMBRELLA TWO began moving into the sector, ajusting itself in space to remain over the battlespace the MLRS firebases continued to track the semi mobile towed artillery. A second barrage of rocket artillery lasting another two hours fell on the artillery crews.

The lead Imperial Snipers concealed in high rises and concealed positions on the ground slowed their shooting to remain hidden for as long as possibe, shooting only at targets they could definately kill. Priorities were officers and drivers in lightly armoured vehicles.

AS-90's switched from DPICM munitions to SADARM shells, which stood for "Project Sense and Destroy ARMor", which would continue until enemy vehicles and armour were disabled or destroyed. M777's continued furing a mixture of DPICM AP and DPICM AT shells at rebel forces.

A platoon of Hector Rapid Deployment Vehicle on the far left flanks of the battle line moved into a right flank formation, bringing direct fire onto enemy forces, using SABOT rounds against armoured vehicles and HE ammunition for large groups of clustered infantry.

Commonwealth snipers not part of the leading edge of the friendly line began setting up across the landscape in key locations of strategic interest, but ensuring to be spread out enough not to arouse suspicion.

Forward recon units and two companies of light infantry moved up to the outskirts along the central line of advance, taking great care to remain hidden, waiting for the order to open fire.

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The battlefields of Uberlandia, Vitoria, Belo Horizonte, Porto Velho, Rio Branco and Culaba were now secure from Rebel forces, having utterly destroyed the rebels in each of the cities, capturing thousands of P.O.W's, aswell as liberating the people, the forces involved couldnt stop, leaving behind token garrison forces, the first and second light corps continued their advance northwards into the Amazon basin, following the river Rio Madeira towards the cities of Manaus and Santarem.

The Heavy Corps, minus the Mechanised Infantry Regiment and Heavy Field Artillery Regiment, continued their advance north along the coastline towards Salvador, a strongpoint in the rebels network of fortified cities, but the airforce would handle Salvador before the ground troops moved in.


[b]Operation Saturation V-2[/b]

As the battle raged through the day around Salvador and it became apparent that the Imperium had regained the outer districts of the city and had effectivly halted the rebel forces, military planners began organising a massive bombing raid against the city. It would require the deployment of the entire B-2 fleet against the city. With each plane capable of carrying 36 750 pound JDAMMS, J-STAR's and recon units on the ground would guide the bombs into the enemy positions across the entire city, the satuaration bombing would be followed by a six hour long artillery barrage and then the final advance by heavy tanks and assault regiments on the city itself.

With such a concentration of strategic bombers, a large escort would be required for the mission. F-22's, whilst now reduced in airborne numbers in the theatres, were running 24 hour missions to maintain the superiority of the battlespace whilst other aircraft such as the Widowmaker II performed air to ground attacks in support of the The First Rapid Reaction Corps which had been ground to a total halt as night fell when it encountered a substantial force of rebel forces Rio Madeira.

Using the stealth of both aircraft types and the extremely reduced RADAR and air defence in the area due to the on-going campaign to eradicate the rebel towns defences by strike aircraft, it was relativly easy to fly into Old Brazil and reach Salvador. The bombing began at 11pm and as wave after wave passed over the town, the devestation spread. Being a large city of 3.5 million, military intel suggested that 75% of enemy forces being eradicated. However, now that the Rebels knew they had been struck back deep, they had a chance to respond and it was not long until the first cries of panic crackled over the radio as a surface to air missile struck a B-2, causing it to go down in the darkness, its crew bailed out and trapped behind enemy lines. More of the fighters went down over the course of the raid from anti aircraft ordenance than bombers but when the raid was over the cost was apparent.

[b]Campo Grande[/b]

The relentless artillery barrage that lasted through the night, followed by constant air strikes during the morning had ensured that nobody in the city had been to sleep for nearly 36 hours. The garrison forces, exhausted, rallied themselves in the face of the impending assault along the southern and eastern edges of the city, sparking running gun battles along the outskirts between recon elements of the Imperial Army and rebels along the defences.

The concentration of nearly the entire garrison and its milita forces along the defences presented a target of oppertunity for the Empire. The arillery now positioned outside of the city numbered nearly 1800 guns. AS90's, M207 MLRS Rocket Artillery and L118 Light Towed Artillery batteries had firmly established their dominance over the night and would provide cover fire as the ground forces moved in, or so was the plan.

When military planners were informed of the defenders positions, he simpled order the artillery regiment to reign down death apon them.

On his order, a barrage that would be kept up for nearly 24 hours against the outskirts of the city, on the defenders, began. By the time it was over and recon units began moving into the city, the landscape resembled the moon, it was almost as thought the outer city had never existed. It was just a case of cleaning up what small pockets remained.

Once Campo Grande was secured, both Umbrella Humanitarian Disaster Relief Service Divisions and the 1st Umbrella Dedicated Military Medical Service Division were deployed to the city for disaster relief and humanitarian aid.

The assaulting force, complete with nearly no casualties, waited just long enough for a full re-supply of ammunition before turning their sights on Golania, the next step efore Brasilia.

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The saturation campaign yielded good results for the Imperium as nearly all of the rebels armour and artillery was destroyed aswell as a good portion of its manpower, but now they had to take the city. Salvador, as HUMINT and SATINT had indicated, was a hotbed of secessionist beliefs, not only did the city play host to a small number of deserter soldiers, but a large militia garrison and a hostile population within the city. A day before the attack began, bombers flying overhead dropped leaflets offering a ceasefire period for the inhabitants to withdraw all non combatants before the Imperial Army moved in. Nobody left the city.

Fifty thousand soldiers had surrounded the city on its landward side, across the bay in Itaparica played host to the command center and artillery base with several wings of strike aircraft overhead running combat air patrols overhead for support. Batteries of artillery had been established, ready to bombard the tougher areas of resistance in the city if encountered. During the night, two companies of recon infantry had infiltrated the city in section strength at many locations around the city and established covert forward operating bases that would co-ordinate the assault once it was in the city. Four companies of Challenger III tanks moved into position just before dawn and made ready to spearhead the assault on the city, behind these would follow five mechanised companies of line infantry.

Using J-STARS, UAV's, AWACS, and the HUMINT forces on the ground, the surviving rebel forces were identified and mapped out and their movements within the city allowing for a real time interactive battlefield for commanders in Itaparica to co-ordinate the assault along with the FOB's within the city.

As dawn broke, the armoured fist advanced into the city with light infantry support forming up from the districts taken before the saturation raid, moving south in two columns along the mainroads in and out of Salvador to the east and west, they quickly made ground and captured the airport in the east and the Parque Florestal da Represa in the west.

As the mechanised infantry regiments caught up, the armour columns, now hitting more densly populated districts found itself under attack across its entire line of advance, forcing it to be ground to a halt. Overhead, Widowmakers and A-10's used their dominance of the skies to lay down suppressing firepower against the Rebel forces from the air as light infantry used the cover provided to move through the districts on foot, along with their heavier counterparts and perform flanking attacks down the line.

Batteries of artillery on Itaparica used their position to trap the rebel forces in the northern battlelines of the city by bombarding their rear positions, giving them no place to retreat. M207 Rocket Artillery, using M31 high explosive Guided Unitary munitions, launched continuous attacks against the Southern edges of the city, destroying weapons/ammo depots aswell as restricting the mobility of rebel reinforcements to the frontline.

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[b]Undisclosed location in the Andes Mountains - Imperial Command Bunker[/b]

Alice was tired, her hair hung loose around her shoulders and the fingers on her left hand had a yellow tinge from the chain smoking.
"General, give me a situation report" she rasped.

"Well Alice, our advance collapsed across the entire frontline. Word spread throughout the army of the losses you inflicted against the North with our nuclear counter attack and our army formations refuse to advance any further until aid is sent north."

"What would you have me do General? I will not allow the Holy American Empire to rise again, we must keep pushing forwards." she said, exasperated and strained. She had spent her entire life at war, but never from behind a desk. Barney would of known what to do, but he was dead.

"Alice, our only option is to move the fleet North, the entire fleet, use the marines to stage landings across the North and find this !@#$%^&, the nukes wiped out most of their forces, if we can just find the pretenders bunker, we are set on a winning course of action." he responded.

"What about Salvador?"

"Well, its a tough nut to crack, our forces are bogged down in the city, the urban environment is prooving a little trickier than anticipated by commanders on the ground. It turns out the streets are too narrow for most of our larger armour, so its a block by block infantry battle. So far we control around 60% of the city, including all exit routes. Our artillery covers the bay and our corvettes are providing sea based firesupport and preventing ammo and medical supplies being smuggled in for the rebels"

"What of the collaterol damage and civilian deaths? General?"

"Well, true be told, we dont know, Salvador is a big city, but we also know many people fled when war broke out. It could be anywhere between ten and ten thousand, I honestly dont know. Alice."

"Ok, well. Deploy the fleet to the North and and begin marine operations along the north coast, if you require the extra manpower, deploy the paratroopers aswell."

"Yes Ma'am."

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[b]Imperial Intel Command Center - Amazon Basin, undisclosed co-ordinates[/b]

"Sir, we have found him, we intercepted radio transmissions from this location, vocal anaylsis has confirmed a 99% match to the Pretender, what are your orders?"
"A neutron strike, its small and the radiation that kills him and the compound guards will dissipate after a few days allowing us to identify the body." an ashen faced Commander responded.
"Yes Sir"


A lone B-2 bomber made its way to the bunkers location and dropped a one kiloton neutron bomb. Everything within 1600m of the epicenter was killed within minutes from massive burns and radiation poisoning. Five days later, special forces mvoed in and recovered the body of the pretender. After being put on display for the nation to see on national news, it was taken down and buried in an unmarked grave in the rainforest. The war was over. But it was all too much.

The Empire was no more. Alice sent a communique to Mexico requesting that they administer the Empire aswell as the location for all, now secured nuclear weapons. Alice and the Umbrella Corporation executives boarded a ship leaving Montevideo as war refugee's, all the Corporations details on secure laptops. All sensitive designs, plans and files of the Government were destroyed utterly as were all confidential communiques to other governments and other assorted tattle.

Lost complete motivation for this war, I might thicken this out at somepoint just to make myself feel better about the way I finished with South America. Sorry for the extremly bad quality of this last post and I am ashamed to post it, but I cannot bring myself to write out more about this war at the moment.

My land is to revert to mexican protectorate as he is my geographically and politically my closest ally. I do wish it to remain protectorate or whitespace to allow new players to join the community and thrive. I apologise I did not do more with my masses of land, it is sort of the reason why I am letting it all go. I had to much land for any one player to have, for that I apologise. It had nothing to do with wanting to be shadow, but more to do with being wanted to be seen on the map. Good RPers I personally asscociate with large tracks of map land usually, i failed in my method to better my RP skills by gaining so much land. I got peru through genuine RP war, the rest of moving into empty space. The best part of RP I did was with Lynneth over the falklands, and although I got on your !@#$ OOCly, it was good fun ICly.

In the end, having so much land degraded my RPing to a point where I have even given up writing a civil war which would of downsized me by over 50%. I dont want to end up doing one liners like shadow did, so balls to it all, Im re-rolling.

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Upon receiving the communication, Mexico would begin sending 100,000 peacekeepers across the vast region. Rio would be covered by the Rio base, while Natal would be covered by the Natal base. Peacekeepers were instructed to work with local authorities in order to provide assistance to them and the local governments.

"The nation of Umbrella has fallen. We will honor the request of their former chancellor and protect the region and its people. We will work to clean up the radiation from the nuclear attacks, as well as begin reconstruction for the citizens who lost their homes. Their people are brothers and sisters to Latin America and to Mexico. Until the people are able to and ready to form a government and rule, Mexico will ensure their safety. We will protect this region from people who wish to expand for their own gains while the people suffer. Their sacrifice was unnecessary in a power struggle that brought an end to another Latin American nation. In memory of the innocent people who lost their lives in the Umbrella civil war, Mexico will fly the flag at half staff on Tuesday of next week."

OOC: The land will be a protectorate, open for new RPers or some who want to reroll.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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"Greenland is saddened by the collapse of its friends in the Umbrella Commonwealth, and commends its ally in Mexico in restoring order in a region that was once wracked by chaos and civil war. If Mexico should need assistance in reconstruction and radiation clean-up, we will provide."

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1345756842' post='3024602']
Upon receiving the communication, Mexico would begin sending 100,000 peacekeepers across the vast region. Rio would be covered by the Rio base, while Natal would be covered by the Natal base. Peacekeepers were instructed to work with local authorities in order to provide assistance to them and the local governments.

"The nation of Umbrella has fallen. We will honor the request of their former chancellor and protect the region and its people. We will work to clean up the radiation from the nuclear attacks, as well as begin reconstruction for the citizens who lost their homes. Their people are brothers and sisters to Latin America and to Mexico. Until the people are able to and ready to form a government and rule, Mexico will ensure their safety. We will protect this region from people who wish to expand for their own gains while the people suffer. Their sacrifice was unnecessary in a power struggle that brought an end to another Latin American nation. In memory of the innocent people who lost their lives in the Umbrella civil war, Mexico will fly the flag at half staff on Tuesday of next week."

OOC: The land will be a protectorate, open for new RPers or some who want to reroll.

Coronation Island -

Before the 900 scheduled departures could leave from Coronation Island they would receive an emergency instructions to drop into the Falkland islands and the South Sandwich islands. With Coronation Island being one of the closest locations towards the now defunct Umbrella controlled islands Virtus would likely not be beat, however, knowing that their neighbors possessed rather advanced militaries the Virtus personnel dispatched to the islands would keep an eye on their communications equipment and try to work with any nations also in the process of securing the various islands. Seeing as little had been heard from the nearest nation to the South Sandwich islands, however, there was little worry of any such complications from them. Some 500 of the 900 men would be dispatched on these securing missions, to be dropped by air onto the islands while cargo ships made ready to dispatch from Coronation full of humanitarian and other necessities should the Virtus contractors find civilians or others in need of assistance.

A dispatch would be sent to the Mexican government seeking clarification over its protectorate claims as the original Mexican message read as protecting the mainland only. The men would stay en-route until such a time as communications could be received from the Mexicans.

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"The Republic of Greater Colombia is saddened by the collapse of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella, and supports the efforts of Mexico to ensure the protection of the former lands of Umbrella. Given our proximity to these regions, we hope we can work with Mexico in providing security and security to the people of the Umbrellan State and South America as fellow members of the Latin American community. Given our current crisis, our ability to supply humanitarian assistance might be limited, although we can provide fuel oil assistance, as well as logistics and local security forces if needed.

We would like to discuss our commitments to South American security and economic development with Mexico, if possible, very soon."

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"Pará is most disappointed and saddened by the downfall of the Umbrella Imperium, who made the ultimate sacrifice to at last put a stop to the insanity of the Holy American rebels. I would like to reiterate the Colombian offer to Mexico; any assistance Pará can provide in securing safety and protection to the former Commonwealth is yours to guide, whether humanitarian, financial, economic, or logistical."

- Premier Isabel Vieira

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"The fall of Umbrella is an unfortunate thing, and though some of our assets in space are embroiled in a minor internal conflict, the Lunar Republic would like to offer Mexico and perhaps the Virtus operatives in the south atlantic assistance in securing and governing the South Sandwich Islands as well as the Falkland Islands.
We realize that such aid is not necessary, though once having been the foremost power in South America, we feel that this is the least we can do. Should more help be required, we would be glad to aid more."

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Tianxia would request of Mexico for the sake of continued global security that the areas in the very far south of the continent be made a TSI international zone similar to the Panama Canal so as to secure peace and freedom for all and maintain the sea lines as an instrument of global trade and not global terror.

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"While Colombia sees the logic behind Tianxia's request, we would respectfully ask that [i]if[/i] the southern extremities of South America are to be maintained as a Sovereign Initiative holding, that the Sovereign Initiative maintain free and unfettered access to the Drake Passage, and that no ship, military or civilian, have to petition to utilize it, which is the system in use by the TSI-Held Panama Canal. Furthermore, on that note, Colombia's request for unfettered naval access to the Panama Canal has been left ignored for nearly a calendar year now, and it would be pleasant to receive some form of response on that request."

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1345758017' post='3024606']
"Greenland is saddened by the collapse of its friends in the Umbrella Commonwealth, and commends its ally in Mexico in restoring order in a region that was once wracked by chaos and civil war. If Mexico should need assistance in reconstruction and radiation clean-up, we will provide."

**Private Reply**

At this time, the region will need a lot of work to rebuild. Radiation clean-up is also a necessity. We thank you for your offer of assistance.

[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1345758946' post='3024613']
Coronation Island -

Before the 900 scheduled departures could leave from Coronation Island they would receive an emergency instructions to drop into the Falkland islands and the South Sandwich islands. With Coronation Island being one of the closest locations towards the now defunct Umbrella controlled islands Virtus would likely not be beat, however, knowing that their neighbors possessed rather advanced militaries the Virtus personnel dispatched to the islands would keep an eye on their communications equipment and try to work with any nations also in the process of securing the various islands. Seeing as little had been heard from the nearest nation to the South Sandwich islands, however, there was little worry of any such complications from them. Some 500 of the 900 men would be dispatched on these securing missions, to be dropped by air onto the islands while cargo ships made ready to dispatch from Coronation full of humanitarian and other necessities should the Virtus contractors find civilians or others in need of assistance.

A dispatch would be sent to the Mexican government seeking clarification over its protectorate claims as the original Mexican message read as protecting the mainland only. The men would stay en-route until such a time as communications could be received from the Mexicans.

**Private Reply**

Protectorate claims are over all former Umbrella territory, as requested by their final leader. Until the protectorate is considered stable, we will have to ask that your men avoid the islands. Should they wish to enter to help maintain the peace alongside Mexico, they will be under the command of the Mexican military.

[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1345762438' post='3024631']
We commend our allies in mexico in restoring peace and stability to the region once again. We are prepared to send humanitarian and radiation cleanup supplies and workers, should you accept it.

**Private Reply**

Thank you for your offer of assistance for the region. The more who are willing to help, the sooner we can restore the region to its pre-conflict state. Humanitarian supplies will be needed in the areas most affected by the neutron bomb.

[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1345764022' post='3024638']
"The Republic of Greater Colombia is saddened by the collapse of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella, and supports the efforts of Mexico to ensure the protection of the former lands of Umbrella. Given our proximity to these regions, we hope we can work with Mexico in providing security and security to the people of the Umbrellan State and South America as fellow members of the Latin American community. Given our current crisis, our ability to supply humanitarian assistance might be limited, although we can provide fuel oil assistance, as well as logistics and local security forces if needed.

We would like to discuss our commitments to South American security and economic development with Mexico, if possible, very soon."

**Private Reply**

You may set up a diplomatic meeting with an ambassador through our Secretariat of External Relations. As for assistance, we will be working together in East Venezuela as well as in the former Umbrella territory that was hit by the weapon. Logistical assistance through the region is where your resources would be best allocated at this time.

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1345765349' post='3024646']
"Pará is most disappointed and saddened by the downfall of the Umbrella Imperium, who made the ultimate sacrifice to at last put a stop to the insanity of the Holy American rebels. I would like to reiterate the Colombian offer to Mexico; any assistance Pará can provide in securing safety and protection to the former Commonwealth is yours to guide, whether humanitarian, financial, economic, or logistical."

- Premier Isabel Vieira

**Private Reply**

In the regions, logistical assistance and humanitarian supplies is where your resources can be best allocated for this effort. Mexico would like to thank Pará for working to better Latin America.

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1345772114' post='3024683']
"The fall of Umbrella is an unfortunate thing, and though some of our assets in space are embroiled in a minor internal conflict, the Lunar Republic would like to offer Mexico and perhaps the Virtus operatives in the south atlantic assistance in securing and governing the South Sandwich Islands as well as the Falkland Islands.
We realize that such aid is not necessary, though once having been the foremost power in South America, we feel that this is the least we can do. Should more help be required, we would be glad to aid more."

**Private Reply**

At this time, your assistance is not required. Thank you for your offer.

OOC: I apologize for the shortness of this post; It has been a busy weekend. I'll begin writing rebuilding RP some time this week. For now, feel free to start the diplomacy thread Shammy. Also, for those that offered, feel free to send what has been accepted for help as well. I'll respond to the TSI/Drake Passage stuff tomorrow.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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**Private Reply**

Protectorate claims are over all former Umbrella territory, as requested by their final leader. Until the protectorate is considered stable, we will have to ask that your men avoid the islands. Should they wish to enter to help maintain the peace alongside Mexico, they will be under the command of the Mexican military.[/quote]

Classified Response:

Very well, the men and material will continue on course and will secure the regions until Mexican personnel can catch up. Virtus's contractors will be instructed to follow Mexican commands so long as they do not violate Virtus International's operating guidelines. Note, however, that Virtus will not supply our services free of charge for an indefinite period of time in lands that owe no allegiance to the company.

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After receiving Mexico's response, the Ministry of Disaster Relief Management launched a more broader version of the humanitarian efforts currently underway in Colombia. Ports in Florida became hives of bustling activity as cargo ships of all types were, around-the-clock, packed full with large quantities of food, supplies, medical equipment, radiation cleanup equipment, construction materials, and construction equipment; they would proceed on to Brazilian ports, where they would be unloaded and the supplies and equipment would make their way to the afflicted areas.

At around the same time, C-17 Globemaster IIIs would fly toward South America, carrying large quantities of the aforementioned supplies and equipment. They would arrive at or near the wartorn regions/cities like Uberlandia, Vitoria, Rio Branco, Culaba, Salvador, where Greenlandic aid officials and workers would proceed on to work together with their Mexican counterparts in clearing the rubble, treating the wounded, burying the dead, rebuilding/fixing damaged or destroyed buildings, etc.

Twenty Radiological Emergency Response Teams would be flown in by air to the nuclear wreckages of Paramaribo and Cayenne, as well the areas affected by the neutron bomb, where they would immediately do their work.

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